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Everything posted by lea_lpz

  1. Thank you for that. Being pregnant was a surprise as was expecting twins. I have no family history. I have a mix of feelings. A lot of excite my but a lot of fear- the pregnancy, juggling 2 newborns and a toddler, the finances. It's a lot to process.
  2. And I conceived them while my youngest was 15 months old. That means come spring I will have a 2 year old and twin newborns. Please tell me it's going to be ok. My big kids are in k & 3rd this year. I will likely school until we can. Break when I am just way too pregnant and pick back up in late spring when I feel up to it. If you have twins and homeschooled or are homeschooling with lots of little under foot, share you story. My dd is fairly independent now. I can see her doing about 2 hrs of work with minimal help and getting most of Lang and math independently next year. This year I really only do grammar and a math lesson and she does the rest in Lang and math as well as some other independent work for about 60-90 min a day. My k'er does an hour of seat work with mom. I spend about an hour and a half to 2 hours on our core subjects. So that means I would likely spend 3 hrs actively teaching. Does this seem possible. I really want to teach core subjects and give my ds one on one in math & Lang until he's able to read independently, grasps the basics in math. Probably shifting to more independent work in 2nd grade.
  3. I was wondering what about small, rural school. There are actually quite a bit of these in our tri-county area in the rural zones.
  4. Most of the families in our homeschool group (including ours) are independent study students in a charter school for "homeschoolers", including us. I am not sure how the charter would be unconstitutional though. As long as there is enough room anyone can apply. It's totally secular and parents cannot use funding to buy religius material or form "Christian groups" in affiliation with the charter school. I am not sure how the brick and mortar ones work. I would say the hardest thing is they limit the class size at our local charter so although they use a lottery to get in it's very difficult to get your child in.
  5. I am quite ok with grades 1-4 (first cycle) being more social studies and delight based. Don't worry. You can always start when he is ready and do a modified mini cycle later. Or just chose 2 years to do. We did a light intro to ancient history through the Bible for 1st and then moved on to American history for 2nd. We've enjoyed it so much we are planning to spend another year in US history, possibly 2 more.
  6. I believe it's an acronym for "fortification under consent of King"--- you know, so the king could grant you pardon of sin for having an affair or sex out if wedlock for him or his buddies.
  7. I have had all my kids in school and have had a similar planning method.
  8. I believe 33 is the average age to graduate with a PH.D. Lots of people work first for a few years and then apply to graduate school.
  9. We have a stepson11, dd8, ds6, dd1, and just found out we are expecting twins. Before conceiving dd1, I conceived on the pill and ended up having a miscarriage at 14 weeks. After that we didn't go back on b/c and while we didn't actively try to conceive we did 3 months later. I was on birth control between pregnancies and got pregnant almost immediately after going off with my oldest two kids. After having our last baby I decided I could do without the side effects and tried nfp. I ended up ovulating 12 days late in my cycle and conceiving twins, lol. I actually wonder if I didn't ovulate more than once that cycle, because everything indicated I had ovulated on July 8 and according to my sonogram I conceived July 22. I have no twins in my family history. Anyhow, we didn't set out to have a "big family" but with my surprise twin pregnancy this certainly will tip us over to that category. In general, with my 3 bio kids I don't think people think we are a big family. When I have my stepson then we get lots of looks when we're out as a family. So my guess is 4 is the tipping point. In my area most homeschoolers I know have 2-3 kids. I know probably a larger number in the homeschool community with 4-6 kids then most people. I only know three family with more than that. They all have 8 kids. That seems big to me. 4 actually doesn't. But I guess it deviates from the 2-3 norm so I could see how that could be considered "big".
  10. I don't find it necessary in Ca and I don't agree with their politics.
  11. My dd started James and the Giant Peach today and read the first chapter out loud. She thought that part was hilarious. She's 8.
  12. Definitely don't give up being able to teach older kids. It might mean changing the way you do things, cutting back on commitments, and shifting somethings into independent work, but lots of large families make it work. And a lot of what your anxious about works itself out. That's what I have seen with a baby added to our schooling and now with being pregnant with a toddler.
  13. Glad it went well, Emily! You know what that's funny as a group we didn't think about that. I think it's one of those things you get over once you take the plunge but initially worry about.
  14. DD just read Fantastic Mr Fox as her first non level reader chapter book and enjoyed it immensely. I am Christian but fine with his books. When we see things like "magic" or "witches" on tv or in book, we discuss how that's not real and I'm real life you can't do that / people can't do that. I keep it causal. My kids are young so they don't want much more of explanation. When we read or see on tv something that contradicts are values I address why that's not appropriate, what the Bible has to say, and how we should respond or should do. I like to go ahead and address issues with my kids as they come up in an age appropriate way because life is not nice and neat and they know that without me really needing to tell them that (or trying to hide it) in general.
