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Posts posted by MooCow

  1.  my mom first got sick in California shortly after we moved to Arizona. I was recovering from emergency major surgery and I had a new baby. With a lot of help we moved her to Arizona. Then we moved to the South, and by the time she went to the hospital for the last time she did not have my current phone number. If she needed anything she had to call my husband. I don't want to go into all the details, but it took me years to recover from everything. 

    I was poa for everything, with my dh as backup. Luckily I had a good relationship with all of her doctors, we had contacted hospice to help us, and I've told the story before how I got into a huge fight with hospice because she wanted me to take my mom home to my house to die in front of my young son. 

     In the end, I did enough so that I could look in the mirror and not feel guilty, and still be able to live with myself. Honestly I think that's all that can be done if anyone decides to take on elder Care.

    • Like 3
  2. Happy Sunday! 

    Woke up late again, dh really needs to go to bed earlier so that I can have my alone time at a reasonable time and not have to wait up so late for it.

    No school for me today too much chaos in the house. 

    Put away laundry, do hubby's laundry 

    Will update later 

    @mom31257 have you thought about subbing?

    • Like 4
  3. I just did my walk.

    Did some 90 minute foot peel....all I can say is it was hard to walk with it on my feet. 

    My cat is being the biggest whiner 59er ever! She is literally crying at my office door to get in! So I gave her some treats 😁 

    Invited dh to join my walks, guess now I'll take two 😂 

    Finish my nails 

    Must eat something, haven't been hungry all day...

    @TravelingChris praying you get some relief 

    @TexasProud praying for you and everything that is on your plate

    • Like 3
  4. Took a shower, wash my hair and conditioned it, did a face mask, did that cheese grater thing on my feet, and a one minute scrub on my hands.

    Getting rid of my bras because they're way too big now, luckily because I'm a shopaholic I have some that fit now. Also getting rid of some of my leggings because they make me look bigger than I am they're so baggy.  

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  5. Ugh, I do not like rude, mean people. The irony is not lost on me that this is a group to help others yet they are being Giant a-holes to their fellow volunteers smh 

    I would definitely call them out on this. It is unacceptable and sometimes you just have to parent adults when they don't know how to behave properly.

    I'm sorry they are being such insertbadwordhere.

    • Like 1
  6. Just got my lazy bottom dollar out of bed. 

    Welcomed my daughters best friend, gave her lots of love and support and had them cracking up as they were leaving to drive to their other best friend's house. 

    Shower, wash hair, turn down the heaters because they were still set high for when the baby was here and I now realize that's why I've been having headaches. 

    Lots and lots of stuff to do not sure yet what I will try to accomplish, I will have to come back later and update. 

    @TravelingChris prayers for you, please try to take it easy! Gentle nagging, Scout is right ♥️

    • Like 4
  7. Welp, I have successfully gained a pound or two today...my people finally went to bed, I ate some cookies I had time to hide because I decided they were mine since I'm the only one who did any cleaning these last two days... pfft. Ok, I might have shared them w/my dd, but she then went upstairs,so i consider it a win! Got cleaned up and now I'm in my nest listening to dh snore because he refuses to order new masks....going to shop on dermstore and hopefully not really buy lol 

    @mom31257 and @TheReader it sounds like y'all had a wonderful time with your families! I'm glad! 

    Hope everyone sleeps good!

    • Like 3
  8. I've bought nothing except a few items on sephoria. I walked away from my carts...I did get a pan from Amazon that said I wasn't going to get it until March... Turns out I'm not very good at judging size. I pulled it out of the box and showed my husband and he's like wow dear that's a very small pot! 😂 So I will return it eventually. Going to eat some leftovers and clean the kitchen or maybe I'll do that opposite

    • Like 5
  9. Good morning! I've been up for a couple of hours, I guess I should go to bed at 8:00 everyday lol. 

    Help youngest order his Christmas stuff off Amazon. 

    Probably end up ordering myself some stuff and I need something else for DH. 

    Clean the kitchen to my specifications and run a load of dishes. 

    Put away my laundry 

    Take a shower and wash my hair it's cold here, brrr 

    Fix my nails 

    Must walk 


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