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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. Honestly? No.


    Dh has one fulltime job - going to the office.


    *He* says I have three - 'homemaker,' SAHM, and homeschool teacher/mom. (I agree with him!) We try to divide up the homemaking duties so that it's more like he has 1.5 jobs and I have 2.5. ;)


    But, no, I don't feel guilty. We work as a partnership, and right now in our lives, he's the one who can bring in a larger income, which we need to make the partnership/team work. The family is a unit, and we're greater than the sum of our parts. I don't feel guilty simply because society view his role as more valuable than mine.


    100% totally agree!

  2. Emily,


    How was your son diagnosed? Are there any side effects or long term issues to consider?


    I talked to his Dr and he said it was okay to try Melatonin. I haven't noticed any negative side effects. In fact, we've had less stressful and less tears at school since he's been sleeping better!


    Melatonin can cause nightmares and migraines. GABA is another to try. Though it can cause migraines as well. Almost all of them can.



    I have heard about GABA too. I would have tried that if the Melatonin didn't work. My brother had nightmares when he took the Melatonin.

  3. I was just reading a post about adult insomnia and wondered if any of your children struggle with this as my 8yo DD does. We have tried everything! We have a good schedule, lots of exercise, we don't allow screen time or sweets before bed. She doesn't have any food or behavioral issues. It takes her f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get to sleep and then she often wakes up and wanders around, sleeping many different places in the night. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.



    My 9 year old has the same problem. He takes Melatonin before bed every night. A 3mg pill. Works wonders. HTH!

  4. It's an effort to get her de-sensitized to anything that might make her jump out of her skin and throw me to the ground. I use empty milk jugs, boat buoys, Walmart bags, big beach balls, towels, whips, ropes, anything and everything.


    All the work pays off when a child gets away from a parent and and connects with a horse butt at full speed. This actually happened, and the horse just looked at me like "And how long will THIS kid be visiting???"



    Was that one of mine??

  5. I'm in IL. I called the IDNR and asked what the law is. The receptionist did not know and the forestry office is closed.


    I am looking on the website and the only information I can find is related to the Box turtle.


    I'm quite certain the turtle won't turn you in. :D Nothing sadder than seeing a smooshed turtle on the road. WTG!

  6. -- sorry for the hijack, but what is NT?--



    I have an autistic son,and three nt kids, so here is my scoop - 1. the sister needs time AWAY from her brother, no doubt. She lives with him. Time to just play like any other kid with another nt (neuro-typical) kid can be precious for the sibling of a child with autism.




    I think in other posts NT can mean "No text" if you don't add text to your response.

  7. has he been swimming? i thought my kids had the pox a couple of summers ago...same thing...looked just like cp but didn't itch. turned out it was impetigo. my son ended up with boils so huge they left scars. i'd check with your dr to be sure. if it is impetigo they need antibiotics.



    Oh barf. Yes, we've been swimming. Can you get that on your back?

  8. All I remember about them is that a warm (or hot - but hot makes me nervous) bath will bring the rest of them out if it is chicken pox.


    Hope he doesn't get uncomfortable.



    He took a hot shower and has a few more now. :glare: One of them is VERY itchy now, but he said the others still aren't too bad. Ugh. I guess we'll see what he looks like in the morning. Thanks!

  9. Is that like a strict rule for chickenpox? Aiden, my 8 yr old, took his shirt off tonight and I noticed 10-15 red spots on his back. They have a white pussy thing in the middle of them. He says they aren't too itchy, only a little. I looked online and the pics look EXACTLY like chickenpox, but the site said "very itchy" It also said a possible fever (which he does not have). Anyway, just curious. My older son had a VERY mild case of chickenpox when he was 18 months old and I can't remember back that far. :D Oh and if it WAS chickenpox, would he have more in the AM?

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