  15. My dd does independent --- For 2nd..... Spelling (10 min) Phonics (10 min) Math (30 min) Reading (20 min) Book basket (20 min)---more reading but mostly on topics related to our core) Plan to add for 3rd... Rosetta Stone (15 min) Math drills on computer (15 min) At the start if 2nd we worked up from 1 hr to an hour and a half. She also does her journal pages pretty independently but I like to be in earshot to help. I might be doing dishes or folding laundry but there to help spell a word or whatever. Then when she's done I read over it and decide if I need to help her edit it. I do require a standard paragraph with a basic intro, topic sentence, supporting sentences, and conclusion.
  16. Found out we're expecting twins! I am worried about getting it all done on a day to day and in time for "maternity leave".
  17. I think you could but I doubt you can keep the same school routine down as you have. I get you love teaching the way you do but I think you'll have significantly cut back how many hours a day you can teach one on one. My guess? 2-4 hours a day tops, if you can get them to all take a good nap after lunch and do most of your teacher intensive work them and then maybe you can by a bit of time when they are up, especially if you assign a child to play with the littles. Maybe have homework time in the evening when littles are asleep or dad is home and can watch littles or do homework. Think about what subjects you can do with baby awake. If it were me I would combine them all for there core or have the 3 & 5 grader combined and the 7th on a independent program. Then I would focus on giving the 3rd & 5th grader some one on one time in areas they need it. Brainstorming but I could see --- 45 min one on one with 3/5 30 min check in with 7th 2 hr core for all 3/5 do an hour to two hours independent work Each child spends some time watching littles while you do one on one time I might think of doing a box curriculum to take the planning off your hands while you get your bearings. We've enjoyed using mfw. Each history cycle is geared to kids in grades 2-8 so they should all be able to do a core. The Hazels had 6 children so it's designed for larger families and multiple ages. They have talks available on cd and youtube about how they fit school in with littles under foot. My family composition is different but I can tell you what we do with one toddler on a typical day. It's a lose flow, not a schedule. Schedules with a baby don't work so much for me. My kids are 18 mo, 6, and 8. AM goal- between 8 and 12 Bible together (10 min)---while baby is up (sometimes before bed when baby is down for night already) One on one with 6 year old for math, Lang, character / Bible, Read Alouds (1 hr)---oldest plays with baby 8 year olds independent work (1 hr)----while baby is up and mom / k'er play with her One on one math & Lang instruction (or whatever she needs help with) for 8 year old (1h)----while baby takes an hour nap / quiet time Spanish (20 min)---while baby is up (together) PM- between 1-4 Chapter book- (15-30 min)---right after lunch (baby might be up) (or sometimes before bed when baby's already down for night) Core- history, art, music, science, etc. (90 min)---during babies pm nap Another 1/2 hr of independent work for 3rd grader (30 min)---while I do chores (sometimes I need an hour of my own quiet time and she does all her independent work in one shot in her room while I nap) 1 hr. quiet / nap for all after chapter reading My total teaching time is 4 1/2 hrs. We only do small spurts of "couch time" school when baby is up totaling max an hour. Then basically I break it down two hours active teaching in the morning and 2 in the afternoon I don't enjoy teaching over an unhappy toddler.
  18. Some things I found helpful or would have found helpful as a new homeschool mom with a k & preschool group--- 1) community --- could be a homeschool group or other activity where other homeschool families participate---for us it was AHG and a homeschool group 2) samples of a day in homeschool k vs school and why it's shorter and that's ok (this could include a sample of seat work and then less structured learning, playing, family skills, etc) 3) an overview of different homeschool philosophies and recommended resources to learn more 4) a warning to limit our outside of home structured commitments to 2-3 a week; I felt like my kids had to get out everyday for an activity. Now I wish I wouldn't have done that. It added unnecessary stress. 5) studies backing up the importance of free play and unstructured time 6) info about alternatives to academic structured learning in preschool - k and the benefits of allowing more play and exploration in the early years
  19. We joined a homeschool group when she was 6. This was the age she noticed the preschool crow D was younger than her. Have you looked into joining a homeschool group? We have an active secular group we found on Facebook and a popular Christian one through a local church. Both groups have a lot of moms with preschool / kindergarten kids and they are welcomed to join.
  20. We did some after-school activities that were geared to 4/5's when dd was in pre-k / k. She did AWANA, American Heritage Girls, and a homeschool horse riding lesson at 5. At 4, we did 2 classes at Little Gym, a sports one and a dance / gymnastic combo. She also did AWANA and I attended MOPS were she came along to the Moppets. We also did a stroller stride class. In my community most kids did do preschool but many only went 3-4 days a week so we still saw kids her age hanging out at the park and had morning class options available. Library story time for preschoolers was always packed for example. In k she'd often play with kids in pre-k that didn't go 5 days a week but I don't think she really noticed she was a grade older.
  21. I actually would like to see a pilgrim doll, too, although that would not be adding more girls of color to the AG line.
  22. Anyone want to share ideas for historic dolls you'd like to see---
  23. I'm kinda a bummed. I would have rather seen them come out with an African American girl during the Civil Right Movement. ever since AG got bought out by Matel the plot lines are fluffy. If they plan to bring back historic dolls I don't see them addressing serious issues in history like they once did.
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