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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I am undecided on the benefit on AP English Comp/ AP English Lit in 10th/11th or 11th/12th. I thought the PSAT had an essay portion that would count for National Merit consideration in 11th, but it doesn't include the essay. So, an accelerated AP English schedule starting in 10th isn't necessary, and it gives us more time for great books study. I don't know how to fill in writing for 9th and 10th though. My options are in bold. English Sequence: 9th: Western Lit to Dante great books list with me Vocabulary for the College Bound Student Christian Light English 1 grammar light units 1-5 Potter's School english 3 (seems like it includes Grammar and Lit, which I don't want) or Advanced Composition or another writing class??? Recommendations? 10th: Western Lit from Dante great books list with me Joy of Vocabulary Christian Light English 1 grammar light units 6-10 Advanced Composition or another writing class??? Recommendations? 11th: AP English Composition 12th: AP English Literature
  2. I don't see a link, just emailed. US Government and Politics.
  3. I emailed the teacher for an application over the weekend, but I haven't heard back yet. Is that all I should do? Do they fill up quickly?
  4. Speech text http://www.lrb.co.uk/v35/n04/hilary-mantel/royal-bodies News article http://m.guardiannews.com/uk/2013/feb/19/kate-hilary-mantel-duchess-cambridge Her spokeman said she was speaking sympathetically. Seems incredibly mean spirited to me.
  5. Our experience with Chalkdust Algebra has convinced us to homeschool high school. She would never do as well if I didn't watch the videos, have the solutions manual, and help with homework mistakes. How do kids learn from their upper math homework mistakes without a solutions guide! I made my only b's in upper math in high school. I have all of the notebooks. Ridiculous careless mistakes over and over. I could have nipped many of them in the bud before they became habits if I had careful oversight. Also, our local high school has so, many pre reqs for AP classes, she would only be able to take 4, and many woud be virtual, which doesn't have a success rate like Penn. Homeschoolers.
  6. Interestjng. I order the Lady Almina book, I would love other recs with a more accurate depiction.
  7. Carson seems to be the most realistic, but they depict him as "old fashioned." Would the servants really be invited to the Ghillies Ball and dance with everyone else?
  8. Yes, thinking ahead. Thanks, I just wanted to be sure we could stay at the Form pace and still get ready for AP Latin. Thanks!
  9. Math- Chalkdust Geometry Lang. Arts - CLE grammar lu from English 1 Potters School Advanced Composition Western Lit-Dante,condensed great books list using Omnibus, Invitation to the Classics, Edith Hamilton Greek Way and Roman Way, and Spark Notes Vocabulary for the College Bound Student Direct Hits 1 &2 Third Form Latin Traditional Logic 2 Dive Biology with BJU and SAT2 prep Human Odyssey book w/essays AP US Gov't w/ PA Homeschoolers 10th year of piano
  10. My son will complete Fourth Form in 8th so he has time, but my daughter will only have 11th grade to prepare for AP Latin in 12th (she will complete Fourth Form in 10th). Is that possible? What class could she take online for 11th to prepare enough for AP Latin in 12th. She has a 98% in Second Form, but the pace is perfect.
  11. I paid $30 for all THREE textbooks, shipping included, from Advanced Book Exchange, ABE. We aren't using the student pages. They outline chapters, write topic & bio summaries, and Thinkwrite essays from Truthquest. I wish I had used these textbooks last year for Ancients, they are great!
  12. Our goal for World Geograohy is just cultural literacy, I.e. Core Knowledge. OM has essay questions, projects. It is actually really good if it suits your goals. I guess I was looking for a really complete 8th grade "grammar level" program. Lots of physical and cultural geography with vocab memorization. I won't be using this class for high school credit, is what I was driving at. Sorry I wasn't clear. Btw. I ordered the reading essentials companion workbook. It is perfect for our goals.
  13. Chicken in wine sauce over orzo Grilled eggplant and zuchinni Good bread from the bakery and dk chocolate caramels with sea salt from Tjs.
