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Everything posted by kiana

  1. You didn't get the memo about how the GLBT community is tax-exempt now?
  2. No, no, it's okay to leave the house, as long as the men wear appropriately masculine clothing, the females appropriately feminine clothing, and they refrain from talking to each other, touching each other, or especially making EYE CONTACT. HOW COULD THEY BE SO LEWD?!
  3. Maybe it would help to split into two 15-minute math sessions, and have a quick jog around the yard in between? Also, she'll still need a lot of 'you're off-task, this time doesn't count' at her age.
  4. There's someone named Julie who gives out my number ALL THE TIME. I keep getting calls from men saying 'Hey Julie, I had such a great time, blah blah blah, let's hook up again the next time I'm in town'. I've started saying 'Gosh, that's the 3rd call this month for Julie saying the same thing, but I don't know her, and I never did.' Then they get really quiet and apologize.
  5. I have never seen a standardized test which included, for example, a) 1 and 3/4, b) 7/4 and expected you to choose the correct one. I'm not saying they don't exist, jut that I don't think you need to worry about that. A mixed number CAN be useful when you want to know roughly how big something is, or if it's something like buying fabric by the yard. Usually I'd leave it as an improper fraction.
  6. :iagree: I'm in a monogamous relationship. I know people who aren't. It doesn't stop mine from being so. I go to church. I know people who don't. It doesn't stop me from going. I don't have a problem with a particular group saying that they believe that homosexual acts are sinful. A group should have the right to do so. What they shouldn't have a right to do is to enforce their religious definition of sinful on anyone else. This applies not just to homosexuality, but to extramarital sex, consumption of alcohol, and a lot of other things.
  7. Yes. My mother (born in '49) says that when she was a child it was very common for older adults to quiz them. (Of course, then they'd give them a penny or a nickel for getting the answer) :P
  8. A minister refused to marry my sister and her fiance because they were living in sin. He wanted them to live apart for a minimum period (I forgot how many months) before he would marry them.
  9. /begin tangent Okay, I know it's ridiculous. And it probably wasn't funny at the time. But I have to say that your mother's awesome. If my mother did this I'd be calling her Reverend Mother for some time. /end tangent
  10. Next time he brings his kids over, quiz them until you find areas of weakness, and suggest homeschooling materials for afterschool remediation. (Well, not really. But it would be funny).
  11. This. Or not even the levitical laws, but some of the people who believe (for example) that a woman should never work outside the home, and if she is (God forbid) widowed, single, or destitute, she needs to rely on family members and her church to care for her, or find a new husband to take care of her ASAP.
  12. But it's not specifically "what if" type questions. It's a comment about how making laws that are based on *one* religion opens the doors to make laws that are based on *other* religions, or even different sects of the same religion.
  13. I think more about what I'm writing online -- because the message doesn't come out until I hit post. I've deleted a lot of posts because I realized I just wasn't able to get my point across.
  14. And when you manage to get your religious beliefs voted into law, that opens the door for someone else (other Christian with different beliefs, Jew, Muslim, atheist) to vote their religious beliefs into law. How are you going to react if (strictly for example) voting blocs in your state manage to implement provisions of Sharia law?
  15. Yes. I really don't think we *should* be trying to make sin (of any sort) illegal. If God is going to judge those who sin, let him do so. What we should be doing is allowing people to make their *own*, adult choices. Sins which infringe on the ability of others to make their own choices should of course remain illegal (such as murder, theft) but sins which are personal such as gluttony (since we seem to be on a gluttony kick) etc. shouldn't be illegal. When you vote to make your religious concept of sin illegal, you open the door for someone else to make his religious concept of sin illegal.
  16. This is the big problem for me. I'm fully in favor of gun ownership. But if I want to lobby for gun ownership, I'll donate to the NRA. I respect other people's rights to disagree with me and still homeschool. I respect their desire to not have their money used to fight a cause that they oppose. I strongly dislike their anti-school agenda. I support parental choice and the ability for a parent to make the decision which they believe is best for their child. This may include public school, private school, charter school, homeschool, virtual school, or something else that's not on the top of the head. The same decision is not right for all children.
  17. Yes. And usually there's a help room or the TA will have office hours, and at this point in the semester most of the TAs I know are sitting doing crosswords or their own homework during office hours due to lack of attendance. Go to office hours every time they're open. That's what they're for. Ask if she's on the right track on homework *before* it's submitted.
  18. They might not count it as a math credit if he takes it that young. Shouldn't be a problem unless you were planning on doing his HS math in 5-8th grades and then skipping it in high school (which would be a bad idea).
  19. If it's too hot, I get carsick, so I need to ask to have that adjusted and explain why anyway. If the music is really obnoxious, I'd ask if we can change the station or turn it down. Even if it's my very most favourite station, I wouldn't want someone who was riding in my car to be sitting there disliking the music, so I would change it for them. So why wouldn't I ask them for the same courtesy in return?
  20. You should be able to find more information by googling the name of the video and/or the comment it posted in quotes. Some of those videos are relatively harmless (just tricks to get people into surveys), while some of them are a bit more troublesome.
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