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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. We have a 4 bdrm house. Currently, the 2 oldest share a room and the youngest has his own room. The 4th bedroom is the school room. Both of the older boys want their own room. Doing this, however, would take away the school room. So, would you...


    A.) Say "Too bad" and leave things the way they are


    B.) Let them each have their room and do school elsewhere (dining room or whatever) I don't know what I would do with all the books and other school stuff.


    C.) Give them each their own room and divide the school room between the 2 rooms


    D.) Other, offer suggestion?

  2. Thanks guys! Since several of you used it, I'm just going to post a few questions here instead of PMing all of you :D


    1.) Did you start this after having homeschooled? If so, how did the placement tests work?

    2.) The application papers are asking for a current report card. We don't have report cards.

    3.) For those who used it and then pulled out, did you go back to homeschooling? Were they okay with that?

    4.) How 'hands on' was your helper teacher?

    5.) Did you have to ever go to the charter school you used? (The one we would use is about an hour away)


    If I think of anymore, I'll ask! I just need to contact someone there too. I did ask about having Logan (my one with Down syndrome) on it and they basically said "No" I was bummed about that.

  3. Mine keep dying! 2 have died in a month. :confused: What am I doing wrong? I have both sand and that coconut fiber in their cage. The humidity level is always above 80%, I have a heating pad to keep the temp high enough. I change their water daily (distilled and salt) no tap water. Change their food daily, give them fresh fruit and veggies. Why are they dying?! DH suggests maybe I am irritating them to death with too much love and care..... ;)

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