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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Sorry to be late getting into the conversation! I've been busy at home with my students, but EK seems to be adjusting well to college life. She had roommate drama at first, but now has settled in with another roommate, and they seem to be adjusting well to being in the same room, although EK is a bit of a night owl and roomie likes to get up at 6:00 AM. There was a bit of tension between them for a couple of days until they worked out a compromise--just one of those things college kids have to do. They get along, but they don't hang out together because they have different interests and different sets of friends. EK and the other former homeschoolers have somehow gravitated toward each other--with most not even realizing at first that the others had been homeschooled!--and they have formed a rather large, comfortable peer group. EK is really happy about that. :) As far as academics go, classes started one month ago today, and EK's favorite classes are her public speaking class (she got a perfect score on her first speech!), her American history class, and of course, choir (she's in 2 of them). She likes her psychology class although she's already had to complete a project, an essay, and a 10 page research paper just for that one class! But she made a perfect score on each of them, AND the prof said that reading EK's papers has been "a breath of fresh air" because unlike so many of her classmates, she knows how to write papers. Yea!!! EK says her Apologetics class is boring--a repeat of everything she did at home and in church over the past several years--but she's made 100 on each quiz, so I told her to be glad of an easy A! The only class that gives her grief is Physics. She never had Physics before--only Apologia Physical Science--and didn't intend to sign up for Physics. She registered for Physical Science, not realizing that at her school, Physical Science 1 = Physics and Physical Science 2 = Chemistry (which she did take at home). In Physics, she has several quizzes each week, and when she checked online to see her grades, as of yesterday she had 88.59 in the class (90=A).
  2. That would be fantastic! I'd love to buy this from you. I can PayPal you, so just let me know! :)
  3. So... would someone mind helping me rearrange the Lessons in MoH 1 in a way that makes more sense geographically (for example, as I said in my OP: "chronologically but in--smallish--geographical clumps")? I'm not talking about anything fancy or involved, and I don't want to have to buy an entire history program; I just want a rearranged list of MoH lesson numbers. Any takers? :p Thanks!
  4. I really love the idea of chronological history, but in practice, it's not working for me as well as I would like. MoH seems to skip around too much geographically. I love that it begins at Creation and revisits Biblical history frequently so that we get an idea of what's going on with the Israelites at the same time as other events. However, it's bothering me that we jump from Mesopotamia (Gilgamesh) to Britain (Stonehenge) to Egypt to Crete (Minoans) in consecutive lessons, and then a few lessons later we jump back to Mesopotamia (Hammurabi) and then to China! We like for our history and literature to line up, and we need at least 1-2 weeks for each of the books we want to read. When we jump from one region to another so quickly, we don't have time to finish a book that goes with one time period before it's time to jump to another. So you see my dilemma! I think I'd prefer to do history "chronologically but in--smallish--geographical clumps" (KWIM?) so that we can better coordinate the books that go along with the region/time period WITHOUT having to buy another program (like Biblioplan, etc.). Has anyone rearranged MoH in this way? I know it should be fairly easy, but I'd rather not tackle it if someone's already done it. Care to share??? :)
  5. So how do I do that? Open a Flickr account and then post a link? If so, that's easy enough. (I think! :p)
  6. Thanks! i wonder how it got switched off in the first place??? I never even knew there WAS a switch--not even sure why there would be. Oh, well.
  7. I cannot use the toolbar above this text box. I can't change the font, italicize, bold, imbed links, add smilies--NOTHING. I haven't been here a lot lately--busy, busy, busy with EK graduating and ER getting married--so maybe a change was made in my absence??? I have a sneaking suspicion that's not the case. :( I've been posting here for years, and several months ago, I was suddenly unable to post pictures, and it's still that way. Apparently, that's a common problem, and just yesterday, a moderator finally responded that answers are forthcoming. ( http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/467604-why-am-i-not-allowed-to-upload-picturesfiles/?p=5168402) Sorry, I am not able to imbed the link--no toolbar. :( First the pictures and now the toolbar. I'm getting a little paranoid. :-/
  8. I think a lot of us are having problems posting pictures. Back in April, I asked a similar question--posted it to the boards (where other people commented that they are also having similar problems) AND emailed the moderators, but heard absolutely NOTHING until yesterday (nearly 5 months later), and the word is, "Answers coming first thing next week!" Here's the URL if you want to see that thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/467604-why-am-i-not-allowed-to-upload-picturesfiles/?p=5168402. And now, not only can I not post pictures, but for some time now, I've been unable to use the toolbar at the top of the text box--I can't change font, add smilies, post links, NOTHING--because it's all grayed out. :(
  9. I'm glad to know that someone is finally responding! Now I have another question: Why is it that I am no longer able to use the toolbar at the top of the text box whenever I post? EVERYTHING in the toolbar is grayed out. I can't add smilies or change the font or post a link--NOTHING.
  10. It's not just my browser. I know how to go to "View" in my browser and zoom in/out, and that's not the problem. The actual web pages are fine; the problem is the labels for the icons on the desktop, the taskbar, the toolbar... everything. The font is too small. I haven't changed any settings, so maybe this was caused by an automatic update? I have Windows 7 & a 64-bit system, if that matters. I've looked everywhere I know to look for the setting that has somehow gotten changed, including the control panel. What else can I try?
