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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Thank you! I feel so bad for all those people but so glad you aren't being evacuated. The pictures are so frightening.
  2. :grouphug: Butter and Mom Ninja...I hope everyone is starting to feel a bit better. Butter tell your dd we are all sending positive thoughts her way. I hope the Drs. figure things out soon. Rose and Robin and any other Bawers in the area. I keep seeing pictures of the dam. No idea at all of the geography in that area......everyone OK? San Francisco is not affected right? I finished my Steampunk Bingo square with The Boneshaker. Not at all what I expected but I enjoyed it in the end. I definitely like the fluffier steampunk reads better. I have found more in the series and will probably read them. I think my dd and Stacia's dd would probably love these. I also read another T book for Amethyst, A Terrible Beauty by Tasha Alexander. This was number 11 in the Lady Emily series. Overall quite good.
  3. I am planning to start Echoes in Death this week. Did you like it? I had Boneshaker by Cheri Priest in my Overdrive stack and it will return itself tomorrow. I try to read a few pages before a book goes back so I know if I want to request it again. After a few pages I found myself hooked but have to say it's a rather different version of Steampunk than I am used to. This series seems to have quite a dystopian edge to it which I wasn't expecting. Also I think Queen Victoria in the background....this is set in Seattle during the Civil War. I have a few other partial reads but concentrating on Boneshaker so hopefully I can leave the wifi on.....
  4. I was so sad that she wasn't able to visit him.
  5. Our hardcover books almost always have different covers and occasionally different titles. Because I am super visual I was coming home with stacks of books where I had read every single book. For a couple of years I concentrated on free kindle books and Agatha Christie (I hadn't read many) because of this. Goodreads has been wonderful because of this. BaW also because I started hunting in new directions. Looking forward to hearing about the hygge crochet along. Craftwise I'm not very productive currently. Hopefully that will change soon. Mom Ninja :grouphug: I spent an embarrassingly long time today organizing my wish lists for my libraries. I now have the next book showing for many of the series I have in progress. I am hoping this will make the birthstone spelling challenges much easier. It was a surprise to discover that many have that previously hard to find E!
  6. I finally finished By Gaslight this morning!!!!!! It took forever because I couldn't seem to read it if I had any distractions at all. feelings about this book went up and down throughout reading it. I was feeling quite positive at the end and gave it a four. I also finished the latest Stephanie Plum book Turbo Twenty Three which has been my insomnia book for the past few nights. I still find the series entertaining but if you've read a couple not much new happens.
  7. Glad "y'all" are feeling better! Sounds like what we had back in November. I have only finished one of my T's in Amethyst. So I have quite a ways to go also. It's one of this weeks projects because I have a few in the stack that need to be returned also.
  8. :grouphug: I've been thinking about you and Nan today regarding the blizzard. It's been snowing here off and on all day but keeps melting because the ground hasn't frozen. Wet, cold, and soggy. I'm sure the roads are going to turn to ice tonight. Glad my famkly is in for the evening. Maybe I will even manage to finish By Gaslight. I hope Nan is starting to feel better too!
  9. Fyi, in the other editions section on the books main page on Goodreads there is a red cover with a smoking gun. If you click on it your cover hopefully will match. Great cover btw. Not sure if my link will work since I didn't select the book but I did change the cover https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12225191-miss-melville-regrets
  10. I've read 9 on the list. I've abandoned or had in a stack a few more. This is a great list with some different vampire fiction. I have read 0 of these so looking to trying a few of them. As a bonus I was actually able to find a few of them on overdrive so they have been added to my wish list.
  11. I never thought to look at prime and will get it as soon as my account is free. Thank you!
  12. I spent quite awhile hunting for this after seeing it over on my goodreads feed. It doesn't seem to be at any of my libraries yet but will try and remember to check for it occasionally. I now have Echoes in Death! :) Unfortunately I have some books that I waited for that need to be read first. By Gaslight continues......it really wasn't the best book for me to read this week because my days have been pretty hectic.
