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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. A wolf spider? OMG! I have only seen one of those in my life and it was on my driveway. It was so big that I felt strange just stepping on it. I ended up taking a huge piece of plywood and letting it fall down over top of the spider and then jumping on the plywood. I screamed the entire time I was doing it too...like a little girl. When it was over, I would not even pick up the plywood. I made dh do it when he got home. You should have SEEN the mess that spider made. OMG...I get sick just recalling that incident. Then there was the time I got my son to the doctor on to find a BLACK WIDOW hanging upside down in her web on his STROLLER in my trunk! I called dh who was an hour away at work at the time and made him come and kill it and then drive my car for a week because I was terrified that there were more and they would crawl into the back seat and kill the kids. :(
  2. I am doing 1st grade with my son right now. We are finishing LLATL Blue, starting Fast-Track phonics from WinterPromise (to bridge the gap before we start WP LA 1 in a few months), ETC Book 3, Online ETC, Finishing Calvert's Come Read with Me, Singapore Math 1A (along with the Extra Practice and Intensive Practice workbooks), Map Skills Grade 1, Pentime Handwriting 1, finishing Singapore Child's Play Science (not sure where we are going with Science after this- maybe NOEO Biology I), Spelling Workout A, and CLE Bible Grade 1.
  3. The whole leprachaun thing the OP did is awesome! We did not do anything for St. Patricks Day other than make sure to wear green so we don't get pinched. We are going to venture out to a local restaurant this afternoon and partake of some of the silly things on the menu that they made green for today. That is about it. LOL
  4. My 5 year old would have said the same thing! He just hates doing school period. If I sent him to ps, he would hate doing school there too. He asks me all the time why he can't just play. I think it is the age. And with a child who has never been to ps, they have nothing to compare homeschooling to. My oldest ds went to ps for 4 years, he is grateful to be homeschooled now.
  5. I ordered WWE 1 - I hope it is not too easy. I guess even if it is, it will be a good "break" for him. Trial and error here, I guess. :( OhElizabeth - yes, he was the one having a hard time with putting all of the elements of grammar together because I was using too many programs that were going in too many different directions at once. I have a degree in English and I thought I could pick and pull and make the curriculum myself. I was WRONG. :( My son is not English-y at all and I was making a mess of things. We simplified and went with CLE LA 300. This took him all the way back to "easy" just so we could kind of "start over" and make that foundation better. With writing, he is sometimes having trouble getting his thoughts together. He was getting better in his narrations of the stories in WTII, but I never did WT I with him and I really think I started a level ahead of what I should have. Either way, he was getting really bored with WT II because he was doing the same thing over and over, week after week. It was hard for him to write the narration and I was finding his efforts to add detail to the story minimal at best. :( I guess "starting over" is kind of my theme here. LOL
  6. I am thinking of doing WWE along with CLE LA 300 for my end of 4th grader. For those of you who have BTDT, is this a decent option? We did Writing Tales II and stopped after 16 lessons. It was just repetitive for him and I didn't notice any amazing improvement - not to mention it was confusing him with all the things I was using. Anyway, will WWE be too "young" for my 4th grader?
  7. Yes, we, a group of relatively intelligent homeschooling mommas have just spent 10 pages talking about pooting/tooting/farting/ and the like. Too much fun! My son has totally forgotten his poot and apple in the bathroom, but the rest of us may enjoy this for time to come. LOL
  8. I did post that at first and then I decided it was uncalled for. I don't find you to be uneducated and I don't disrepect you. :( I just don't want to be yelled at because I didn't post this thread for that reason.
  9. No, I wasn't laughing at first. I had my reservations about sending him in the bathroom and even though I thought it was fitting, I wanted others' opinions. NOTE: I never said that the opinions of others would change my mind...I was just curious what other people thought. My kids 100% know their manners and they 100% know what "that look" means when I give it to them. Most of the time my son reacts automatically to such looks and immediately corrects himself. Again, taking this much too seriously...but isn't that "the way" here? I mean, honestly, someone can't post anything that has more than one opinion without being "yelled at" in some way and the thread going totally to h*ll in a handbasket. I mean, someone is always going to be offended by something, huh?
