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Posts posted by jeninok

  1. I do get what you are saying, I just don't think they need to see lots and lots of boobs to make it happen.   Really just presenting it as normal is all it takes, I mean really even my very hormonal 12 year old sees the total non sexuality of a breastfeeding mother vs BooBies!!!


    I might point out feeding moms, but only because I love babies and notice the sweet tiny things when we are out.  I don't know...it just doesn't seem that hard to present it as a very normal part of life.  


    This is the same way we present all things to do with the body, whether beautiful or not.  At the water park a couple weeks ago I made sure to remind him that I knew there were lots of pretty mostly naked people, and that looking was normal, but we have to make sure we look and then look away, and never stare or make the other person uncomfortable.  And we never ever tug or pull on a girls bathing suit, even out of fun.  

  2. Ds  (12) and I watched that Babies documentary on Netflix not too long ago, I asked him if he was uncomfortable by all the boobs....he clearly thought I was being an idiot and informed me that baby feeding was good and proper.


    He was however mortified (and so was I) about my  serious wardrobe malfunction while sleeping on the couch a month or so ago.  I apparently was really really asleep and did not respond easily to his trying to wake me up.  He put another blanket over me and refused to turn around.




  3. So just this weekend I ended up with a sports bra full of chigger bites. In desperation I did in fact pull my shirt completly off, and stand there in nothing but a sports bra (with grandparents, son, and family friend on the deck too) and shorts while my dad painted the underside of my boobs and rib cage in liquid band aid. There was no mirror available and at that point a stranger would have sufficed to stop the itching. It never crossed my mind that any of the men present might have a sexy thought about it at all.


    I also wear tank tops, short shorts, tiny sundresses and would have cleavage in a turtleneck. It is HOT in Oklahoma in the summer!!

  4. I am truly horrified and sadly not surprised anyone thinks it is okay not to talk to his parents. If he isn't safe with them, then call CPS. But to just decide they shouldn't know about activity of their own child bc you think you know better? Absofreakinglutely not okay.

    I would never do that.

    And anyone who kept secrets about my child from me, especially potentially dangerous ones, would be verboten from our lives when I found out.

    Plans that involve keeping secrets are inherently bad plans IMO.





    If the parents kick him out, shame him, or otherwise further shake the tightrope this kid is walking the consequences could be much much worse. I don't know what she expects the parents reaction to be, but I gather she is worried for his well being. Attempting to forge a relationship with him first would not only respect his privacy in regards to sexual orientation, but perhaps be the first time an adult has loved him unconditionally with no hidden agenda.



    If attempts at talking with the boy do not work, then absolutely speak with the parents.



    I can't go into too much personal detail, but the level of personal pain, shame, fear, and hopelessness that some of these kids feel is absolutely heartbreaking. It very much manifests in self harm, eating disorders, drug abuse, and risk taking behavior, not to mention very real fear for their own safety if others find out, and the risk of total isolation from their community and family in too many circumstances.

  5. Having spend a lot of time with teenage boys with our older boy, and now regularly having herds of boys aged 11-14 through the house I have found that feeding them really helps them want to hang out longer, and that they are pretty willing to chit chat with me since I act truly interested ( I am ) AND feed them.



    Hugs for you and for your nephew, I hope that everyone is able to find a safe peaceful way to handle this.

  6. If there is a way you can cultivate a relationship with him I would try very hard, this boy sounds like he needs a safe place to fall, and going to the home of an Aunt and Uncle is much much preferable to being taken advantage of by adult predators. If you are worried at all that his parents might not accept his sexual orientation I would not out him to them, that would be devastating and might stop any chance you have of being a safe person for him. I would also do my best to let him know that I loved him no matter what, he was welcome in my home anytime, and that you were willing to advocate for him and keep him safe.



    PFLAG has many many local chapters and might be able to help you with this, as would the UU church in your area.


    We adopted our now 24 year old son when he was 14, for many of these same reasons, PM me if you want more personal experience or advice!

  7. I haven't read all the responses, but Comfort is is a flea killing miracle at our house! We also use Precor concentrate from amazon. It is an insect growth regulator so it won't kill adult fleas, it will however prevent eggs from hatching which is where most of your infestation comes from.


    Being an IGR it is very safe around mammals! Comfort is made with spinosad which is also faulty non toxic as far as pesticides go.

  8. For your pup...we found great dog food at our neighborhood hardware/feed store. It is lamb and rice and has no corn, wheat, soy, or byproducts. Also no BHT or other nasty chemicals. A 50 pound bag costs 37 dollars and lasts nearly a month for our two big dogs. They are doing well on it, next bag I am going to try their beef one for a change, they don't do well on the super high end foods like Candidae, it upsets their tummies no matter how gradually and how long we try it.


    You might have a similar option nearby and 50 lbs should last even the biggest dog about a month.