  13. Merlin is a series our family loves and watched many times. One thing we were surprised to learn was it's a French Castle. Chateau de Pierrefonds is a frequent stop for our family when we drive to Paris. It's about 20 minutes off the expressway and an oddly laid back tourist attraction. The village is sort of and upmarket tourist meca with nice restaurants sitting beside a large pond with paddle boats. You do street parking and walk up the hill to the castle. Everything including the ticket booth shuts down for a couple hours in the afternoon. If you can get a ticket before the booth shuts you are welcome to wander throughout the break. Compared to the crazy lines that attractions in Paris offer this place is great. Recognizable Merlin scenes all over. You get to the top of a stairway for instance and someone in my family proclaims it where this scene was filmed......we take the dvd with us and normally check later. This is the wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Château_de_Pierrefonds but I think we used to look at a site with more pictures if your ds feels like hunting. Still working my way through By Gaslight.
  14. We all got hit last year. My ds was scary sick as in hallucinations etc. Both kids were in the time window for taking Tamiflu and they ended up being healthy before dh and I who were sick first. It was amazing how well it worked. We had the 3 strain flu shot this year but apparently there is a 4 strain one too. Our whole family is a bit paranoid about the missing strain.
  15. :groiphug: to all those suffering with dental pain.
  16. I've been reading By Gaslight this morning and can now comment on the lack of punctuation especially for dialogue. I don't dislike it this time. I actually think it might be a bit atmospheric in this book. In my recent Saramago https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7721933-the-elephant-s-journey I kept losing my place and was in a state of constantly having to reread. Wolf Hall I disliked almost from page one so I can't point at the lack of punctuation being much of a factor. Now back to my book! ;)
  17. Loesje, Before I forget I am going to remove to Susan Parry Yorkshire Dales mysteries from my Goodreads shelf because I want to return them to the library. I read part way through one and am not that enthused with the mystery. The setting is quite accurate, my family is actually from about tens miles away and I have never lived there but have visited and done loads of research. Dd read tye first one in this series last fall and really liked it. Welcome to BaW!
  18. Happy Birthday to Abby!!! Also I hope everyone who is ill feels better soon! :grouphug: I managed to read most an easy cozy mystery during that night and was able to finish it today. Ripped from the Pages https://www.goodreads.com/series/46593-bibliophile-mystery is part of the Bibliophile series which I have been reading my way through for the past year. This series features a main character who is a book binder specializing in preservation. It's interesting from a craft perspective, occasionally I see classes in book binding as a hobby but haven't had time to try one yet. The setting is San Francisco and wine country which brings back memories of some great holidays many years ago. Nothing special but I like this series......
  19. In our area we have a very specialized hospital that specializes in women's cancers. Cutting edge top of the line research facility. Experimental treatments found at very few hospitals around the world. Women in our area generally get sent there and are able to have a bulk of their treatment as an outpatient which is incredible. They do have apartment facilities on site via a charity for people who cannot commute easily. There are ways to move to the hospital with the best outcome via NHS. No idea how but know it is a choice and is apparently possible because I have heard that some people using the apartments are from quite a distance from friends who got to know these people during the course of their radiation and chemotherapy. Some stay at "our" hospital for the duration, others go home weekends. The free apartments have also been offered to friends who had a bit a a problem with the commute. Very ill children frequently are sent to Ormund Street the Peter Pan charity hospital in London. The care from that staff and treatment of the families is incredible. Once again all free. My friend's daughter underwent many surgeries there for a whole combination of issues with a heart defect being primary. They were wonderful coordinating surgeries with many specialists each time. It was impressive.
  20. I still haven't read the description but am in love with the cover. Thanks for letting me know that I still might be able to find it in October! Ladies, as I said I'm tired tonight. I have also taken a couple of Alieves. So perhaps not fully functioning mentally. I read Jane's post regarding superb owls but thought it was Amy posting. My whole family had an "how cute is Chews " moment. For our new people our families actually in real life know each other so this was a bit of a how big he must be now event. I was busy thinking we could have an owl theme activity thrown in to future plans just for him. I love to have silly parties for little people and celebrated every event I could think of when my kids were little. Then I go back to quote it and discover it was Jane's ds. Somehow I don't think Jane's ds would enjoy my version of a superb owl party! I still haven't fessed up that it wasn't Chews. Amy, at least she her priorities in order regarding the Super Bowl. My kids have been to a party a few years ago.....Steelers were playing. A friend is a huge fan and felt they needed the cultural experience. They had fun but still know absolutely nothing about American football. Also dd enjoyed the Dragon books.
