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Everything posted by mellifera33

  1. School violence has nothing to do with why we homeschool. My kids are more likely to be injured or killed in the car on the way to a homeschool activity than they would be at school. Being killed in a car accident is so common that it rarely makes national news.
  2. I didn't see this until now. How did it go? Our first appointment was just a chat so we could get to know the psych and she could get to know how P thinks. We did a bit of history, then P got us off on a rabbit trail and the psych went along to see where he would go. It actually was very helpful for her to interact with him in a very natural way.
  3. Tide laundry detergent. I keep trying others, but I always go back to Tide.
  4. There should be a "zombie" tag that could be added to warn us of reanimated threads. lol
  5. We like the Chicken Tikka Masala from America's Test Kitchen. :)
  6. I think that level three would be a mixed bag for a 12 y/o. Some of the projects--the contour line birds, the boats and water color mixing--would be fun for a tween. Other projects--I'm thinking Polar Express, Scarecrow, and Circus Trailer--seem young for 12.
  7. Well, this changes my answer. Now I think that you should smash the iPad, burn the pieces, and send the ashes into space on a rocket. :tongue_smilie:
  8. My impression is that the public schools are trying to cram in as much learning as possible before being smart isn't cool anymore, and they lose the kids' attention.
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