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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. This link has a part of a documentary linked to it. There is a woman who talks about how her family all came to visit in the hospital and nobody knew what to say or do, and the mother's father said a 'what not to say'. This is an uplifting site, and while the new mother might not be ready for it, it might be a site you keep in the back of your head for her.






    I hadn't seen this! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I also have a son with Down Syndrome (and am actually one of the authors in the book Gifts) If there is anything that you can do it's just to listen to your friend. She's going to need lots of love, support and someone to just listen to her. I had so many emotions when my sweet Logan was born. One moment I was excited, the next I was just so sad. To have a friend who would just listen, hold my hand, and even cry with me was so comforting. At the beginning, I was very reluctant to contact anyone who had a child with DS. However, if she is ever ready to talk to others who have BTDT, feel free to PM me and I'll offer my e-mail addy.


    If nothing else, just be there when SHE's ready, she will be ready to talk about this in time. Be patient. :grouphug:

  3. Ok, so this is only slightly Mexican, but it is one of the most heavenly desserts I've ever had (it's one of those that elicits "MMMmmmms" on the first bite), and the flavor really is Sopapilla-like:


    Sopapilla Cheesecake


    2 cans crescent rolls

    2 pkgs. 8 oz. cream cheese (softened)

    1 3/4 cup sugar (separated)

    1 cup butter (melted)

    cinnamon to taste


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees

    Grease 9x13 pan

    Spread 1 can of rolls on bottom of dish

    Cream together cream cheese and one cup sugar

    Spread over rolls

    Now layer 2nd can of rolls on top

    Pour melted butter on top

    Sprinkle remaining 3/4 cup sugar and the cinnamon

    Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes


    If you'd like to make real sopapillas, a just get the fluffiest flour tortillas you can find and fry them in hot oil. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar and serve warm with honey. We used to make the recipe out of the Better Crocker (or was it Better Homes & Garden) cookbook, and then a Mexican friend gave us this tip. They are tasty!



    As far as an appetizer, I'd just go with chips and salsa, maybe guac or queso.


    :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: Best stuff EVEAH!

  4. Thanks guys! How do you know if stuff has gluten fillers? Nothing says "gluten" in the ingredients, so what are the 'trigger' words, if you will. We don't have a Trader Joes... :crying:


    My son has been having migraines, constipation, stomach pain (he says it feels like someone is stabbing him) and leg pains/weakness in legs.


    His thyroid tested abnormal (we don't know high or low) too, we are taking him back in today to re-test that. We will be asking about Celiac too.

  5. He cried - he has been thinking of nothing but his party since about 3 weeks ago. Now he feels as if he doesn't have any friends again. He has taken the move from NC harder than any of the others.


    I knew (from here :D) that people often don't RSVP, so I planned to have more than those who *had* RSVP'd.



    Oh my word. I'm in tears for him. This literally broke my heart into pieces. :crying:

  6. I don't know if this was discussed (I admit to not reading the whole 5 pages, but, in their alternate reality, Locke still liked his Dad! Did you catch that? He and Hellen were talking about their wedding and she said "Why we don't just invite my parents and your Dad". I'm quite certain that Locke would NOT have wanted his Dad there IF he had pushed him out the window causing his accident. So, they why was Locke in the wheelchair? He didn't tell Jack what put him in the chair, but it seems that maybe he doesn't have a bad relationship with his Dad. Did you catch that?

  7. So scary. I think it is dangerous to think "Well that wouldn't happen here in the US" Um, why? What would stop them for doing this too? I think many of us have a false security because we live in the USA. That is a dangerous comfort to rely on. I pray for this family. What a horrible place they must be in right now.

  8. I wouldn't let them come over...JMO. I dont' like the mist and am actually irritated they made it! Anyone at the store who got it, that sneezes on you or anything can infect you! We have literally stayed in like hermits for over a month. No one has been sick though! Good luch on your decision and explaining it to them if you decide not to let them come! :grouphug:

  9. Thanks Emily. I was kind of thinking the same thing, timewise, but the music was so loud, stuff in the bedrooms was vibrating, and they're on the opposite corner from us! It's totally off now, which is a bummer for them--I wouldn't have minded if they'd just turned it down.


    Glad it's taken care of! Yikes, if stuff was vibrating in YOUR house...what was it doing in THEIR house!

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