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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. Some of us may want to discuss the non-monetary part of the Stimulus...how about the part where everyone's medical records are openly placed in a database and required eugenics testing (future) is tossed into it?


    Can I ask something here? I am not 100% sure what 'eugenics testing' means for sure? Could that possibly mean those of us who have had a disabled child would be urged to not have any more kids? How would that play out?

  2. WTG! I did 47 minutes tonight and broke several of my records! YAY! I did 60 seconds on the 'plank' hold in strength training. I almost barfed, but I DID IT! I ranked 'couch potato' but I don't care, I have the worlds weakest ab muscles. When I first got the wii fit, I couldn't even hold the plank for 10 seconds, let alone 60!


    As for the run...I don't know. Good job losing 2 lbs too!

  3. Great idea...let's all list our goals.


    My Wii Fit goals.


    Work out on it 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes.

    Build enough core strength to be able to do the yoga and strength training without putting my foot down and only getting "couch potato" rankings.

    Open the final running track in the aerobics phase.


    While doing all this I am also hoping to lose about 40 lbs.....

  4. Hey all! I have had the Wii Fit since just after Christmas. I have opened all the Yoga poses, most of the strength training, all the balance games and almost all of the aerobics games. I haven't unlocked all the advanced times, but most of the games are open. I love the step aerobics and the boxing games. I am learning to like the running and try my best at the Yoga and Strength training, but I am NOT good at those.


    Any suggestions of what we could add here?

  5. THANK YOU!!! We had looked inside the DVD and VHS player, but didn't think to actually open it up! After reading your suggestion, I went and took it apart, and sure enough Wii Fit and 3 other DVDs were underneath the thing where the DVDs go into. He has been apparently trying to put them into the dvd player by opening the outside of the thing they go into (not correctly) and sliding them in so they actually went under it inside the case. I know that may not make any sense to read it...but the point is it was there!


    I have been practically pulling my hair out over this since Friday afternoon...I never thought to actually open the player. Thank you so much! :party:


    I just did 30 minutes of exercise and a body test, and gained back a pound...must have been all the snacking since I was so upset! :blush5: Gotta work hard this week to lose that pound again!


    YAY! Glad you found it!!!!:grouphug:

  6. I have a question. 3 of us in our family have been sick since Thanksgiving. The boys have been on numerous rounds of antibiotics and it's just not getting rid of it. It's nasal congestion, ear pain and chest congestion. I sick of antibiotics that aren't working. I am looking for a natural way to cleanse our systems and get rid of this junk. I know there has to be something out there.....any suggestions????



  7. I have not read all the responses but here goes. I am probably a bad mom...but when all school, chores and reading are done for the day, there are no limits on Wii play. Now I say that during the winter (it's -5 here today) When it is too cold to play outside, there is no limit to 'screen time' once all daily requirements are done. They usually also play lots of board games, I think the unlimited play time helps with that, they know they can play it pretty much whenever they want. When it warms up, there will be more strict rules...I REALLY like the poker chip idea! They play outside a lot when it's nice....so Wii will cut dramatically when it ever warms up. Oh and oldest DS gets up before dawn and we let him play Wii quietly in the morning while we all finish sleeping!

  8. Thanks for all the replies. I just had a conversation today with a lady that said her dd had twins. One of them is presenting normal and the other has characteristics of down's, but doesn't have down's.


    My friend with the down's baby has decided not to have the testing based on these kinds of stories. She doesn't see any reason to put her baby through the testing. She is convinced her baby doesn't have down's but is just presenting traits of it.


    I'll continue to research and appreciate the link to Turner's syndrome.



    A simple blood test can tell if her child has DS. If they *think* the baby might, they need to do the test to know for sure because there could be serious health issues. (ie: heart defect) My youngest has Down Syndrome, and it is not a disease you can grow out of. You either have it or you don't. Except for the case of Mosaic DS (where only part of the cells are affected), every cell in his body has this extra chromosome, that is not something that can go away as you get bigger. Some people with DS are higher functioning than others, but that doesn't mean they have it worse, it just affects them differently. I would encourage your friend to have her baby tested (again, just a simple blood test) because they need to know. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. I would be happy to help.

  9. Thanks guys. The weather has been HORRIBLE here and I think that's been the main issue. It will be 80 one day and 50 the next. He has has asthma since he was 2, but it seems to be getting worse as he ages (NOT what I was hoping for) His attacks at night are so bad he can't even use his rescue inhaler, because he can't get in a breath deep enough to do anything. When he is showing 'no' symptoms, he is in the 'yellow' zone on his peak flow. He has never been able to blow into the green zone. His pedi just changed him to Adviar yesterday. Hopefully that will work. Thanks again ladies!

  10. My eldest son has been diagnosed with severe asthma. He is on steroids, advair, cingular and also has a rescue inhaler (which he uses several times a day) and a nebulizer. He has been up with horrible asthma attacks the last 3 nights and we can't seem to get this under control. We also took him off of dairy. I asked the lady at our health store what herbs they might reccomend, and they wouldn't reccomend anything. They said they 'don't touch asthma' (which I think means "We dont want to get sued) So for those who have BDTD, any suggestions?

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