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Posts posted by jeninok

  1. Are you absolutely positive there aren't any attention or learning issues going on?


    Otherwise I don't know, yesterday DS spent 20 minutes using a calculator to add up a series of 8 large numbers for a graph reading activity. 20 minutes with a calculator. :banghead: The fun part is that he didn't actually need them added, for any reason, he just didn't take the time to think through the instructions.


    He has ADD but this is on medication, without it a complicated graph/table/reading exercise would have caused a full on meltdown of epic proportions.

  2. I am using it, but with some minor changes. I found a couple books that are less busy on each page but still give great information, we use those whenever possible and I just note the change on his weekly assignment page.

    We also use a journal type spiral where he does a sketch or diagram for each 2 page spread and then writes a few facts down. We do not do a writing assignment in science.


    The best thing I have done though is add the TOPS Radishes unit for the plants. He was hating every minute of it and bored silly. The TOPS plus the book work is a perfect balance.



  3. My 11 year old does all those things except playing/helping with younger siblings, he does however feed the cats and dogs, help with litter boxes, do some yard work with DH, and help me with other cleaning like dusting or arranging books.


    I've been told that he does too much, and also not enough from various people. I am content with our choices and the kid has Plenty (too much) down time to hang out with friends,play video games, stare at the ceiling in utter boredom, and whatever else it is 11 year holds do.

  4. I wear a little bit on date night, or when I have a girls night out. In the deep winter I do wear a tinted moisturizer and a little bronzer some days. I am an almost ginger with olive undertones, and scary sickly pale in Jan and Feb.


    Summer time - maybe mascara and a little eyeliner for a night out. There is no point when it is 185 degrees every day for weeks on end.

  5. Well...My dh seems to think I'm at my most attractive when I'm hot, sweaty, and standing over a stove. :huh: So, no matter how much my body has changed, which is a lot, the fact that I cook most days has not changed. I know he loves me and finds me attractive, and I know it has very little to do with how I look.



    Dh does the same when I am cooking.

    But it goes both ways, yesterday he was wearing grubby old jeans, a T-shirt and work gloves while he drug wood and scrap lumber to the burn pile. It was fun to watch and he came in all dirty and smelling like a man. Swoon.


    Don't even get me started on wood chopping.

  6. Dh will roll over in the morning, and tell me I am pretty. :blushing: I admit that this utterly confuses me, because I am convinced he is wrong, especially when I have just woken up, which is not an easy thing for me to do.


    But rather than shoot him down every time, I have learned to say thank you, and to tell myself that I should thank everything good and pretty in this world that he thinks so!

  7. The house dh and I spent our first 10 years in wasn't anywhere near that old (1906) and I hated it. Uneven floors, not enough electrical outlets, drafty, impossible to heat, miserable in the summer, full of dust, bugs, one bathroom, seven bedrooms. Nasty. It looked so cute on the outside, three stories, full of ginger bread, porches on all levels and even a built in bee room in the very top.


    I was so happy when we tore it down and built. Never would I wish for an old house.






    When we moved we looked at a couple victorians in very good shape. I loved them, LOVED them. But having come from a 120 year old house that was a constant source of problems, nothing easily fixable, hot/cold, dusty, and cramped I just couldn't commit to another old house.


    We ended up with one that has all the charm, tons of character and looks a little like a gingerbread house, but it is almost brand new. We got it for a steal because it wasn't finished inside and have been able to get it perfect for 1/4 the cost an old home would have been in the first few years.


    Not always. I think you are very blessed. Some of us haven't had a sip in almost four years. :crying:


    I think the way I look now plays a big part in that. My dh is very, very visual. Unfortunately I'm not the right vision anymore.


    But I still love him and he loves me. It works.



    :grouphug: :grouphug:


    That is rough, but I am glad you are making it work for you and still feel loved.

  9. This is going to sound awful....but I guess I wonder, is good sex possible if the woman doesn't look p*rn star ready? From the man's perspective, if his wife is saggy, overweight, or whatever, can they still think the sex is amazing?




    I certainly like to think so, Light a candle, wear something that covers the parts you are most uncomfortable with, maybe have a glass of wine, and just relax. I think that while the thrill of new is sometimes very alluring, there is a comfort level in a long term relationship that you can't get any other way.


    The key is to use that comfort level to have fun with intimacy. We also sext each other, I have a hang up about talking in person about it, but can do it that way. It is a great way to flirt, express desires, and just have fun.


    This TED Talk video on youtube discusses sex, desire, the dichotomy between comfort and lust within long term relationships and how it all comes together in modern life, I have listened to it several times and so has my DH. It really made me stop and think hard about a lot of these issues.



