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Everything posted by zarabellesmom

  1. I'm not sure how I ended up here, but just in case anyone is interested, I've updated my siggie.
  2. Surely I can get some points for being THE VERY FIRST ONE to award points. I'm the one who started this points thing and the only thing I've been offered is the opportunity to mop a floor for points. I mean, what????
  3. Man.... I took the Texas quiz and got a 74%. I guess GA isn't enough like Texas. :confused1:
  4. I'm just disappointed that I haven't earned any points yet. I've awarded points but not earned any. What is up with that?
  5. You definitely get points. 1 per minute of wait time at said facility.
  6. You are right, 50 points for oversharing. There's nothing like TMI.
  7. And is it open and go? It won't get done here unless it's open and go.
  8. I award you five points for quoting yourself and then ten more points for being amusing. :)
  9. I'm curious too. I've read not so great things about the Egyptian book which is the one my daughter is most wanting to read. I bought The Early Human World and we are really enjoying it.
  10. I chose no flash cards, but not because we don't drill facts. We use a variety of games and apps to drill math facts, for instance Timez Attack, Reflex Math, xtra math, QuickMath, to name a few. I just think it's more fun than flash cards and also because it is something that can be done independently, freeing me up to work with a sibling. ETA: We use Beast Academy and Math in Focus.
  11. Oooh. I'm so excited. I signed up for a couple of the free ones and will grab some others when I've got money. I'm looking at This Isn't as Easy as I Thought, Beyond Elementary School, and Everyone Can Teach ____ Child to Write. ;) Not sure which word goes in the blank, his or their. ;) I'm so excited because I <3 Richard Rusczyk and Susan Wise Bauer. I'm in homeschool heaven.
  12. So if anyone has taken a look at CPO and Holt, which do you prefer?
  13. Can we make this thread so popular it gets labeled "hot"?
  14. Are there hands on activities in Holt? If so, are the materials easy to come by?
  15. Thank you everyone. I'm really enjoying reading it myself and she has really enjoyed the part we read together. I hate to kill the love. I think the written narrations are a great idea. She is a little behind in writing so we will probably keep them short and build from there. Anyone want my student guide? ;)
  16. Or do you do something else? I bought the study guide for The Early Human World but it seems really schooly. I was thinking about just reading and discussing for now. Maybe a short written narration? What do you do? My daughter is only in 4th grade, if that helps. She's at an advanced reading level, but not writing level, and really enjoys history.
  17. My daughter has working memory deficits that make manipulating numbers in her head harder. She's an outstanding math student who needs pencil and paper.
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