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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I think that whichever one I skipped (and I do not feel as strongly as the others), I would read at least a logic-stage translation/summary of it for cultural familiarity etc. Here's a free online one for the Aeneid. http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=church&book=aeneid&story=_contents
  2. In response to the first one, this depends on the university. Where I went to graduate school we definitely did. I remember at undergrad we used a nationally normed exam as the final for our two-semester chemistry sequence. The class average (the instructor told us) was usually right around the 50th percentile, which seems reasonable for a very average little school. In response to the second one -- because in many high schools there is magical extra credit available at the end of the semester that can turn an F into a C.
  3. After this a student should either take pre-algebra or algebra 1 depending on how they did and somewhat on age as well. A strong student would be ready for algebra. For a student who struggled during the program, if they were 9th grade or higher I would move on to a weaker algebra such as Power Basics or Math U See, in order to work on high school graduation requirements. If they were 8th grade or lower I would move into a solid pre-algebra instead.
  4. Or colleges (they do exist) which have a "poor dears, they can't do any better" approach to education. There was one not long ago which attained a degree of notoriety after having issued a directive from above that for freshman courses, attendance, participation, and preparedness were to comprise 50% of the course grade, and for sophomores 40%. Were I in such a situation, I would be sending out applications as rapidly as possible, and in the meantime, rewriting my freshman exams so that 80% was an A, 60% a B, etc.
  5. It's called Basic College Math, but it's a Pre-Pre-Algebra text. It's used in one semester university math courses to prepare students for pre-algebra, but many have used it as a year-long course with their 6-8 graders who needed math consolidation. I do not know where you can get sample pages, but Lial's 6th edition is available used on amazon -- http://www.amazon.com/Basic-College-Mathematics-Margaret-Lial/dp/0321064577/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1406310248&sr=1-6&keywords=basic+college+mathematics+lial -- from $0.59. The current edition is the 9th, but the material is practically identical. I would suggest that if it looks like a possibility, you could just buy it, and if it doesn't work, re-sell it.
  6. Power Basics has a Basic Math textbook if you want VERY basic, and Lial's BCM also starts from the beginning. You could also try taking the Saxon math placement test -- the continual review should help find and fill holes.
  7. Don't worry, creekland. There's a chair with your name on it on the Supreme Overlord's Educational Advisory Council.
  8. I would suspect that it has a lot more to do with the cram-and-dump common at all levels of education. We very rarely (MCAT, certification exams, etc., are the exceptions) test over more than one semester or at the maximum one year. Students learned and were moderately proficient with the material when it was examined, but then immediately began forgetting the material. I do not really have a solution to this that does not involve a complete overhaul of the way the university system works, which would not be politically feasible, but you all can rest assured that when I am the Supreme Overlord of the Universe, I will fix it.
  9. I don't get directions via text but if I did, I could certainly see briefly checking while stopped at a light without taking the time to pull into a parking lot. NY State has done that. Not only that, but they've changed a lot of what used to be truck-only parking areas to general parking areas/text stops without services. I approve highly. I did that once. I have no idea what I was thinking but I got cussed out by the cop who pulled me over. On the bright side, he didn't even ticket me -- I'll take a cussing out over a ticket any day. He came up and wanted to know what my ****ing excuse was for ****ing going through ****ing red lights. I said "Stupidity?"
  10. It may help people to give relevant insight if you share what they've done so far and how they did with it.
  11. I guess that I don't buy the "if you just make the deterrent severe enough, people will stop". Some of them will, but many others (especially teenagers) are going to just believe they won't get caught. It doesn't make sense to me to continue punishing a 30 year old for stupid decisions made as a teenager. Even in countries where it *doesn't* ruin your life to lose your license, a few people still do it. Another point is that when the penalty is sufficiently disproportionate, it tends to get very selectively enforced, because the police also don't like to ruin someone's life. I'd rather see a more minor penalty that is enforced consistently and aggressively. I agree with you about seat belts on adults.
  12. Suspending a license for life is problematic (as Sparkly mentioned) because in most cases we simply do not have public transportation available. In many cases, it would cost someone a job because of lack of transportation to it. For example, where my mother lives, the nearest public transportation spot is 5 miles away over an enormous hill, as is the nearest semi-grocery store (dollar store type dealie). The nearest town with jobs is 20 miles away, and the nearest town with semi-decent public transportation is like 50.
  13. I've played MUDs as a female for years, but I think due to the aging playerbase the harassment is less there. Also the one I play is very pro-active about nuking repeat harassers.
  14. I think that every time I see one of those. Especially when I see it stand straight up and then suddenly collapse.
  15. Yep. Rather disturbing article about the harassment of women involved in video games: http://www.vice.com/read/female-game-designers-are-being-threatened-with-rape
  16. You know what I'd really like to ban? The GLARINGLY bright electronic billboards that suddenly shift color and messages. I've come pretty close to having an accident because of one of those in my rear-view mirror.
  17. Yeah, I'm pretty confused about this as well. I understand banning sending them and reading them, but receiving them?
  18. I'm at a bit of a loss as to where you're getting that from the bolded. It seems that you are implying that because moderately unprepared students are able to catch up with an extra year, there cannot be standards for anyone. Simply because we admit underprepared students does not mean that we do not hold them to college standards in college coursework. Of course they are not held to college standards in developmental coursework, and that is why it is non-credit-bearing.
  19. Nice? Nice?! Words fail me. Cupcakes are nice. THIS IS BEYOND NICE.
  20. You know, it would be kinda fun to rewrite the whole book swapping the genders of every character. But much too much work. Interesting mental images coming up though.
  21. Yep. I still have a fair amount of 4 and 5. I cannot just treat myself to a restaurant meal or a movie. I just can't. I can't stop thinking about the money I'm spending when I could be watching something online or making my own food. I have a great deal of difficulty buying new clothes instead of waiting for something interesting to come in at the thrift store. I can buy bargains and calculate that it'll save money, but I can't manage to buy something just because I want it. Except books.
  22. I don't usually identify with a specific character but rather add myself to the book, if that makes sense? This also has the advantage that when the character dies in a later book I'm not left going "HEY!"
  23. Totally, it is both. Frankly I think the schools should have online parent workshops explaining what they're trying to do and why. Actually, the state should put them up for the curricula they're using. Ha. That'll never happen. But it should.
  24. The problem with book rental is that you don't get to keep the book for future reference. I'd probably still do it, though, and if I needed the book for reference buy a used copy from amazon later on.
  25. This whole conversation is making me think of this (foul language warning): http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/2130786/the/
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