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Everything posted by Mom-ninja.

  1. I am surrounded by evangelical homeschoolers. I do not participate in their activities. Once a month a local group goes bowling right down the street. My kids love to bowl. Seems like it would be "safe" and religion would not come up. I know this would not be the case. I don't fit in and neither do my kids therefore we do not mingle with them. It really is that simple. I don't understand why you keep participating and getting pissed off. You know the drill. You know how they work. You either participate and choose to not let their ways bother you, or you stop going and move on.
  2. I like to dress the part as well. However, I have and do clean toilets in a skirt or dress. I can throw an apron on over my clothes to help protect them. However, if I have to really scrub with bleach then I will change cause I can't afford to ruin my clothes. I would change several times a day. No way could I mow the grass and not shower change after. So, I'd go for my walk, pack boxes, and mow the lawn and then shower and change. Then I would dress in skirt/dress or pants/blouse for errands and night out.
  3. Anything by Jen Lancaster or P.G. Wodehouse depending on if you want a modern author or one from the last century.
  4. Don't knock placebo. It is very real and very effective. This is why doctors even try to use it to see if it helps.
  5. I have fresh ginger but not fresh tumeric. I've never even looked for it. The tea sounds lovely and soothing. Unfortunately I don't have my car today so I'll have to wait. I just had a protein smoothie and blueberry pancakes. I hadn't planned on the pancakes. I am overly stuffed. Dear son, I love that you love to cook and bake. You are becoming quite good at it. Maybe too good. When you place a platter of hot blueberry pancakes next to a bowl of fruit yogurt sauce in front of your mother, please understand that she has NO self control and will stuff those yummy pancakes into her pancake hole. Then she won't be able to move because she had previously consumed a protein smoothie. P.S. What are you making for lunch?
  6. :smilielol5: Sorry, this made me laugh hysterically. Oh, if only the kids would follow this plan. Oh, and the pets. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be all June Cleaver for dh when he gets home. That is not my reality. I do, however, let him drink from my wine or whiskey glass when he walks in the door.
  7. My dh has about an hour and half commute one way. It is tough for him. He does it because he hated his old job. Neither of us are interested in selling our house. We like our house. He bought a more fuel efficient car, and listens to audio books. The audio books keep him sane. He says without them he would not make it. So we make sure he always has a good series to hold his attention. We spend a lot of money on gas. It sucks. A lot. When gas prices go up we cry. A lot.
  8. That looks like a book I might want to read
  9. There is debate about the results of the study because it received grant money from the National Dairy Council and National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board. I'm not saying don't drink chocolate milk if you want to, but it's good to be aware of who funds studies and how that may influence the interpretation of results. Personally, I like chocolate milk but now only give it to my kids as I no longer make enough lactase to drink it. So now I drink chocolate almond or coconut milk. :D
  10. Holy sweat fest today. I need a head sweat band ala 80s style. :D Cardio/abs which was not bad except those (insert adult adjective here) jump squats. Followed by yoga/toning and this was challenging for me today. My arms/shoulders/neck are sore from yesterday's workout so all the negative push ups in this yoga video were killing me. I did them though. On the last tricep push up my left elbow let me know that enough was enough and bit me. What's good for fighting inflammation? Tumeric, right? Last night I took Motrin because my neck was very sore. I need some serious anti-inflammatory, anti-stiffness foods. Remind me what cause I can't remember!
  11. First, the bolded....if you say fantastic but then negate that by saying you never see the results "they" say you will, then what kind of results are they saying you will have if NOT fantastic? Seems to me that fantastic is a great result. The tabata workout is 44 minutes and you added 30 min of Tracy to it. Are you working your muscles too much? Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. You will not see improvement if your muscles are overworked and do not recover/repair frequently and fully. I rarely work out for more than an hour. When I do I make sure I take one full rest day followed by a low impact/stretching day. Walking my dog is the extent of exercise on a rest day. Today was a bit of kickboxing which I love. This one was fun in that you did kickboxing moves and then ab moves. Followed this with upper body strength. I think I did great! Of course my shoulder is protesting just a twinge. So I'll need to be careful for a bit. Anyway, I did all 3 sets of push ups (with feet on a chair) fully extended, I did 2 unmodified sets of the 1/2 military push ups and the last set off my knees on the chair like Daniel shows, and 2 sets of fully extended legs for tricep dips and the last set with legs at 90 angle. Those military push ups things are hard! By the end of the 2nd set my bum shoulder was telling me to ease up so that's why I did the last set off my knees which made it so much easier. Amazing how much a difference it can make to simply decrease range of motion. And now I am craving.....eggs. So, I guess my body knows I need protein to repair the muscles I worked today.
  12. Finished Northanger Abby today. Love it. This was my 3rd time reading it.
  13. Lower body day: 5 min (make you curse) booty blaster and tabata
  14. The Night Circus read by Jim Dale
  15. Sense and Sensibility is my favorite Austen. A close second is Persuasion. I'm one of the weird people who doesn't love P&P as #1. Perhaps because I swoon over Colonel Brandon.
  16. Bras.....first, I am not well endowed so I don't have to worry about bras being able to support a lot of weight and contain a lot of flesh. ;) I get 99% of my sports bras from TJMaxx, Marhsalls, or Target. I've gotten a couple from Athleta and like them but they're not any better than the cheaper ones from Maxx. I have a range from low support for yoga, stretching, low impact days to more support for high impact days. None of mine have any back hooks or underwire, but again I don't need it. I've heard great things about Title Nine bras, and I think you can do online chat consulting for your needs and they will give suggestions. Oh, Old Navy has some good bras too.
  17. Low impact to get my sore muscles stretched and back in the game. Guess what!!! I just saw that FB released a new Booty Boot Camp for Butt/Thighs. I have one week left in my current schedule, and then I'm doing it! Looks like they have a new 8 week Cross Training program as well. They said it's good to use if you do another sport regularly like running, team sport, etc. This program is 3 days a week to add into your other workout plans.
  18. Oh, I forgot! I wanted to give a PSA to all of you. Be careful doing pull ups with those over-the-door-frame bars. I finally got around to putting mine together, and on my first pull up attempt on it, I pulled myself up too quickly and smacked my head (hard!) on the door frame. I just kind of let go and sat on the floor holding my throbbing head. My 11 yr old ds saw me do it and said, "Wow! That had to hurt." Yep, way to state the obvious. I used an ice pack to calm the throbbing, and amazingly I didn't get a headache. However, this morning I noticed I have a bruise (hidden by my hair). The door frame has a dent in it, but I cannot say that it was my head that did it as I don't know if the dent was there before my head whacked it. Maybe I should strap a small pillow to my head from now on when trying pull ups?
  19. Yesterday I ate a bowl (just over a cup) of plain yogurt (not Greek as I'm out) and mixed into it I added pecans (2 fist fulls), Tbs of chia seed, and about 2 Tbs of shredded coconut (non sweetened). Then I ate a piece of toast with mustard and sliced roast beef along with a small apple and sunbutter. Then I was very full. I basically crave carbs any day. :lol: Today is rest day. Kind of obvious after yesterday's workout. ;)
  20. Thanks, didn't know they had to be in list form.
  21. Another long "1000 calorie" workout. I had fun and feel great.....after my hot shower. ;)
  22. Can someone help me? I can not figure out how to delete books from my Want-to-Read shelf on Goodreads.
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