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Everything posted by LNC

  1. LNC

    Never mind!

    The point is, yes the coaches noticed and occassionally said stop messing around. That was how they handled it, even after my heads up last summer.
  2. LNC

    Never mind!

    It isn't a game, it is a scrimmage. He has pitched against them several times this season.
  3. LNC

    Never mind!

    Bw, this all happened under the coaches noses during practices and warmups. They all saw. They would occasionally say stop messing around, but did nothing. Thank God my son was never alone with these boys.
  4. LNC

    Never mind!

    Your opinion is your own, but we have thorough s*s education around 11 1/2 in our family and also in the local schools btw. If someone isn't around insulting harrassers, they wouldn't know common bullying tactics and phrases. Not a helpful comment and I usually very much enjoy your voice on the boards.
  5. LNC

    Never mind!

    Yes, he loves baseball and is quite good.
  6. LNC

    Never mind!

    I'll go to someone irl for advice. It is hard to explain something this traumatic to strangers, even if we are all homeschooling moms.
  7. Anything by Sarah Jio, starting with Violets of March.
  8. Anything by Sarah Jio, starting with Violets of March.
  9. Between the level of Alcott and Austen. 2 favorites, Alcott is enjoyable but Austen requires work. Faves when younger: Maud Hart Lovelace Elizabeth George Speare Enright, Melendys etc. I thought of Bess Streeter Aldrich Gene Stratton Porter, at least Limberlost She is kind of sick to death of Ancient and MA historical fiction, but looking at her favorite authors, can you think of age apprpriate, quality and fun summer reads?
  10. Ok, thanks. My kids don't feel young themselves, but go to bday parties the same month as their own and the friend is a year older etc.Redshirting is extremely common here. Our cutoff is Oct.btw.
  11. Just wondering what most people would say. Redshirting is so common now that my kids seem young, though technically in the right grade per our county.
  12. That worked. I was getting email notifcations that people added me to their circles. I just didn't want to do all that.
  13. I have no idea how I hit that stupid button, but I can't undo it. I have 1000s of pics in Picasa web albums and all my docs in Google drive. I can't delete the account, which looks like the only way.
  14. My daughter has taken the Sat with Duke Tip for 7th and 8th. Her cr and writing scores are really great, on track to hopefully qualify for NM in 11th grade. After doing really well in Chalkdust Algebra 1 (92 test ave.) and working through a couple practice tests with Khan Academy, she didn't do well on the math section again. 490. I know it is too soon to worry or pressure her to study practice tests, but she has only 2 more Psat opportunities before the NMF qualifier right? Psat just offered in Oct. 1x per year? In her practice test she scored approx high 500s. Lower than her actual cr and writing scores, but decent for a bright 8th grader. 490 was a surprise. We plan on continuing with Chalkdust Geometry. Any thoughts, besides don't worry, too early? :) She has her heart set on our alma mater (dad and I), which gives full NMF scholarships, the only way I attended too! My twin was the NMF, I got a partial/ half scholarship for Commended, and loans for the rest. Tuition is unbelievably higher now. My math score was low. See where I'm going with this? Lol.
  15. This discussion has been so helpful. It is hard bc I REALLY like the Belhaven High Scholars program, and my daughter thinks it is ideal for her... And she really doesn't like the idea of several AP tests in the spring. Lots of decisions. I guess the biggest decision is whether replace Belhaven High Scholars in 11th/12th with AP humanities or not. I would still balance it out with a few online Cedarville dual enrollment classes either way. SAT2 are a given either way, we know they all want them. Yes, we are in state and it maybe that helps admission wise. Uncch is the best affordable public school with her major. For our son down the road, it is NC State.
  16. My husband suggest we rethink Belhaven (it is an all encompassing humanities for 11th/12th, but what if admissions doesn't like it or it doesn't transfer?) and try to balance Cedarville dual enrollment classes with AP.
  17. That gives me a lot to think about, but is disappointing too... I still don't know what they would think of very high sat, dual enrollment 4 year, high sat 2, and some Aps- bc it isn't one of your examples. Posts like this fed my all AP in high school obsession, which was criticized on the boards as "rigid" thinking. She is very bright, very involved in many worthwhile things, but I don't want the next four years to be a pressure cooker.
  18. Dual enrollment is offered at Bryan and Cedarville and we are strongly considering Belhaven High Scholars for 11th/12th. My daughter does not want to load up on high stakes tests every May. Positives for dual enrollment: 1 semester Christian schools $450 for 3 credit hours We are considering: Psychology and college writing instead of AP Psych and Potter's school advanced comp in 10th. If I can confirm schools like Baylor and UnCCH take credits, Belhaven will provide humanities credits for 11th and 12th. She will take AP Latin and AP (prob AB) Calc still. We are considering Sciences and Gov't at Cedarville instead of AP. I haven't heard this option on the boards much. Will the credits transfer easily? It is less expensive than AP, 1 semester, and no high stakes test. Seems like a lot of positives. I took all AP my junior year, but chose to dual enrollment at Emory university my senior year. It was a vastly better experience than 4 AP classes the year before. My daughter is very bright, with Duke Tip awards to validate it. Her long term goals are to work with specjal needs children and teens, hopefully as a speech pathologist. A scholarship to a university would be great, but my full scholarship was based 100% on SAT scores.
  19. My daughter used Vocabulary for the High School Student. I like the Amsco books, but I'm having trouble finding the high school workbook for my son. My daughter is starting Lukeion Latin 1 and my son is starting Latin Alive. This will be their 3rd year of Latin, and they will continue to AP Latin. We also have Direct Hits for SAT vocab. We don't need a separate vocabulary workbook program anymore, right????
  20. My 6th and 8th graders are about to take the Iowa for the first time. The social studies section should be interesting! We are reviewing their old The Complete Book of Maps and Geography for physical geography terms, but I have no idea how to quickly present civics and economics. Or what kinds of questions might be asked. I think they are ok for general history questions, or could guess well enough.. Thanks for any advice or websites...
  21. Thanks, we'll read Great Expectations first. I see Bleak House and Little Dorrit miniseries are well liked. Are the books well loved too?
  22. We are reading Tale of Two Cities for school next year. I have the book What Charles Dickens Ate and Jane Austen Knew. We plan to read several Dickens and Austen books, and follow up with movies or miniseries. Which are your fave Dickens books, preferably with a good movie version?
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