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Posts posted by jeninok

  1. My husband just got stung by a wasp for the first time ever, he has also never been stung by a bee.   I Put witch hazel on it right away, and some Allegra cream, but  I am wondering if I should go grab some benadryl just in case.


    He has some weird sensitivities, and his biggest allergy is to steroids, topical oral and injectable. 



    How common are reactions to stings?  

  2. http://www.cutco.com/products/product.jsp?itemGroup=1729

    This is the one that I have and love, I use it for everything but dicing. It is probably 10 years old and still cuts through tomatoes, and hunks of meat equally well, with very little effort.


    Since I didn't realize you could order without a rep I am going to probably try to figure out how to get a few more of their knives that way.   


    I do think I will get one of those Komachi knives, just because they are super fun!

  3. Those Komachi knives are super fun! I might have to get one to try. We do have a Williams Sonoma but I never go in there, and my husband works for a retailer that is in the process of re-doing their housewares offerings, so I might be able to get the same thing there for a better price.


    My mom has a couple Wusthoff knives, they are sharp, but I don't love them.

  4. We have a really crappy set of knives that I am going to be getting rid of, this leaves me with one PC chef's knife, and one Cutco serrated knife that is still sharp as heck after more than 10 years.   Those two knives are all I ever use at this point anyway, so I don't want another full set, just a few steak knives, a replacement for the PC knife, and one more large serrated knife so I don't have to stop and wash mid cooking quite so often.



    I really really like that Cutco knife, but I don't love the idea of tracking down a rep and having to sit through a presentation and having pressure to buy more than I need.  I like the PC one, but not enough to buy more of them, it isn't nearly as nice as the Cutco as far as metal used, construction, or feel.



    So, suggestions?  I would like to not spend a fortune, but I do want a few good knives!



  5. Do you *really* need that much time to prep a salad? It takes five minutes to wash some greens, rip them up, cut some tomato and cuke and peppers and throw it together - why would I make that a week in advance?



    The whole point was that at my house, eating healthier is easier when I do prep work ahead of time, meaning I chop a whole mess of veggies ahead of time, so that they are ready to go for whatever, then all I have to do is pull them out and toss them together.  


    Green salad obviously doesn't last a week pre-made, but some other "salads" can.   

  6. So how do you get the pre prepped salad to stay tasty for a week?  My salads never last that wrong.  Do you have storage tips?  I won't eat salad that is wilted and slimy.  KWIM?


    If I could prep stuff for a week, wowsers I'd have no issues.  I can't seem to make that work.



    I make stuff like Broccoli salad  or healthy versions of coleslaw up ahead of time and they stay good for most of the week, or just chop all the veggies and put them into individual containers in the fridge so I can pull them out to toss in a salad or cook with dinner.  

  7. I agree with this, but salad makes me so frustrated sometimes.  Getting fresh produce during certain times of the year is so difficult.  Then there is all the prep.  I throw out more than I eat.  I like salad.  If I could shop every other day and get fresh stuff it would be better.  That just isn't practical though.


    I've bought local lettuce that was wilted and dead the day after I took it home.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong!

     I buy that lettuce that is still has a rootball, I think it is hydroponic.  It lasts for a good week in the fridge. 

  8. “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.†

    ― Michael PollanIn Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto


    Simple and to the point.  Basically eat as close to the way nature gave you the food as you can.  Cooked broccoli is pretty close to nature.  Some breaded, cheesy packaged broccoli casserole is not.  It takes time to switch to this if you are used to packaged foods.  We started small~no juice just the fruit it came from.  No bread but wheat berries, steel cut oats, brown rice are a go for us.  Lean meats not prepared nuggets, patties,  or on a stick meats.  This is still a work in progress here since I'm fighting kid peer pressure.  I hope for 80% real foods and ignore their forays into fast food with friends.



    This is my mantra..........eat food, mostly plants. 


    Food is not some chemical slurry with an ingredient list that takes up one side of the box, it is fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, oils, vinegars, etc. All combined with spiced in nearly infinite possibilities. 


    It really helps us eat better if I take the time to do a bunch of prep work all at once, and to fix up a bunch of healthy salads or mixes at once to eat on through the week. 

  9. What are sinkholes?  And trains?  





    Sinkholes are the big holes that open up in the earth, Florida has had several recently, there is a giant pollution filled nightmare of one in Louisiana right now, Kansas has a new large one.


    Heck, there is a scary one in the place between our neighborhood and the next one over thanks to a poorly built pond.

  10. For us, eating healthy simply means eating things that are pretty close to their original form, or that I made from scratch so I know what is in them.  