  9. If the dog has attacked the neighbours dog, they need to report it. Any dog that will go into another dogs territory and attack it isn't trustworthy. Even my overly territorial, grumpy cocker would never dream of acting dominant on another dogs turf.






    This is so true, my female heeler mix is very territorial, and the neighbors have a very territorial female lab mix, there have been two confrontations, one on each property when we first moved here. The neighbor's labs had claimed part of our yard as theirs while the house was empty, my girl had words with them one day and there was a lot of posturing and even some slobber on the neighbor dog's flank, but no blood shed and the lab backed down immediately and now stays out of her range.


    About a month ago Edy was loose and tried to pee in their yard, I was trying to grab her and was close enough to watch and yell at the kids to get back, but not close enough to stop it. Once again there was posturing, noise and some slobber but no bloodshed. Edy now stays out of their turf and will even get on the other side of me if we are walking by with her on leash.



    Their dogs stay in their unfenced yard quite well, and never come over and bother us. We have a large fenced in area, but she is like a mouse and can squeeze through tiny openings, and I am constantly having to outsmart her. But she doesn't run off, she walks the larger perimeter and pees on everything. Both sets of dogs are well aware of boundaries.


    It takes all kinds. Like many men and women, my husband and I both enjoy an increased response and pleasure level from visual cues and feedback. For me, sex in the pitch black with a bra on would be an out and out chore. Whatever floats your boat but there is nothing wrong about couples sharing their bodies with each other.



    I have also found that the more I relax and pretend to be confident in my body, the more I actually feel confident and enjoy myself at all times, not just in the bedroom.

  11. Also, totally TMI but I have found that my chest is quite the distraction from my tummy. Plus our crinkly skin, stretch marks, and curves are the battle scars of motherhood, do not let anyone make you feel otherwise. Your husband as a grown loving man should be quite aware of that as well.

  12. I'm right there with you. Even IF I wanted to dress up for teA, it wouldn't matter as the lights are out - totally, completely OUT - and if there's even a hint of moonlight there's a blanket hung over the window. So no use dressing any more than I do: comfy t-shirt that stays ON and a bra (that also stays on). Hey, that's the only way any teA consumption is happening around here, lol. I would about die if I wore something that showed any part of me.



    I think there is a pretty typical and quite normal in between clothed in utter darkness and full on costume.


    Even just a pretty lacey tank top, or new pair of panties can be a good start, and a candle lit across the room. I know not everyone enjoys nookie at the same level, but it can certainly be a very fun activity that brings a couple closer on many levels.

  13. I must be a total prude, as I just can't imagine wearing any of these things. But I am intrigued!!! We definitely need to spice things up, but I'm just not sure if I pull it off (or even how to!).


    ETA: and please know that I'm not being judgey here. I don't enjoy being a prude and really wish I knew how to stop!



    Try a men's button down that is barely buttoned, and maybe knee socks or a pair of heels. Not too dirty, but effective!

  14. If there is an aggressive dog on my property I will shoot it. We had a husky with a screw loose, we had had him since 8 weeks, and as he matured he truly became unstable and dangerous. Knowing what I know now, I should have shot the dog after the first unprovoked attack, after 2 years of trying to fix him my husband had to take him to be put down while my other dog and I had to go to both animal and human ERs to be patched up.



    My neighbors where we used to have had a scary pitbull that charged me and would have attacked had I not made it back to my car. DH started carrying a gun when we walked, I would take a golf club if not with DH. Where we live now there were two collie mixes constantly out of their yard. They would come and stand in the street in front of my fence so that my 2 would go nuts at the fence line, just stand and watch.

    I shot them with blue paint guns. They weren't being aggressive, but they were being a nuisance, the owner didn't care, so I sent a message, plus if one of mine was to injure them protecting their property from unknown dogs I would have been held responsible. Those dogs stay in their newly reinforced fence now, I am no longer running them off 3 times a day, or having to swerve to miss them chasing my car everytime I left the house.


    Any dog can be aggressive, but the strength, poor breeding, and idiot owners who all too often own Pits make it a dangerous situation in many cases.


    I LOVE dogs, I will pull over on the road and rescue them, mine live kings and are my best friends, I help with transporting and caring for rescues, but I have NO misunderstanding that a dog attacking is a true danger and that owners will not likely take care of the issue.

  15. For those of you who were wondering about the speed and power these things have behind them, this video shows the sheer speed with which this thing developed. It was barely a blip on the radar and within minutes became this powerful storm. It was on the ground for nearly an hour, and this is the beginning of the storm, before it hit the full F5 terror.



  16. We have one of the in ground concrete shelters, it came with the house, so I can't speak to cost. But I can say that even with the very wet spring, and rain nearly every day for the last week, in this thick sticky mud, we have had no problems with moisture in the structure. Within 2 miles of our house there are three places that build and install them, prices range from 2500 to 6000.

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