  10. LOL - I find it amusing that parts of this thread have become so serious. I am not a prude that doesn't allow farting in my home. My dh and I will occasionally poot under the covers and fan it a bit. My kids can laugh and pooat all they want - but NOT when we are eating. That is just my rule. If it slips out, just like a burp, they say "excuse me" and move on. If it is intentional and then a rude comment/joke is made, then someone is in trouble. They know this. I have different rules for goofing off around the house AND eating at the table. The kids have to be taught manners somewhere. I am thinking "at home" is a good start.
  11. Just to clarify: The "look" I gave him was in anticipation of an "excuse me." Instead I got the "Nothing like a good fart in the afternoon" comment, which is what got him sent to the bathroom to finish his apple quarters.
  12. LOL - well, I didn't ask him to eat spaghetti off the toilet seat while he used the toilet! I made him take the plate with the two apple sections he had left to eat and sit it on the counter top (which I cleaned with bleach yesterday as part of my saturday cleaning ritual). Trust me, I am a germaphobe and a half, but this particular act was absolutely not, in any way, gross.
  13. Yes, absolutely! It was 100% for the comment he made after I gave him a look for passing gas at the table. The look was because he is 9 years old - 9 and a half really - and I do expect him to either say excuse me, or dismiss himself from the table. But no, LOL, I wasn't punishing him for a bodily function. Maybe I should have made that more clear in the first post. Sorry!
  14. If we had had company over, he would have never done it (and that is the only time he would have been humiliated by punishment). He got a bit miffed at me because he had to leave the group of us at the table and go eat alone in the bathroom...but no, it definitely didn't humiliate him.
  15. Living in a house full of boys (and I am including the GROWN boy I married here) sometimes has a wear on my nerves. When we go somewhere in the car, they have a competition to see who can make the smelliest gas. *ugh* And I am totally outnumbered. However, at my TABLE, ohhhhh no!
  16. I was thinking that Fast Track could be done at the same time as what we are doing now (just add it in and keep going). LLATL is working for ds5 right now, but I don't intend on going on with LLATL through the later years, so I want to find something NOW that I like better. Fast-Track includes ETC 3 and we have just started ETC 3, so I intend to find where it starts and begin from there if possible. Also, I thought fast-track may be a good way to introduce ds to the way WP teaches phonics without the stress of trying to use the 1st grade curruculum too. I hate to say it, but LLATL blue is NOT really 1st grade work, IMO and it seems to leave kids ill prepared to go on into a true 2nd grade program.
  17. Moments ago, my oldest son (who is 9.5 years old) was sitting at the table when he passed gas. I find this rude and gave him a look and he looked back at me and said, "Nothing like a good fart in the afternoon." OMG! I told him to take his plate of food and eat in the bathroom. He looked at me like was a nut, but I just can not stand that type of 1. language, 2. disrespect, and 3. poor manners at the table while others are eating. He was morified as he took his plate and sat on the fluffy toilet seat cover to finish his meal off the counter top in the bathroom. UGH! So...was that unusually cruel or something? It sure seemed fitting at the time!
  18. I vote Flint River Ranch all the way. We have used it for the last 2 years and never been disappointed. My dog had lots of allergy problems - to the point of now having to take allergy shots each month like a person. The Flint River Ranch Lamb, Millet, and Rice has done wonders for his skin/allergies. :) We buy from www.flintriver.com and there is no tax/shippig is free.
  19. I have taken about all of the antidepressants at one time or another. Lexapro has the least side effects for me and the longer you take it, the more that some of those side effects go away. In years prior, when I would take Lexapro, I could not "you know" at all either. Now, I am taking a higher dose, but have been taking it (this time) for about 4 months and I "you know" just fine. I think my body finally got used to the medicine and the side effects became less and less. It just takes a lot of time and finding the right drug that will work for you. I can't take Wellbutrin or Effexor at all. They make me crazy! Cymbalta was okay, still side effects though. Prozac was much too strong and I was scared of it, but it worked until I stopped. Paxil did nothing for me. Zoloft makes me physically ill. But Lexapro is definitely pretty good in my book. :)
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