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Everything posted by kiana

  1. It's like mini-chopped! Sometimes when I'm completely stumped, I write down a few 'proteins' and a few 'veg' based on what's in the freezer/fridge. Then I roll a die and have to make the pair that comes up work together. I've come up with some unusual stuff but never anything truly terrible.
  2. Get out now. It's probably going to end up a situation where he stuffs up so much that he just passes everyone, but you can't know that for sure. Report all of this to the department, drop the class, and find something else. If it's too late to add something new, possibly the college has a second half-term class that would fit the schedule?
  3. 1 kilogram of falling figs = 1 fig newton. Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher was fired because she couldn't control her pupils?
  4. Energizer bunny arrested, charged with battery.
  5. Oh she was a good cook. I just hated any vegetables that weren't peas, corn, or green beans.
  6. +1. Osteoporosis can be a concern in female athletes and you really want to make sure that's not an issue.
  7. I went to a party and they served brussels sprouts. I asked what the darling little baby cabbages were and ate them with gusto. I called my mother and asked why she never fed those to us?? She said "YOU SPAT THEM OUT EVERY TIME." whoops. sorry mom.
  8. With everyone gone I swear my mother lives on toasted cheese and raisins.
  9. Amy, I just want to say: 1) It sounds like you have done a fantastic job with your dd. 2) Please do not read anything I have said as an indictment of people who graduate a special needs child without meeting standard graduation requirements. There is a huge, huge difference between giving a student the math that they are ready for at the pace that they can handle it and giving them no math at all because you are non-schooling.
  10. Actually it was that I've seen people (sometimes people who should have known better -- like grad students) write that 1/x -> infinity as x -> 0 which is not correct. I thought that maybe that was what the teacher had done that her son had an issue with. Although I probably should've clarified why it was actually wrong. :) (For any curious observers, it's example 1 in the link chiguirre shared, and typeset there far better than I could do here)
  11. I wonder if he's mixed up "don't write 1/0 = infinity" with "don't write a limit that turns into 1/0 = infinity"?
  12. Careful. Not quite. For example, 7x/x tends to 7 as x tends to 0. (sin x)/x tends to 1 as x tends to 0.
  13. Um. So what we mean when we say that a limit is infinity, we mean that it grows larger than any possible bound. Some people informally and imprecisely will write infinity when a limit grows larger in absolute value than any possible bound (for example, 1/x as x approaches 0) but this is not correct.
  14. What the heck?? That has GOT to violate some 'free and appropriate' thing. What do they do if the kid just shows up without it?!
  15. I bought this because of the julienne but it is BY FAR the best vegetable peeler I have ever had. https://www.amazon.com/Precision-Kitchenware-Stainless-Julienne-Vegetable/dp/B00FF75XG4/ref=sr_1_5?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1484847500&sr=1-5&keywords=julienne+peeler
  16. Problem with "get better stats" is that you're not going to be able to get better stats without some kind of mandated participation in data collection.
  17. Exactly. And this is the difference I was referring to. I have had people come in from PS abysmally prepared. I've seen people with an act-composite of 15 but an over 3.0 high school GPA. But they'd at least *seen* algebra, and if they worked hard they were able to pass our remedial classes -- often on the second try after getting a D on the first try, but they were able to at least make a stab at it.
  18. Absolutely not. I was just talking with one of my former students, who entered a few years back in all remedial classes, with an ACT score in the 'distinctly not college-ready' group -- while avoiding giving details, let's just say that both the composite score and the math score were lower than the school average faith mentioned a few posts back. This person passed them all the first time and is on track to graduate with a pretty ok GPA in a STEM major, requiring only one extra semester over what would have been required normally.
  19. Right. And while you won't see me there over break, you'll see me sitting there at 7am and 7pm and logging in remotely over break. Financial analyst is sounding awfully tempting right now.
  20. I do very much like the idea of more flexible support and incentives available and optional. I loathe the all-or-nothing confrontational attitude common in many areas.
  21. I consider it a homeschool fail when a kid of average or higher intelligence is so underprepared that they can't even function in remedial classes. It's interesting that so many (not just you) have been jumping in with the "well your school needs to just not admit them". I don't see how this is going to solve the problem of these students being so unprepared that they aren't even able to succeed in remedial classes. I mean, it will make it so that I don't observe the problem because they'll be out working at a gas station somewhere, but that's not going to solve the problem of a capable child denied access to a basic education.
  22. What most of the people who are "for" this envision is a fat cat professor sitting there collecting a princely salary and deigning to instruct a class or two here or there while churning out vacuous papers saying nothing at all in long sentences of longer words. Of course the reality is very different but there is no convincing them of that. They don't really understand research (especially outside of STEM areas) very well and think that it's like the "research papers" that they pumped through, but a bit longer and more esoteric. Therefore it's not really worth taxpayer's funding. The only real thing that's worth funding is full-time teaching and only if university professors teach as many classes as high school teachers. Oh, and sports. Those are definitely worth funding.
  23. A woman goes into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so the bartender gives her one. A Freudian slip ... it's when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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