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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. So, money is pretty tight these days for everyone. I am applying for a job as a "Care Asisstant" at our local children's hospital. It is an aide for the nurse. I have been wanting to go back to school for nursing after the boys are done with school (I think) and this would be a good opportunity to see if I would like nursing. Anyway, the shift is from 4PM to 1:30 AM. I *think* I could pull this off and still homeschool, we just may start school later....like at 10AM. I also will possibly be starting to watch some good friends infant in the spring. I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew. Needing two incomes and homeschooling is TOUGH! Oh and if I go to work for this hospital, they will pay for my entire schooling when and if I decide to go for my nursing degree. What do you think?? Am I crazy?! I would love some advice.....does anyone work AND homeschool?

  2. Okay, don't laugh at me.....but. My youngest is BAD about leaving on socks and we have our heater set much lower this year too. I didn't want little bare feet running around, so under all my DS's pants, he wears tights. The ones that look like regular sock material. Not only does that force them to stay on his feet, his legs have an extra layer too. DH is okay with it because if you didn't know, you'd just think he had on socks.....but we've gotten a few comments from people in nursery when they change his diaper. ;) However, I bet my heating bill is less than theirs!!! :tongue_smilie:

  3. I get it for my 'at risk' children. Zach got it this year for the first time because he was just diagnosed with 'severe asthma'. His pedi really suggested getting the flu shot for him because the flu could kill someone with that bad of asthma...according to his Dr. Also, Logan has a weak immune system and has had them every year, but don't know if we will get it for him this year. I do ask for the persertive free ones....makes me feel a little better about it anyway. I am allergic to them and DH and Aiden won't get them.

  4. I am deathly allergic to sulfa based meds. DS was put on a sulfa based antibiotic yesteday. I am always careful about not licking it off my fingers if it spills on them and what not. Tonight DH gave Logan his meds and then right after I gave him a quick bite of my supper from my fork....then I took another bite. I started having breathing trouble and got a few hives. Had to find the benadryl! Geesh, guess I'll be taking extra precautions when giving him the med! In fact, maybe DH should just handle this one! ;)

  5. and won't drink! He has to keep his tonsils moist or we will end up back in the hospital. (almost one week post tonsillectomy) He goes into the Dr at 11:20 CST to get looked at. Please pray we aren't re-admitted. Logan was put on a high dose of antibiotics after surgery, so I can't imagine that it's an infection, however the child 2 doors down in the hospital had RSV....which is kind of how this is presenting itself. Please pray he just has a bad cold and that he starts drinking!




    Logan has an ear infection, sinus infection and developed a post op staph infection on his tonsils.... The Dr put him on a high dose antibiotic, but if that doesn't help by Thursday, we will take him back in for a series of Rocephin shots. At this point we just have to keep him drinking! He drank a bit at lunch, so that's good....but 'a bit' isn't enough to keep him out of the hospital. Time to stock up on popcicles!

  6. UGH! HELP! 4 years into this homeschooling thing and I can't seem to find a curriculum that I just love. I do love SOTW, but am having trouble finding the supplemental curriculum like math, english, phonics, spelling, and science (we got Apologia this year and I think it's just too advanced for my 2nd and 3rd graders). We used Christian Liberty Press for a few years and just didn't ever fall in love with it. This year we are using all Rod and Staff. Again, just not loving it. I want a curriculum that I LOVE to teach. I am about ready to give up homeschooling, but know I would regret it if I did....so PLEASE give me some ideas, I'm already starting to do some research for next school year.....so ANY suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!

  7. I'm curious as well. Also what is a "reformed Christian"? It makes me think of "reformed alcoholic". :tongue_smilie:


    Being 'reformed' is usually associated with Calvin's 5 points. TULIP (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonment, Irresistable grace, and Perservence of the saints) Man I hope I spelled all those right.....


    To be reformed is to believe in all of these 5 points, the one that is most argued is the "L" in TULIP.....

  8. On this day in 1517, Martin Luther posted a proposal at the doors of a church in Wittenberg, Germany to debate the doctrine and practice of indulgences. This proposal is popularly known as the 95 Theses, which he nailed to the Castle Church doors. This was not an act of defiance or provocation as is sometimes thought. Since the Castle Church faced Wittenberg's main thoroughfare, the church door functioned as a public bulletin board and was therefore the logical place for posting important notices. Also, the theses were written in Latin, the language of the church, and not in the vernacular. Nonetheless, the event created a controversy between Luther and those allied with the Pope over a variety of doctrines and practices. When Luther and his supporters were excommunicated in 1520, the Lutheran tradition was born. This in turn would later ease the creation of the Reformed and Anabaptist traditions as well.


    Here is the wikipedia link



  9. Okay, yesterday at a baby shower, a lady from church (not a close friend of mine, but someone who I talk to on occasion) made a comment that was hurtful. I know she didn't mean to be hurtful and was just a comment of ignorance. There were two moms (myself and another mom) who this would particularly be hurtful to. After the event I had 4 people come up and ask if I was okay becuase it was pretty obvious the comment was upsetting. One mom even said she didn't know how I didn't start 'sobbing'. So, here is my delima. I KNOW she wasn't intending to hurt us by her comment...so would you say something to her nicely and explain why her comment was hurtful? Or would you just let it go since there was no ill intent and chalk it up to a 'foot in mouth' moment? If it makes any difference, I am not holding this against her nor does it make me think any less of her. In that case I am thinking I should just let it go unless something is said again at a later date.....what do you think?



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