  11. EK was very nervous, but seems to be handling it well. Her college is about 3.5 hours from home, and she doesn't know any of the freshmen, although she does know several of the upperclassmen, as well as two of her professors (one is a longtime family friend). She received a letter several weeks ago with her assigned roommate's name and contact info. She emailed the girl and received a reply: "I'm sorry, but I've decided not to attend ____ College." So EK requested another roommmate, whom we met yesterday on freshman move-in day. She and her family were very, very quiet, but seemed nice enough. We helped EK move in her stuff, make the bed, and stock the refrigerator, then we had to leave because there was a students-only meeting and parents were expected to say their good-bye's and go before then. It was a slightly tearful good-bye, but EK texted me later and seemed fine. However, she said her roommate was way too quiet--as in, would.not.say.a.word. The roommate apparently got cold feet. She did stay the night, but this morning, when EK got back from a required meeting, her roommate was gone and her side of the room was bare! She had not said ANYTHING to EK! EK went and found the Resident Director and was told that her roommate's parents came this morning and picked her up and she disenrolled! Without saying a word to EK. Weird!!!
  12. My mom said she had occasional hot flashes AFTER she went through menopause at age 49, but none before then. She used HRT for awhile and then stopped; I don't plan to use it at all. I'm 52 (53 in October) and still having periods--only 4 so far in 2013, though. I haven't had any hot flashes yet. I guess we'll see...
  13. I wore my mom's wedding dress, and then my sister wore it as well. My grandmother made it back in 1959 when my parents got married. It is simple but classic, lace over organza. I wore it in 1980, and my sister wore it in 1984. It's in storage at my mom's house, and I haven't even seen it in years. I doubt EK will want to wear it to keep the tradition going, but that's fine.
  14. We talked about it, and she thought it was a good idea. In reality, though, I'm not sure how much she would use it. She enjoys baking so much more than preparing meals. :p
  15. I had run across High Noon books in my searching, but didn't know anything about them. Thanks!
  16. I was thinking about the Ramona books! I'll check the reading level, but I think they might be about right. I think Charlotte's Web might be 3rd--maybe even 4th--but I'll check that one too. Thanks! And if you have any more ideas, please let me know!
  17. I am trying to help my niece find books. She is interested in reading, but has disabilities, and at age 13, she reads on a 2nd grade level. She is emotionally immature as well--more on a 4th-6th grade level than 8th. Help!
  18. The student handbook says students are permitted to have "small, UL approved, electrical appliances with completely enclosed heating elements and small refrigerators... Appliances NOT permitted in traditional residence halls include electric skillets, electric blankets, microwave ovens, hot plates, toasters/toaster ovens, and any other item with exposed heating elements." Does a hot pot have an exposed heating element?
  19. I'm researching Hot Pots because I want EK to have one in her dorm room. She isn't permitted to have a microwave, although there is one in the common area down the hall. She loves tea, and will have a Hot Shot (http://www.amazon.com/Sunbeam-6131-Water-Dispenser-Black/dp/B000C3QSPQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375304277&sr=8-1&keywords=Hot+shot) [No idea why I'm unable to use the link button, but I cut & pasted the URL here.] for heating water for tea, instant soup, etc. Anyway, I was reading the reviews for some hot pots (URLs below), and apparently, some people use them for quickly heating soups or other foods that need to be boiled (eggs, pasta, etc.), and not just for heating water. Am I reading that right? If that's true, this is just what I'm looking for. Is one of these any better than the others as far as quality, reliability, safety, etc? Do you own one that you'd recommend? Rival Hot Pot: http://www.amazon.com/Rival-4071-WN-32-Ounce-Express-White/dp/B00006IUXU/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top Proctor Silex Hot Pot: http://www.amazon.com/Proctor-Silex-32oz-Hot-pot/dp/B004YTW58S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375304581&sr=8-1&keywords=Hot+Pot Sunbeam Hot Pot: http://www.amazon.com/Sunbeam-BVSBWH1001-Electric-Hot-White/dp/B004IJ7FWU/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1375304116&sr=8-4&keywords=Hot+Pot Thanks!
  20. http://www.thehomescholar.com/college-bound-reading-list.php From the article: "A variety of colleges have said that homeschool applicants may have an over-emphasis on classic literature, and that reading lists should include popular literature. Some colleges have mentioned that inclusion of current literature shows 'socialization.' You may want to include some popular fiction in your student’s reading list." I like the wide variety of books they've included. I was pleased to see that a lot of the books the author chose are books that my kids read (or read excerpts from) during their high school years.
  21. My nieces are coming to spend several days with us starting this coming Friday. One of them (age 17) was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a few months ago following a bout with mono last year. I know very, very little about this condition, but I do know that if she uses a serving utensil that has already been used in a dish containing gluten, she becomes quite ill. She will be bringing some of her own food when she comes to visit, and I know that cross-contamination is a huge deal, so I am wondering if she'll even be able to use my toaster for her GF PopTarts! I need recipes and a crash course in gluten-free meal preparation!
  22. I recently received a box containing 3 sets of SOS CDs; all are the 2009 version. Each set is in a cardboard "folder"/package containing a Quick Start Guide & 2 discs: 1) an installation disc and 2) a program disc in a paper CD sleeve. The installation disc + program disc for English II installation disc + program disc for High School Health installation disc + program disc for Spanish I I don't know if any of the CDs have ever been used. Both of the serial number stickers inside each folder are still intact. Two of the packages contain a handwritten note with a 16-character registration code. My questions: First, am I going to be able to actually use any of these programs??? Can they even be used more than once, or by a different user? If so, will I need to buy anything else to make them work? Will I need to use each of the 3 installation discs? Or would I use only one of them to install the basic 2009 program and then install the individual courses from the curriculum discs? Assuming any one installation disc will work to install the basic program, could I then install other 2009 SOS curriculum discs--for instance if I got, say, a 2009 math curriculum disc? And finally, I assume that I could not use newer (2010, 2011, etc.) SOS courses with the 2009 basic program, but would I be able to use older (2008, 2007) SOS courses? Thanks in advance for any help!
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