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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. LOL! I've seen some sites with those kinds of ideas, but those aren't the ones I'm looking for. ;)
  2. My dc are grown, but I want to get an elf for my dh! I don't want it for the "naughty elf" ideas I've seen online in various places, but instead, I want our elf to offer encouragement to my hard-working dh this Christmas season. I've been looking online for ideas, but I've only found ONE idea: a wife who posted a picture of an elf with a coffee cup next to a coffeemaker all set up & ready to brew coffee at the push of a button. Great idea, but I need more! Please offer ideas or post websites I should see. Thanks!
  3. I called VP and the rep said that the most recent TM is a 2010 copyright, and the cards are 2000.
  4. Thanks! I'll see if I can find a phone number and give them a call when I get a chance.
  5. Our biggest hits so far: Both of my students are liking SOS Secondary Spanish and seem to be learning a lot. Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 is going very well for my 9th grader. ABeka Basic Mathematics has been an excellent refresher for my non-college-bound 12th grader--who came to me as an 11th grader not knowing how to add/subtract fractions! For writing, we are using Writing Skills, Book 2. The girls don't love it, but they are certainly learning how to write good paragraphs and essays! Easy Grammar Ultimate is a great grammar review. We're using English from the Roots Up, and they like it pretty well when we play games with the cards. What's NOT working for us this year: Mystery of History (and also Illuminations Ancients) -- I'm finding that I just like it better when I put together my own program. What IS working for us for history is that we're doing a mash-up of several history/literature programs--mainly MFW CtG, TRISMS, and Veritas Press OT & Ancient Egypt (yes, I know it's supposed to be for 2nd grade :blink:) with just a smidgen of Biblioplan, Winter Promise, and even a little bit of TOG, plus some online freebies.
  6. I'd prefer online because I don't want to buy another book! Printable = better Any suggestions? TIA! ETA: I know BIblical timelines vary, so I should specify that I want one that dates the Exodus around 1450 BC.
  7. Okay, now I see it! I feel silly now! :blushing: I guess I should've clicked one more time! Thanks. :)
  8. Never mind! I thought it was gone, but it's still there. :blushing: At the MoH1 group page, click More, then Files, then MOH1 with other Curriculua. Scroll to MOH 1 weekly schedule.docx.
  9. I found it! I found it! It's in the Files section of the Mystery of History Volume 1 Yahoo group. The name of the file is MOH 1 weekly schedule.docx. Whew! I feel so much better! :)
  10. If I ever find it, I'll post the link. :) The creator of the schedule mentions that some of the required readers are available at the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library System.
  11. No, that's not it. :( The one I'm looking for is very colorful--no pictures--with stripes of color going across each page. Each page is a 1-week schedule, and there is a light green stripe near the top that has the MOH Chapter & Topic for each day of the week. Below that is a yellow stripe labeled Bible (and under it are the resources for Bible study). Next is a darker green stripe labeled History/Geography (and under it are the assignments for MoH, SotW, Usborne, timeline work, and Diana Waring). Next are blue stripes labeled Readers and Read-Alouds (with books & page numbers scheduled under them). Near the bottom of the grid is a gray stripe labeled Internet, a Purple stripe labeled Movies, and a red stripe labeled Art (with resources listed below them).
  12. It's all nicely laid out in a grid. The grid is colorful and combines MoH, SOTW 1, Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World, and Diana Waring's What in the World... and also schedules in the Rose Bible Charts as well as mapping, timeline figures, and Artistic Pursuits, PLUS it schedules out literature (starts off with Adam and His Kin) and more! I printed out some of the pages, but now I can't find the link. :(
  13. And it's her very first birthday away from us. :( We sent a package with a little gift, some candy, and a balloon. Actually, we sent the gift & candy plus a little money to one of her professors (who happens to be a family friend), and she bought a balloon and gave it all to EK before class today. EK was so happy and so surprised!
  14. I used BJU Math (2nd edition) with each of my kids for K-6th and would use it again in a heartbeat if I had it all to do over again.
  15. Lost in the Labyrinth by Patrice Kindl Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett Ariadne, Awake! By Doris Orgel
  16. Thank you! Actually, my students are high schoolers, but they read on a middle school level and are not AT ALL academically minded, so when looking for books or videos for them, I usually ask on the K-8 board because what WTM high schoolers use would be WAY over their heads! :huh: Thanks again!
  17. I'd prefer that the videos have actors re-enacting the events so that they're like a movie, rather than documentaries with experts giving their opinions. A little of that is okay, but it tends to get dry and my students lose interest. :( They MUCH prefer the ones with real actors portraying historical characters, and they love CGI animation that makes the setting come to life. I'd like to find some videos that run about 45 minutes to an hour. Right now, we're studying Old Kingdom Egypt, and we'll be watching Pyramid tomorrow. Later, when we study New Kingdom Egypt, we'll watch The Egyptian Book of the Dead over a couple of days (since it's 1:30 long). I'm on the lookout for similar good, INTERESTING videos on the following topics: Minoan Crete Biblical Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) Babylonians/Amorites Hittites Phoenicians/Canaanites Assyria Pharaoh Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten & Nefertiti Joseph & Moses & the Exodus Hatshepsut Pharaoh Tutankhamun Israel & Judah (including Solomon, David, prophets) Persia China (Shang & Zhou dynasties) Thanks in advance!
  18. Forgot to add... one of the girls and one of the guys in EK's group paired off the very first week of school, and a couple of days ago they "broke up". They each texted EK to let her know--not really sure why, except that she seems to be the voice of reason for her friends, and they always tell her their problems! Anyway, the young man was so upset that he threatened suicide, and EK alerted the RAs, and then had to go help them look for the young man. They found him safe, but EK was angry that he put people through that. He did apologize, so I guess that helps, but the whole thing was rather ridiculous, actually. :-/
  19. When ER was in college, I sent him care packages from time to time. He always LOVED it. I would send cookies, popcorn, root beer...you know--junk food! I would sometimes send mints, fast food gift cards, $20 or so, gum, pencils/pens... the same kinds of things we always put in his Christmas stocking or Easter basket. I will continue the tradition with EK. So far, I've sent her a couple of packages--one had a necessary cable for her computer and a package of hot cocoa mix. Another had her forgotten-at-home calculator and some other goodies that I can't remember. On Monday, I'll be mailing a package with a box of her favorite tea, a just-for-fun picture book, and her favorite cookies. She has already told me what thrill it is to get an email from the school post office notifying her that she has a package. :)
  20. This. Me too. :( I can tell you that when my oldest went away to college, I was a basket case. I went through months of severe anxiety & depression. The ladies here at WTM were a Godsend for me. Several of them PM'ed me to ask how I was doing and to offer prayers and encouragement. As I said, it lasted for months (just search for some of my posts from fall & winter of 2008!), but I gradually adjusted, and life returned to a new normal. I feared that it would be even worse when my youngest went to college. But it was surprisingly easier. Now, I did NOT say "easy", but "easier". She moved into the dorm 5 weeks ago today. And I'm making it pretty well. Most of the time. But then there are those days, like Wednesday of this week, when I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. (Yes, I really did think that.) I miss my kids SO much. But just like Jen in NY, I feel like I'm just waking up from a long, happy dream, and now I have to "find myself", but I don't know quite where to begin. Dh & I are reconnecting with each other, and I have more time for those projects I didn't have time for when my kids were home. Trouble is, now I don't really have the motivation--yet--to tackle any of them. Maybe when I get more settled in and have gone through the grieving process and come out the other side. I think the key is just to not rush it. Grieving is normal, and we have to allow ourselves time.
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