  21. I tried very hard to simply use one of Robin's covers but unfortunately couldn't find my favourite Midnight Dance for my overdrive account. I did find Passenger but it comes with a five person queue. I did add myself to the list, I just hope I remember why I put a hold on it when it comes in! At some point I will go hunting on my own. Last night I fininhed the second book in The Seventh Miss Hatfield series. It's called The Time of the Clockmaker. These books are a nice relatively light YA break. I have been enjoying the slightly different time travel theme...after becoming immortal the main character is able to travel through time with the aid of a very special clock. In this instalment she found herself accidentally back in the Tudor court without her clock. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23607751-the-time-of-the-clockmaker Not much reading today. I made it to 2%in By Gaslight. I am happy to report that my garden is looking much nicer which means I'm exhausted. Probably not much reading tonight.
  22. I love the same type of series so thank you for two new to me authors. At some point I will go through my older lists and see if I can find some new ones for you. I was already listening (well it's checked out :lol:) to Tana French's The Trespasser. I have seen Bone Dust White but haven't tried it so will pick that one up when at the library and found the Julia Keller's in overdrive. I loved skiing in my teens but it's one of the things that I was told never again to when I had my back surgery. I was so disappointed I did find a better list late last night. I think I ended up 5 on that one. I saw that there is a new Scarlett Bernard too. Anything else? I should get Echoes in Death by JD Robb the first day 7th) when the copy number gets expanded. I am number 4 out of 200 or so! Really happy about that because that's my E with zero effort! Glad you found something kinder to read! I am hoping to really get started on By Gaslight today. We were supposed to be in the car for a couple of hours which would have been perfect but dh apparently cancelled those plans during the night because he couldn't sleep. Now I am around the house for most of the day with the sun shining and my garden which has been sorely neglected. I never had a chance to do a fall tidy and now my bulbs are popping up amid a dead jungle from last year. I spent a half hour yesterday outside and that section looks so much better!
  23. Mercy Thompson fans look what I just found https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30687916-silence-fallen?ac=1&from_search=true. Coming in March! I think I'm number 27 on my overdrive list. Off to try and find a better list.....
  24. Mom ninja, Another person in the afraid of heights club. I have mastered some places like stairs in ancient buildings. I still avoid driving over mega bridges etc. Too stressfull. I'm sorry your son was sick on your birthday but have to say it was so nice of them to give you passes to come back with all the kids! I finally finished my culture read from our challenge a couple of weeks ago. I decided to read the book How to Read a Village by Richard Muir https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2323020.How_to_Read_a_Village because I had already read Hillbilly Elegy this year and this has been in my stack for years. I decided vllages are definitely part of my culture although I am really irritated with my little part of the world right now. So the book was interesting but dry and not nearly as interesting as the How to read a Church I read several years ago. I learned a bit but to be honest it added more to my list of great day trips than actual new knowledge. I learned a couple of interesting bits that I will share. Fishing villages generally have shale beaches for pulling boats onto beach overnight....less apt to wash away before harbours etc. Makes sense and observation says true. I enjoyed the fishing village pictures greatly. I ended up searching for potential new houses in fishing villages along our northeast coast because of it. I found a Victorian Sea Captain's house with an incredible original tile floor that I fell in love with breifly. Then reality in the form of dh entered the picture when he calmly asked if I considering running a B & B because 7 insuite bedrooms were a bit much for a family of 4! There went that dream house or should I say floor! The reality was I wanted the floor and the house was attached. :lol: Because old villages were built from local materials they tend to blend into the landscape and are pleasing to the eye. True. I had to laugh because the author provides a list of villages that were gentrified during the 1800's and standout because other cultures building techniques were employed. The ones that I have visited or just driven through were all places I really remember being because my brain must have registered that they didn't quite belong. Since someone here may have visited Chatsworth, the village there is an example, Swiss influence I believe. While I found some tourist type pleasure in this book much of it concentrates on doing a village study of your own. My village has been studied endlessly and I have copies of the books to show for it. If it's on your library shelf the pictures are nice. ;) For the record I actually read about 90% of it pretty seriously but I doubt any of you would want to.
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