  14. I read that article totally perplexed and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. No one has ever said anything like that to me or in my presence. I have never thought anything remotely like the article implied... It felt a little creepy, honestly. My two oldest are disabled, so maybe I think differently than most? I am confused.
  15. I have two older more severely disabled sons - a teen and adult. Their highly regarded pediatric neurologist actually left neurology for sleep medicine bc she is convinced that what is being diagnosed as adhd is actually sleep disorders. I'll pm you personal info. :)
  16. Do you know what his educational background is? It doesn't say on the website.
  17. Thanks, I saw her syllabus includes creative writing, which I want to avoid. I'll keep it in mind bc she does get great reviews when I search the boards. Anyone else have a rec for academic, persuasive essays class online? Write at Home looks like a fit, but has mixed reviews when I searched the boards. Some reviews don't like that the essay workshop work on 2 essays, and just read Lively Art of Writing without instruction? They are 8 week workshops, so 2 papers might be ok imo. Any thoughts?
  18. Thanks everyone. I think we will try it. I want to visit the site first. He may be a teen, but has the mental capacity of a five year old. Who would send their five year old somewhere without checking it out first? He is limited to following 2 step directions, and he is limited in fine motor and gross motor skills. Many other job sites the schools are contracted with won't work well.
  19. Thanks. I don't see anything wrong with the types of jobs he and his classmates will do either. I just think of germs and bedbugs when sorting hotel strangers dirty sheets and towels all day. My initial reaction is to be grossed out and request another job.
  20. My son is in a special education high school class for mod. intellectually disabilities. He also has autism. He will have job coach at a work site. Job: Sorting laundry in hotel (nice hotel chain in nice area). What is your first reaction?
  21. My 8th grade daughter has mastered logic style outlines w/ biographical and topic summaries. She struggles when I correct her persuasive essays, bc "it feels like you are mad at me." SO, I am looking at Write at Home essay 1 workshop starting later this month. Next year (9th) she would take essay 2, and both research paper workshops. Better choice? I only want persuasive essays, no fiction or book reports.... I think she will take AP English/Comp in 10th. She scored crazy high on her Sat cr and writing last year, through Duke Tip. I think she is a capable writer and we like the WTM writing philosophy. We are both weary of my constant chastisements to use active voice and stronger, varied verbs. Etc. Thanks for any advice!
  22. How do I add a hulu plus app to our new samsung blueray? It doesn't sbow the app. I guess not? We have the Wii downstairs. Will I be able to watch last nights Downton Abbey and Revenge episodes on the tv, not online? I heard a lot of Hulu Plus content is only online, which I can jsually find for free on network websites anyway.
  23. Old Fashioned Girl, by Louisa May Alcott- My daughter begged me to read this. She underlined her favorite parts, some about a loving mom, and wrote a notation about me in the margin. :) It is a lovely book. The Bungalow, Sarah Jio- next up Story of Liberty, Charles Coffin - assigning the children 3x chapter a week MWF. I'm reading ahead to discuss. I'm glad I did be the opening chapter is kn the Magna Charta. His opening describes the need to reign in the absolute power of the monarchy. His illustration is Richard the Lionhearted's cannibalism during the Crusaades. Yikes! Didn't come across THAT in any other spines! Does anyone know? Men of Iron, Pyle - read aloud. We are all loving it.
  24. My twin and I tagged along with our dad on a business trip when we were 16. Divorced parents, so just us. We explored on our own for a week, including trip to Versailles. And we didn't speak a word of French. People were very interested and kind to us bc we are identical twins and wore matching coats. :). Your children will have cell phones and travel in an English speaking country, so it seems safer than what we did. I'm not sure if the world really has changed that much, or if we are all more paranoid now. No one thought anything of us doing that, parents or teachers... It was my only trip to Europe and I'm 44 now. Life circumstances haven't allowed travel, and won't in the future either.
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