    So oatmeal means steel cut oats, with an apple diced up in them and some cinnamon and honey rather than the pre packaged chemical laden instant apple cinnamon oats. This morning I made 20 breakfast burritos, with turkey sausage, eggs, potatoes onions, tomatoes, and cheese and put them in my freezer. It was way cheaper than buying the premade frozen ones, and they are made with fresh healthier ingredients. 


  11. This is what a melt down is.


    An intense discussion is not a meltdown.


    A hastily spoken disrespectful comment is not a meltdown.


    A rolling of the eye, heavy sigh etc. are not meltdowns.


    When I say meltdown, I mean dramatic, intense, over the top emotional reaction  to not getting your way.


    But when you stay calm and don't engage and the child follows you around screaming at you...what do you do then? I can send her to her room, but she's as big as I am. What happens when she won't go. I have gone to my room and locked the door, only to have her scream at me through the door. Or she will unlock the door with screw driver and come in anyhow.


    The reason for this thread is to help be determine what is NORMAL teen behaviors and what is "we need some professional help" behavior.


    I'm beginning to lean toward the professional help side especially now that I think of some of the mental health issues that are in my and dh's families.

    I think if she is coming in with a screwdriver then it is time to get some help just to keep the peace.   Thankfully even though DS is prone to over emotion he hasn't ever pushed me that far, but he is younger than your DD still.


    I hope you can get this figured out!

  12. Whoa.






    None of the behaviors in the poll struck me as "meltdown".  Some kids are more emotional than others, and some parenting styles lend themselves to more volatile exchanges as kids get older and have their own ideas. DS12 has been butting heads with DH more in recent months. Not a concern. He'll be 13 in a month and he's learning that he has his own ideas and he's learning how to express them. Since he's just shy of 13, sometime that means tears. Sometimes it means that he screams something like "I'm done with this conversation!". Not a huge issue. He doesn't do it in public. We ARE his safe place. Our house IS his safe place. 




    If meltdowns become violent, or she starts engaging in risk taking behaviors I would seek counseling.  Otherwise it is pretty much in the normal spectrum of teen behavior, neurologically they are very different from adults, as their brains are pruning frontal cortex connections like crazy, and the other less rational parts of the brain are running the show to some degree.


    The only way to manage over the top emotions at our house is to stay calm and not engage.  I am the adult, and refuse to ride the crazy train.   Sometimes this requires a time out for me, to let things cool off. 



    There was a really great National Geographic article about this not so long ago, called The Teenage Brain I believe.   I occasionally leave it out for DH to remind himself that not only is DS not bad, but what weirdness he does display is totally normal.    

  13. My boys don't like the built in underwear so they cut them out then wear the dri star compression shorts (like thin baseball sliders) under their swim suit. Also some boys suits don't come with built in underwear. 



    This is what my DS does too, all shorts seem to slide down on him as well, so it helps make sure he doesn't show everyone his business, but is more comfortable than the mesh thing.

  14. DH isn't home until 630 most nights, and sometimes 8 or 9 for stretches of time so we have always kept somewhat later hours.   These lazy days of summer have meant way too many very very late nights with sleepovers, or DS playing xbox live with his BFF that lives in Nebraska. 


    My goal for the school year is to have him in bed by between 930 and 10 on weekdays, and he can read or listen to an audio book.   We get up around 830, so it is plenty of sleep.

  15. I am taking courses in my quest to keep educating myself. The courses I pick are things I am interested in and if they might help in homeschool then great, but that is not my goal when picking.


    There is a class coming up that I am going to take alongside my son, something to do with video games and literature with a focus on The Lord of The Rings. this will be the first class my ds will be doing, so i will see how it goes.



    We are so going to have to try this at our house this fall!  

  16. I kept waking up last night because I was so itchy. I am going to take something tonight.

    D's was threatening to tape potholders to my hands because mom scratching her bobs in public is embarrassing!


    The allegra, both topical and oral helps a lot.

  17. I am covered in them, all around the edges of my sports bra seams.!!


    Topical hydrocortisone and Allegra cream along with benadryl at night is helping tons.


    The first night I took Zantac and Zyrtec together to really knock down the itching.


    Worst bug bites ever!

  18. My mom keeps a perfect house with little effort....I do not.


    I make sure I vacuum well, straighten everything up, brush and wash the dogs if they are a little ripe, wipe the worst of the handprints off the walls in the hallway,  and then give the kitchen and bathrooms a really good once over the night or morning before they come, and totally change out cat litter as close as possible to their arrival.   I might also dust if I have been slacking on that chore.  I clean with Vinegar or just soapy water and microfiber, especially before they come because my dad is very sensitive to smells.



    My two favorite mild sweet white wines are Kung Fu Girl and Firestone Rieslings.  Both are reasonably priced and not syrupy like some Riesling, but still sweet and light.  

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