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Everything posted by Bonkers247

  1. I need a little help. My dd7 was just diagnosed ADD. My dh does not understand what this means. He said we just need to be more patient with her and everything will be fine. Also, yesterday she forgot her shoes when we left the house...again...and he said she just needs to stop doing that. Are there any good resources out there to help him better understand what we are up against? Also, we're trying a counseling approach first but even her counselor says she should be on medication. He is recommending Intuniv. Has anyone had experience with this medication? Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
  2. We spent 6 1/2 weeks traveling across the country and back a year ago. We're still talking about the trip. We took our minivan because the RV rental was very expensive. I was just very careful with hotel reservations along the way. We saved $4000 using the minivan and hotel rooms instead of an RV. We loved it so much we are planning another trip sometime in the next few years.
  3. My best friend's daughter was on a breathing monitor for the first nine months of her life. She silently started choking on her spit up and would stop breathing. So, yes, this can be caused by reflux. I'm sorry that happened to your baby. I'm sure it was terrifying.
  4. This is my diaper bag. i struggled with the cost but I absolutely love this bag. Roomy and pretty. i had a skip hop duo and it fell apart at the seams. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0036DG14W/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00
  5. Well, we picked Simon for our pending arrival so that gets my vote.
  6. I checked the website and the nearest doctor they list is an hour away. I got the impression that it was work on the computer and I was also supposed to be working with her off the computer as well. They said something about "flippers". And I really have no idea what that is. The total cost is $350 for six weeks with $50 back when I return the "flippers," whatever they are.
  7. We found out we're having a boy. I finally posted pictures on Facebook. I have started my Christmas shopping. And...the bunk beds I ordered on July 24th are finally arriving on Monday.
  8. I took my dyslexic dd in to see the eye doctor today. He says she has tracking problems and also looks down her nose instead of straight out when she is trying to focus on something. He says she needs vision therapy to correct these problems. The program he wants to use involves a training session with me and then it's work on the computer and with me at home. 30 minutes to an hour five days a week. Has anyone done this with their child and did it help?
  9. Thanks, everyone! I see several that I like. Now I just have to run them by dh to see what he thinks.
  10. We found out today that we're having another little boy! But...we have a first name and no middle name. Any ideas for names that go with Simon?
  11. I'm guessing everyone loves their doula. You all are an enthusiastic bunch. :D
  12. I'm thinking about one for my upcoming labor. I'm used to having an epidural but last time they couldn't get it in and working. I ended up with stadol, which really helped with managing labor but made me unable to focus on the baby directly after birth. I'm thinking I'll go drug free this time but I'm not sure I can handle it without some help. What has been your experience with doulas?
  13. I hope it was a joke, too. I would never do this to my kids. I don't think the appropriate response to my kids sneaking is to be sneaky.
  14. We do something similar to what you do but they still sneak it. I'll have to think on this a little bit.
  15. Any advice on how to deal with this? It's the sweets that get snuck. The only foods we limit in this house. I have told them several times how disappointed I am with them and stopped buying special treats but there are still some things left in the house. Do I lock all the treats up somewhere so they have to ask for it because with three of them that's going to get old fast. I'm at a loss here.
  16. Some book suggestions: i Will Carry You by Angie Smith Empty Cradle, Broken Heart by Deborah L. Davis Stolen Angels by Sharee Moore And for if they want to get pregnant again: Pregnancy After a Loss by Carol Cirulli Lanham Here's what helped us: Having people acknowledge that this was a real child, even though we didn't get to meet him. I appreciated it when people used his name and talked about him. Meals and someone to help with the house and kids. Having people understand that whatever we were feeling was normal. There is a wide range and no one likes to be criticized for the way they are grieving. Honestly, people who were pregnant staying far, far away from me. It was too great of a reminder of what I had lost. The same goes for people with newborns. But...I have known people who found being around pregnant women and newborns to be therapeutic. Follow their cues on this one. Someone to listen to me and hug me while I cried. I've stopped writing on my blog but it's still up if she's interested in reading it. Maybe something there would help. http://Www.hopeforahealingheart.blogspot.com My heart hurts for them. I wish they did not have to walk this long and difficult road.
  17. Oh, there are definitely other indicators of severe problems. I wish she were normal, doing normal grandma stuff but it had always been about proving she's in charge and about how I'm doing everything wrong. These were jabs at me and challenges to my parental authority. This was not an attempt to be helpful. I wish it was.
  18. This past visit confused the kids. "Why is Mimi doing something Mommy said not to?" She has mainly tried manipulating me. This is the first time the kids saw anything negative about her. We have decided that she cannot be alone with them anymore. We also feel like we need to call her on her bad behavior in front of the kids so they see what she is doing is not okay. We are still of the opinion that, for now, it's a good thing for the kids to see her. That may change depending on what she does in the future.
  19. Remembering our babies today. One miscarriage in October 2000 and Nathan James, stillborn at 21 weeks, August 20th, 2010.
  20. Thank you all for your replies. A little bit more information: things have been strained for awhile. I now rarely call her because of how manipulative she can be. Dh and I have agreed that the kids will never go to my parents' house again. Visits are already limited to birthday parties and holidays for the most part. I am only talking to her because my parents are the only grandparents the kids have. Please keep the ideas coming.
  21. I asked the kids if she had said that because, in all honesty, that is a deal breaker. The day I hear she told my kids to keep a secret from me is the last day she has any contact.
  22. There's a lot of backstory I'll skip for now. My mom has been at my house a lot this past week. She heard me tell my 9 year old that I wanted her to try and figure out the last few math problems on her own. (I had helped her with twenty others and she had missed the same thing each time so I wanted to see if she could figure it out.) My mom, on the way to dinner, was whispering help to my daughter. I confronted her about it and she cried, as usual. Later in the week she disappeared downstairs with th kids while they were cleaning up. She comeback upstairs later and made a point to tell me that she only kept them on task and did not help. (She knows I feel that if the kids can make the mess on their own that they should clean it up on their own.) she let it slip later that she was helping them clean. I can't have her going behind my back on things involving my children. She is teaching them to be deceitful and that they don't have to do what I say. I'm just not sure what to do to deal with this before it becomes a huge issue. Any advice is appreciated.
  23. I've never really used that feature. I'm too scared I'd accidentally buy it all. I made a wish list to keep track of what I want.
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