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Everything posted by bttrflyvld

  1. Would doing just volume 1 be enough to fill a preschool year? My daughter turns 5 right after the kindergarten cut off so she'll be a older preschooler. It's only 18 books. That would only be 18 weeks. I was thinking about spacing it to a book every other week and doing something else on the off weeks. For those of you that only used 1 volume a school year how did you use it?
  2. What exactly do you purchase? For homeschooling purpose is it just the Kindergarten Student Edition or do I have to buy the Kindergarten Teacher Edition? I can afford $10.99 but not $98. Also would this handwriting program work fine for a left handed child? I've seen some out there that are specifically for left handers, but I'd like to buy one that can also be used for my right handed child in a couple of years.
  3. What's the cheapest way to buy the manipulative needed for Saxon k-3? I can't believe they are $83 dollars on the saxon homeschool site and they are just plastic. Is there a better resource for buying these?
  4. I'm so happy to ready all your positive responses. I've been torn on which math to use. I just bought Saxon K. it's coming in the mail and I was worried that I made the made a mistake. I feel so much better now that I've heard your positive feedback. Thank you all!
  5. I've looked into skedtrack. Looks nice I'm more doing some research for the fututure. I love doing research on curriculum and this was something I've been looking into. I'm not necessarily planning on using it for K but in a couple years it be nice to have.
  6. What do you use? Do you use one you write down on paper or a computer/online one? I think a online or computer one would be neat if I can find one that is free or fairly inexpensive. As we start our homeschooling adventure I just want to keep good records. I've seen some online that let you schedule the whole year out and then it you can pull up what needs to be done for any given day. It will also keep a record of all that you have completed and a grade for assignments and tests (if you keep them). Are there any you've tried that you'd recommend?
  7. I really appreciate all the wonderful feedback. I've been feeling a bit worried about it lately. Granted a have another full school year to work out my concerns, but your comments have made me feel better.
  8. I've got 2 little girls 2 years apart. As we are beginning our homeschoolling years I'm wondering how do you make it work? My oldest daughter will be Pre-K next fall and for next year it will be pretty simple to teach a 3 and 5 year old preschool. But I'm wondering how do you do it for the elementary years when you have to do a lot of teaching. How do you teach two different grades? I understand as they get older and can read for themselves out of the lessons they can teach themselves, but when you have a kindergartener and 2nd grader though I imaging it's pretty tough. How do you make it work?
  9. do you have a link to which science your talking about? I can't find it on the internet.
  10. I've come across sue patricks book on work boxes. It looks interesting. Has anyone tried this? I've been looking for a way to also help teach my children to work independently and this looks like a nice way.
  11. I've looked at a lot of math programs lately and still are unsure what to use. What would you recommend for: An easy to teach workbook style Uses manipulatives Preferable colorful Moves at a good nice pace. (not too slow) My daughter is rather advanced on a math level with the exception of writing skills. She's a little behind on writing. I've looked into Horizons but I doesn't seem to have the manipulatives (I'll post a specific Horizons question.)
  12. Finalizing what we're doing next august and it's between these two. What would you recommend for a 4 turning 5 year old?
  13. We've started listening to cd's when we are out driving lately. I'd like to find some my 4.5 year old would like. Any suggestions?
  14. We are planning on using Five in a Row volume 1 for our Pre-k year with OPGTR. It looks well balanced for a pre-k year. And it looks like fun. I think that would be nice for pre-k. If we like it we may do volume 2 for kinder along with the WTM recommendations. (it'll be or fun aspect of school)
  15. I Love this idea! It will be a wonderful keep sake for when your kids get grown and move away. I can't wait to try this when my daughter starts to write. She's in Pre-k next year. Thank you for sharing this will be so much fun to do. Isn't pinterest great!
  16. Sorry I don't have any ideas for 2nd because I only have a soon to be K'r. Phonics- http://www.abcthekey.com/ (it's a free site that has phonics lessons that has videos, worksheets, and other activities) My daughter loves to watch the videos. http://www.readingbear.org/ (Free site with phonics lesson videos) I'd list more but others before me were very thorough with their lists.
  17. Sweet! Thanks for sharing that site with the discount.
  18. I'm working our our schedule for next fall and was wondering how many day Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading should be taught.
  19. I'm wanting to try this program for handwriting. Anyone else tried it? What do you need to purchase for K? (Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Kindergarten Student Edition) Is this all you need or do you need to purchase the teacher edition and resource packet?
  20. I am struggling choosing a math program that will be right for my child. I first thought of using Saxon K, but I'm not so sure after doing more research. My daughter will be actually a pre-k officially next fall because of her birth date. I'd like to try a k level math because she really loves learning and asks to do preschool every day. She really loves it. I'm struggling finding a book that isn't too easy or too drawn out. I really wanted Saxon for our book, but after reading several of their lessons It just seems too much. It appears to be really drawn out. Thorough yes, but not sure how sitting there at a table for that long would be fun. (I'm sure it's a great program for the older grades and I'll revisit it again.) My daughter is 4 and can count to 30, recognizes number to 20, knows her shapes, understands above, below, beneath, etc, can tell time to the hour, knows colors, fairly good with patterns, and is well on her way with money. It seems most of the k material is already learned. I'm not sure where to go for next year. She just picks things up so fast that I didn't realize till doing all my research that she knows a lot more that she should at her age. What do you think about these math curriculum for k or 1st: Horizons Singapore Any others that I missed that you've loved?
  21. I'm looking for the answer. I know i saw someone recommend something a while back and I can't remember what is was.
  22. I've saw at one point that there was a book recommended to start part way through The ordinary parent’s guide to teaching reading . Can someone tell me what is is?
  23. I'd love to find a book that helps in understand how to get started. I've obviously read the well trained mind and love it, but I need to see how to set up schooling and scheduling, organization, etc. What do you recommend?
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