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Everything posted by yorkshire_parkin

  1. tell EVERYONE its their birthdays!! Especially at restaurants! and have a great time! -rebecca-
  2. congratulations! wishing you many more happy years! -rebecca-
  3. we have 4 at a time, and have really had our monies worth. my dh used to BUY!! EVERY DVD he wanted to see. Other than a couple of special ones, and Disney movies he hasn't bought any since we started netflix 2 years ago. -rebecca-
  4. we have a large round elementary school table for the younger kids. And a large rectangle for my eldest, big enough for 4 kids to work at really. We also have a 2nd large rectangle for our computers. -rebecca-
  5. what do you like? any other suggestions?
  6. when my dd was in ps, we had this same supply list. Its a general supply list. Most of the stff they don't even use (file folder paper etc). BUT! by christmastime, they were asking for MORE pencils and gluesticks!! -rebecca-
  7. I have a "going in to" 6th grader. Last year we took a year off from R&S grammar to focus on writing (writing tales), we have previously completed R&S Grammar 3 and 4, and she has very strong grammar skills. This year we will be (hopefully) be doing IEW, and want to also get back to grammar. Funds are running low. I have R&S Grammar 5 and 7, but not six. Do you think i should/could use one of these programs? Or try and stretch to buy R&S GRAMMAR 6? thanks -rebecca-
  8. my son (now 8) hated to sitting and listening to read alouds. Instead he would sit on the floor somewhere close by, and play with legos or k'nex. When asked comprehension questions, he could answer them just fine and had obviously listened well to the story. If I MAKE him sit beside me and listen, he just cannot do it. He is getting better, but still does better listening while playing. (He has ADHD) -rebecca-
  9. we love The Twits! it was always one of my faves as a kid too! And George's Marvelous Medicine!! -rebecca-
  10. ..so sorry for all these questions, but... if i use Glencoe integrated science, what other stuff do i need to buy? lab manual? Prentice Hall... what do i need for this? how many books per year? will it give me a full middle school curriculum? thanks -rebecca-
  11. can it be modified to be used secularly? (Core 4 and above) I am NOT opposed to having Christian content, I just don't want my science to be solely..."this is how it is, because God says so" (if that sounded like it offended anyone, i'm sorry, it wasn't meant to) -rebecca-
  12. by same subject/topic i meant that I don't want to be studying one individual subject (eg. the solar system) for a whole year. I don't mind studying biology for a whole year. -rebecca-
  13. ok, so i posted last week about about Dad wanting our dd to start middle school this year. Well i think i have talked him out of that idea now. I am planning to do Sonlight 6, Sonlight 6 LA (I think), Spelling Power Saxon 7/6, Artistic pursuits I just need some ideas on science.... I want... ..something planned out ..secular ..preferably something we can follow for the 3 middle school years ..NOT the same topic for the whole year She wants... ..lots of experimets, (hands on) ..to be able to use her microscope she likes the look of the Exploration Education curriculum, is that meaty enough, or could it be with added text? I like the look of Real Science 4 kids. (i think this fits all our needs/wants??) Any other suggestions?? thanks -rebecca-
  14. someone on this board suggested http://www.mindsprinting.com to me. It give the child a test, and then shows you their gaps. And then allows you to print out lessons and worksheets for that particular skill. might be just what you are looking for? -rebecca-
  15. oh, you have just reminded me how much i loved teaching R&S Math 1. I can't wait until its time to use it again! -rebecca-
  16. ooohh...it has a lock! I would say its awesome!! My little boys are into everything, and the blades are so sharp. Mine stay in the original boy, high up so they cant get it (but thats a pain) go for it! -rebecca-
  17. Are Saxon Math books genrally the correct level (e.g. 7/6 is for 6th grade)? thanks -rebecca-
  18. this is not funny! (not for her anyway). I was ones doing a school project for Religious Educations, it was written as a scroll, and i was drawing beautiful vines around it. I was so proud of it, i showed my mum... "look at how i've drawn the vines and all the testicles coming off them" (tenticals) she laughed at me :-( -rebecca-
  19. I dont usually post here (i used to on the old WTM boards), but i find that forums just eat up too much of my time, but i do lurk a little. So our eldest is supposed to start middle school this coming school year. Dad says its time for her to go. She has a hard time making friends, he says she will do better at that at school. (there are plenty of homeschool happening here, but we dont often get out to them), The thing is i just dont think shes ready. We have had a very busy year this year and really not put as much effort into school as we should have. The last 3-4 months have been much better, I just feel like its too little too late. what should we/I do? what are your suggestions? will she do OK in school if shes a little behind ? grammar is good writing (skills and penmanship are terrible) math is pretty good, but could do with increasing speed science,history, social are all pretty good, although probably not the same knowledge as what would be taught at school reading is very good Am i just been over protective? (she is anxious, but a lot of that is probably because moving to a "big" school is scary We are planning to have an in depth duscussion tonight thanks for listening to my ramblings. -rebecca- :confused:
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