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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Did you see my post? We also have an Olympic Queen. I love the bed, but I wish we'd gone ahead and bought a king size instead. It's too hard to find sheets to fit. :confused:
  2. But in the end, you did succeed. Otherwise, you wouldn't be where you are right now, homeschooling your own dc, in spite of it all. And QValencia has made it clear to her dd that she does care. She's tried everything else that she can, short of quitting her job and tomato-staking her dd, and as a single parent, she just can't do that.
  3. I think you should go with your inclination. And don't worry about her not being able to get into college at some point in the future. When she's matured enough to care, she'll start working to achieve her goals. For now, though, she doesn't see the importance, and no matter how much you try, you aren't going to get her to see that because she's not mature enough to realize that you're pushing her for her own good. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. I'd say yes; since you can't do the work for her and you can't quit your job in order to police her 24/7, she's going to have to assume the responsibility herself. You do need to make that clear to her, however. It just might be that what's happening is that she knows that you will do everything you can to make sure she gets the work done, and she's letting you take on all the responsibility just because you will. When you turn it over to her and she figures out that you mean it, she'll eventually get the message. Between now and then, though, it's going to be hard--I mean really hard--to resist the urge to intervene and "bail her out". But don't do it. She needs for you to back off and let the responsibility be hers. YOU need to let that responsibility be hers. Exactly.
  4. We have what's known as an "Olympic Queen" bed. No, I'm not kidding. ;) Here's some info on it, from http://www.preciousbedding.com: The Simmons® Olympic Queen bed was developed in 1999 and is 6 inches wider than a regular Queen. Besides the California King and Queen, this was the first new bed to enter the market in 42 years. Because of this, they are not as common as normal Queen beds and it is often difficult to find bedding for them. Mattresses of Olympic Queen beds typically measure 66 inches wide and 80 inches long. The part about it being difficult to find sheets for it is absolutely true. I've resorted to buying king-size sheets and altering them to fit our bed. :glare: If I had it to do over again, I'd buy a king-sized bed instead.
  5. :iagree: FWIW, neither of my dc have "dated", meaning, as mytwomonkeys said, "dating for the sake of dating"--IOW, "serial dating", as we call it. Now, my dc are definitely not undesirable; both are attractive, intelligent, and FUN! They are both popular among their friends, including those of the opposite sex, but they make it clear that they do not "date". Well, EK still does. ER has actually met a young lady and they intend to be married in a few years. He never "dated" anyone until he met this young woman while he was away at college. They had a class together and got to know one another because they worked on a project together, but did not go out as a couple--only with a group. Eventually, after they had been friends for several months, and they realized that this what more than just a passing attraction (which is the case with most couples who are involved in "serial dating") they started going out on dates. More time passed, and they began to talk about a future together. They plan to be married after they finish college and get started in their careers.
  6. Well said. We've been in the same situation. I believe that God wants our hearts, not just our pocketbooks. Mark 12:33 -- "To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Samuel 15:22 -- "But Samuel replied: 'Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.'" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proverbs 21:3 -- "To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice."
  7. Yes, the car I drive is in my name. The house is in both our names. I think everything else is in dh's name.
  8. This is what we had to do one time. The bugs didn't start coming out until the tree had been in the stand for a day or so. Fortunately, we hadn't decorated it yet. The bugs looked just like tiny ticks ("seed ticks" dh calls them), but they weren't actually ticks. We had to take the tree outside and spray it with something... I think it was soapy water?? I can't remember because this was years ago.
  9. I didn't see those. Could you post links? The only one I saw at Amazon was $195. Thanks!
  10. Please tell me where to buy (brick & mortar) or order one of these. If you know of any coupons, please tell me! The MSRP is $199 plus tax (& shipping, if you order online). We found one at a nearby Sam's Club for $170, and I have a coupon for 20% off at Bed, Bath & Beyond where they are selling for $199. We've bid on an auction, but we were outbid; the winning bid was $136. I would love to find one of these for under $125, including taxes & shipping. I'd be willing to pay up to $150, though.
  11. This sounds just like all the Aspie kids I know, particularly the bolded. The Aspies I know tend to be very immature; they just don't get social interaction, and they had/have toddler-like meltdowns well into their school-age years. They're often highly intelligent, although they may have learning disabilities that hinder their academic progress. Chris in VA mentioned having difficulty with transitions; this is really common. For example, one boy I know would have complete meltdowns when it came time to go home after a playdate. He also had the sensory issues she mentioned as well. One thing (among many) that stands out in my mind is that he could not tolerate the feel of crayons. He also had irrational fears; one thing I remember is that he was terrified of clowns. He would obsess over certain types of toys or television shows, and would talk about them incessantly: he loved LEGO and some kids' program that I can't even remember right now. My BIL & SIL's children all have Asperger's, and one thing I notice about them is that they are extremely literal. For example, if you ask, "What do you do if you cut your finger?" most kids would say, "Put a bandaid on it" (or something similar), but an Aspie might say, "Bleed." Here are a couple of actual examples involving my nephews: When the oldest was a little guy, his dad picked him up from daycare one afternoon. SIL had to work that night, and BIL asked dn1, "What do you want to do for supper?" Dn1 promptly responded, "Eat." BIL thought dn was being witty; in reality, he was just being literal, as Aspies usually are. Recently, the youngest (6yo) was riding in the car with FIL, and FIL went a different route from the usual way home. When he turned onto a familiar street, FIL said to dn3, "You know where you are now, don't you?" Dn3 promptly responded, "Yes, I'm in the back seat." This time, it was FIL who thought this was a witty response.
  12. Have you read the OP's previous threads? She explained all of this in a recent thread. :iagree:
  13. Yep! I used to make crossword puzzles for my students. And I handwrote all their tests and worksheets too. I didn't own a typewriter, and nobody had computers back then (early 80s).
  14. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/Tim-Tebow-Denver-Broncos-Tebowing-enters-English-language-121211 Tebowing -- 'taking a knee' in prayerful reflection in the midst of an athletic activity In part, the article says: "Even the world's dictionaries could soon be forced to take note of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. ...The Global Language Monitor announced Monday that it acknowledges that the word "Tebowing" has officially entered the English language." :001_smile:
  15. Same here. There were times when we were broke, broke, broke, and I wondered if I should get a job and send the dc to school, but I never seriously considered the possibiity that I wasn't doing a good job of teaching them.
  16. Not sure about the OP, but I was talking about the Kindle Touch (not the iPod Touch) vs. the Kindle Fire.
  17. Interestingly, I attended UGA as a freshman. I hated it and couldn't transfer fast enough. But like you, and I have become a Broncos fan. Yes, exactly.
  18. This one is the only one I found at Amazon, and it's $60! And I have to buy 2 of them--one for each dc--and maybe 3, if I decide to get a Kindle for dh too. I'd really like to buy lighted covers, but I'm not going to spend $60 for a cover for the $99 Kindle Touch. I guess it's pricey because of the leather, but I'd prefer something durable but cheaper--neoprene or something like that would be fine. Color doesn't really matter, but it would be nice, if possible, to get 2 (or 3) different covers so they can tell which one is whose. Help!
  19. I became a Florida fan while Tebow was playing there, not because he's a good player, but because he was homeschooled and is a Christian AND he's a good player. Now I'm a Broncos fan, particularly since the Colts have been losing. ;) Most people around here are (rabid) UGA fans, and therefore despise the Florida Gators and even former Gators, including Tim Tebow. But I am not, NOT, NOT a UGA fan. Go Jackets!
  20. I think she's saying that the media is more critical of Christians than of homeschoolers. And I agree.
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