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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. Ohhhh, we would have so much fun. The Sierras really are breathtaking in any season, but I love fall the best.
  2. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!~D Saturday!!! Busy weekend. I am taking middle DD to the coast today and tomorrow and we’re doing the Passport to Purity thing from Family Life Today. I did it a couple of years ago with oldest DD. The curriculum is pretty intense, but it’s good. We listen to CDs, which will happen mostly while we are driving. But, I think it will be good.
  3. I went to the mountains today to visit families. It was a lovely drive. The forests are evergreen, so no spectacular colors, but there was an oak tucked in here and there that had changed and a few yellow or red shrubs. It was a very nice drive and I had wonderful visits with the families.
  4. For future reference, this stuff https://www.amazon.com/Earthley-Wellness-Magnesium-Candelilla-Essential/dp/B08123LW4Q?pd_rd_w=FgYEG&content-id=amzn1.sym.adeb688d-35a7-4952-bbb3-fcbab0fec4f0&pf_rd_p=adeb688d-35a7-4952-bbb3-fcbab0fec4f0&pf_rd_r=VRA584G22C4JFZHYT2NY&pd_rd_wg=oqNP0&pd_rd_r=3941daa7-2039-47ae-bc2d-fae7de7e1976&pd_rd_i=B08123LW4Q&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_40_t is the best stuff ever. I actually learned about it on the chat board. it helps you sleep so well and I never wake up groggy.
  5. Good Morning! COFFEE!!~D Fri-yay!! School and work. I am driving to the mountains to see a couple of families today. DH comes home today.
  6. Can't wait to see those pictures. And yes, it is sharing with friends.
  7. Hmm, I never thought about naming my laptop. I should think about that.
  8. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!~D Friday Eve!! School and work!! No family meetings today. I gotta pound out work samples, though. Those are due tomorrow. Time to turn the phone off and focus. GB, what do you mean by “correct” County library??
  9. My daughter sees a pediatric ophthalmologist and it takes hours and hours. At first it irritated me, but now… it is what it is. He sees a lot of babies and they often take time. And he’s the only one in our region, so he is always overbooked.
  10. Well, at least you don't have to do the colonoscopy.🤣
  11. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!~D Humph Day!! School for some, work for others. DH is driving to Palm Springs for a work event. He’s leaving this morning and coming home on Friday. I always love hearing about your Science Center, Toto. If you ever want to open a West Coast Satellite, I’m you’re gal.
  12. Good Morning!! COFFEE!!~D Tuesday!! School for some, work for others.
  13. The potato soup was a hit. Had the share the recipe. The weather has cooled down nicely.
  14. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!~D Monday!!😩😩😩😩 School for some, work for others. And soccer and cheer. I have an in person staff meeting today which includes a potluck. i am bringing potato soup, but I forgot to get disposable bowls when I shopped on Friday. I really hope I have some on hand. i hate running to the store for just one thing. I hate running to the store for lots of things. I just hate running to the store. DH is traveling for work this week. Not looking forward to that.
  15. Good Morning!!, COFFEE!!~D Sunday!! Church!! I got all the things done yesterday. One batch of bread turned out terrible, so I had to throw it out, but the other two were fine and the pumpkin muffins were delish. So were the soups. We went to Baby’s game. The football team clobbered their opponent as usual. I really wish they could be in a different league so they could actually get some competition, but I don’t think pop warner football works like that.
  16. I am waiting at soccer tryouts for the girls to finish. One batch of pumpkin muffins is out of the oven, the next batch is ready to go in when I get home. Bread is rising.
  17. I love his music. It makes me very emotional. Especially, of course, “Annie’s Song”. I get choked up every time I hear that song. “My Calypso” is another favorite.
  18. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!!~D Saturday!!! I am doing more cooking for the in-laws today. They are moving next Friday to assisted living. I think that will be very good for them. Our church runs a care facility that runs all the way from independent apartments (where my mom is) to skilled nursing. It is a very nice facility. Anyhow, I have potato soup in the crock pot and will get some ham and bean soup started as soon as I take the older girls to soccer tryouts. The weather is turning this week. from the 90’s last week to the low 70’s. All I can say is, “It’s about time you got here, Fall.”. Definitely soup weather. And I will bake some bread and pumpkin muffins for them as well. Tonight is Baby’s last game she’s cheering at. Well, last regular season game. Playoffs is next and since the team she cheers for completely annihilated every single team they played, my guess is that they will go all the way. So, that’s one more month of football games. Sigh.
  19. I made it back from the AFSA. Baby is feeding Screech right now. Not very well, since she is screeching, I think she is still hungry.
  20. Get her a cute little Lululemon bag that can only hold a small wallet and a phone.
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