  10. (Gosh, is there ANYTHING I will not be asked to reveal about myself on this forum?)


    It is an anonymous poll!!


    But seriously if a reluctant reader is spending so much time in there probably avoiding school to some degree, I feel like he might as well use his time productively :)

  11. Can you help solve a disagreement DS and have been having for about a week?


    His body magically needs to go potty every day before school, and sometimes it takes foreeeever. He also does not like to read, so I think that it would be a great time to sit with a book and no other distractions. :coolgleamA:



    He says it is gross and weird and under no circumstances do normal people read in the bathroom. I have tried to point out that there are books made for this purpose, and he is quite old enough to take a book and take advantage of the peace and quiet.

  12. We just went through this, and had a plumber out to try to fix the toilet as well he snaked our whole main line drain before declaring the issue was the toilet itself and to replace it.


    This was a friday afternoon, and of course, our only bathroom, AND DS was puking into a trashcan int he living room with a rapidly worsenting tummy bug.


    Whatever happened was up inside the curve of the base of the toilet and would not come out. I don't what it was, but I am guessing the dogs dropped something in there and all our plunging and snaking made it get even more stuck.


    We ended up replacing the toilet, which wasn't too hard to do ourselves, and we were super pleased with the 100 dollar toilet from Lowes. I was NOT going to pay for emergency after hours service for someone to install it for us!

  13. Those of you that have had success with being healthier, what do you eat? How do you know what is healthy? How specifically did you educate yourself to eat healthier?



    For me I cut out dairy, I knew I was allergic as a kid, but didn't connect my fatigue, aches and pains, and acne to it. I still eat a tiny bit of cheese, but otherwise no dairy for me!


    We also subscribe to a simple philosophy of "Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants"


    I do need more real exercise, when I was managing an outdoor bar I was hot, sweaty, and moving constantly. I have never lost so much weight while eating so much in my life. That weight is trying to creep back on though, I am a size 8, prefer to be a 6, and don't want to be any bigger! I am only 5'1" so a few pounds can make a big difference on my frame.


    Dh also says (lovingly) that he misses the way I used to dress, I have gotten boring and wear little to no color and very little embellishment on my clothes. I am working on that by adding some spring colored tops, or throwing a fun scarf or necklace on when we go somewhere.

  14. Note that the Awakening statue was moved - it's nowhere near the Jefferson Memorial anymore.


    I know I'm a broken record about this in visiting DC threads, but if you like art, consider visiting an art museum. We have many, many of them, many with amazing pieces of art, such as the only Da Vinci painting in North America. But I know most people skip art here.


    I love art, its what I do! Any tips on your favorite place for great art? I'm not sure the rest of the crew wants to see as much as me!

  15. We are going to be able to take DS to D.C. in June, I am thrilled as it is one of my favorite cities, and I love museums!!! I am also hoping it will help history and civics and all those things he hears on the news seem more real.


    It has been years since I was there, twice in high school, and I had nothing to do with planning those trips....anyone want to help me?


    It will be myself, DS who will be 12 my parents who are in their early 60s but "young" for their ages with only some minor arthritis in my mom's knees. DH may be able to go depending on work, but as of now I am not planning on it. I plan on looking for a hotel this week, it needs to be close to everything, nice enough for my parents, and I would love a decent breakfast to cut down on having to find it somewhere else everyday.


    I assume we will do the on and off bus thing for the monuments, we did this in London and it was a great way to get around.


    I know we will want to see the American History, Natural History, and Air and Space museums, I'm sure a few others too, but I'm not sure which, or how long we should plan in each?


    I would also like to hit the Ford's Theatre, and of course the Capitol, but am I missing any must see places?


    Mount Vernon is high on the list too, but we won't have a car, so I need to do some figuring out about that!


    Any ideas anyone wants to share would be super helpful, If it was just DS and I we would just get our room and head out exploring a lot more, but with my parents going as well I am trying to nail down as much information as possible. Plus we need to make reservations soon, June will be here before we know it!



  16. I know you said.you are outside a lot during the day, and I would absolutely have the pup out with you then, but then he needs to come inside with you while he is little. That way you can keep him safe. He will be a newborn animal when he comes home and quickly grow into a toddler and teen animal. There are so many things that can happen with a pup left to its own devices!!


    Then once he is older, potty trained, and has some.common sense and wisdom he would be totally fine outside on his own, especially if you spend a lot of time out there.


    I do.think dogs do best with their people, that is what they live for really, to be with their pack!

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