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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. This is for high school girls, but I am not opposed to an animated version if it's good. Thanks!
  2. If I go this route, these are my non-negotiables: 1) Fees must be reasonable. 2) I plan my own curriculum, set my own schedule/calendar, and choose my own textbooks. In other words, I want minimal involvement (interference, LOL :laugh:) with the school. I am willing to have them approve my curriculum, and I would submit grades so they can issue report cards and diplomas, but I don't want to have to follow their curriculum or turn in portfolios or meet with a consultant, etc. I've been homeschooling in Georgia for 18 years, and I've already graduated two and sent them to college, so I know what I'm doing. :p Can you recommend any umbrella schools that might meet my needs?
  3. I searched and found her name: Bev in B'ville, and she is/was in Georgia (as I am). She hasn't posted on the boards since 2011. But I found lots of links to her posts about accreditation. HOWEVER... I followed the main link she posted regarding the requirements, and found that things have changed; homeschools used to be accredited as "non-traditional educational centers," but now, such centers are defined as those who serve homeschoolers UP TO 60% of the time at the center, and "the remaining 40% of the time must be spent studying at home or at a place designated by the parents." ,thinking aloud> Should I go another route (assuming one exists), or look for loopholes?
  4. I think she was in the Atlanta area, but I'm not sure. Anyone remember? Is she still here on the boards? I'm considering accreditation and I'd like to ask her some questions before I take the plunge.
  5. I emailed Biblioplan and this is Julia's (the author's) response: "We can't sell the old versions. We don't have the PDF"s for them. Our former partner didnt' save the old versions... she just made changes to originals as she updated the guides each year." I guess I need to find someone who has the Year 2 ebook or a hard copy I can buy used. Anyone?
  6. Yes, I know what it is, but is it possible to purchase the previous edition (2008) of the ebook rather than the new edition? I don't want the new edition that has the Companion and other new components scheduled; I want the old edition.
  7. I don't want the new Companion or the Cool History or any of that. I just want the .pdf ebook of the lesson plans--is that the Family Guide?
  8. I called my mother Mama and I called my father Daddy. Both of my children have always called me Mommy; even at ages 23 & 19, they STILL call me Mommy. I thought they would shorten it to Mom when they got older, and I told them it would be fine, but neither of them ever did.
  9. It needs to be "just the facts" but not dry--more of actors portraying Akhenaton and his family and courtiers and not so much interviews with experts. I prefer Netflix or YouTube because I can't afford to buy.
  10. It needs to be "just the facts" but not dry--more of actors portraying Akhenaton and his family and courtiers and not so much interviews with experts. I prefer Netflix or YouTube because I can't afford to buy.
  11. UPDATE: I contacted Amazon today, and they, in turn, contacted the seller, who then contacted me (finally). The seller confirmed that the package was never shipped!!?!?!! She offered to either 1) refund my money AND send me the book with standard shipping (maybe media mail--she wasn't clear on that) OR 2) to ship the book Express Mail Overnight but give me no refund. Which would you have chosen? Or would you have suggested a compromise? That's what I did. I don't feel that the seller should send the book AND issue a refund, but I also don't think I should pay full price for the book, even if she ships it overnight. I suggested that she ship it Priority Mail 2-Day and issue a PARTIAL refund. I haven't heard back from her as to whether she finds the compromise acceptable. I told her that if the compromise I suggested in unacceptable for her, I would like a full refund and she can keep her book. As it turns out, the price for a brand new book from Amazon has dropped, so it would now be only a few cents more than what I paid the seller for the used book, and I can get it in 2 days since I have Amazon Prime.
  12. The USPS website shows that the shipper paid for Priority Mail 2-day with $100 worth of insurance. I got the tracking number from Amazon.
  13. EK is leaving tomorrow to return to college for the new semester. Classes start Wednesday. We ordered all of her books from Amazon and ebay. All of the books came in except one--and of course, it was the most expensive (an $82 psychology book). I ordered the book from a "just launched" Amazon seller (probably my first mistake), and apparently this is that seller's first and only item listed for sale. I placed the order on January 6, and at that time, Amazon's delivery estimate indicated that the book would arrive at our house in plenty of time for EK to have it before the new semester started. I received an email from Amazon on January 6th (the same day that I placed my order), stating that the book had been shipped via USPS, and providing me with a tracking number. When I checked the tracking info at the USPS website, it shows "Electronic Shipping Info Received" (NOT that the package was actually mailed, but only that USPS was notified to expect the package) on January 7th, the day AFTER the book was supposedly shipped! It shows that the package was shipped Priority Mail 2-Day. Well, the book still has not arrived, and now, Amazon's delivery estimate shows January 29th, a week after the first day of classes. And of course, the book, assuming it arrives at all, will be delivered to our house, and THEN I'll have to ship it to EK at school. Grrrrrr!!! I have contacted the seller (today) but have received no response. I tried to contact Amazon to file a claim, but all I get is a message that it's "still within the range of the delivery estimate." Riiiiiight. So, here's my question: if I order another book and have it shipped (expedited) to EK, and the other one finally arrives, can I send it back and get a refund since it didn't get here in time? Will I have to pay the return shipping? I am so mad!!!
  14. I ininstalled & reinstalled Adobe Reader XI when this first happened. It didn't help. :(
  15. I have a suspicion that it was the update to IE 11 that messed things up & the last time it was the update to IE 10. I just set IE to NOT do automatic updates because the new browsers are ways buggy ay first. Thanks for any help!
  16. It opens my saved PDF files just fine, just not the ones online. It did this once before and dh (a pretty decent amateur IT man) changed something and got it working again. This time, though, he can't figure it out. Firefox is also installed on my laptop (OS is Windows 7) and it has no problem with PDF files. I guess I should switch to Firefox, but I have all my settings, favorites, etc. set up in IE (currently running IE 11). Any suggestions as to how to fix this?
  17. This will be a GIFT, not for myself. And it must be one of these 3.
  18. Here are my choices: Oster Expressbake CKSTBRTW20 Sunbeam 5891 Hamilton Beach HomeBaker 29881/29882
  19. I don't even know who Adam Levine is! Let's see... My unpopular opinion(s)... Nope, I can't say most of them because I think I would be breaking board rules... :p Here are a few that I can share: I love shopping at Walmart. I think organic food is a scam. I think "global warming" and "climate change" are political inventions that do not actually exist.
  20. Yea for you!!! Welcome to the "People Who Love Homeschooling So Much they Homeschool Other People's Kids (Even After Their Own Have Graduated)" Club! :D
  21. YES! Exactly the kinds of ideas I'm looking for! THANK YOU!
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