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Posts posted by mommyoffive

  1. 3 hours ago, wisdomandtreasures said:

    On Sundays I pack everyone's lunch for the week. When my kids finish their school work they can jut grab their box and eat. No waiting for me. Hardly any cleanup. Why didn't I start this years ago?!

    Similarly, I also make a couple quarts of salad dressing and make bread and hard boiled eggs, and bulk chop my most-used veggies (onion, mushroom, carrots, bell peppers) so I can make dinner in about 10-15 minutes. 🙂 I just scoop out a cup of onion here, a cup or two of mushrooms there. 

    What do you pack them for the week?  

  2. I always keep a full tank of gas in the car.  My grandma was huge on that and after running out of gas on the way home with my mom as a kid I just can't handle a non full tank.  Until a few years ago my car was the only one that could fit all the family in and I was always worried if for some reason I needed to drive far away for an emergency or something I just needed to keep a full tank.  

    Doing crockpot meals during the week.  During the school year our schedule is so insane and dumb that we  are eating meals at all different times.  Having a meal that everyone can just eat from when they need to is so much easier and works better for our life.

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  3. 58 minutes ago, Ginevra said:

    This is taking forever and I’m totally exhausted but I still need to thank my Hivers for pushing me to go. I am waiting for a chest xray. They prescribed an inhaler, doxy and benzonatate. It’s annoying because I had to go to a different location for the chest xray and I still need to go back to the original location to pick up the meds. I came here directly from work and now we’re almost four hours later. 🙄 

    I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep. 

    Oh man what an ordeal after work and sick.  Ugh.  I hope you get to curl up and sleep soon.  I am glad you did go in and hope all the meds help you feel better soon.

    • Like 4
  4. On 6/10/2024 at 8:31 AM, wintermom said:

    I've been rockin' my sleep lately and it's so exciting! I wear a sleep mask that has ear bud things inside that has blue tooth capability, and I've started listening to podcasts instead of music. The voice droning on is perfect for me, and the light blocking factor is excellent. I have to thank @Laura Corin for suggesting this kind of product! They are also excellent while flying on a plane. I don't have to worry about dropping a cordless ear bud on the plane and having to contort the body to try and pick it up (BTDT). Not fun! 😉 

    All this to say, with my improved sleep I've had more energy to do things around the house as well as fun physical activities. It's a marvelous feeling!


    Do you have a link for this mask?  I recently started wearing a sleep mask and love it. I tried the Loop earplugs but hated how they felt.  

  5. 24 minutes ago, TheReader said:

    y'all, please pray - called and got Oldest's results - it's NOT  a UTI and the urgent care doc said he needs to see urologist asap. No one has appts sooner than July, so probably that means get him down here and take him to the ER. Trying to reach him now to see when he can come down (and of course my brain is spinning with the possibilities; doc said unlikely to be kidney stone either). 


    OH my goodness, how scary.  I wish the doc would have given you more information.  Praying for your oldest.

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  6. 17 hours ago, Frances said:

    You could put chicken breast in a crockpot with a jar of salsa then use for tacos one night and eat with rice and beans another night or two. What I usually do when we are going to be driving and staying for three or more nights in a rental is to make a big batch of something like chili or lasagna in advance and take it along. Then have it every night for dinner with different easy sides. Chicken pot pie or any favorite casserole would also work. So convenient and easy. We always do eggs and fruit or plain yogurt and fruit for breakfast with either toast or some local bakery items. Lunch is usually the one meal per day we eat out while out and about.

    How far can you drive with something like that food safety wise?  Also do you do anything to not have it spill in the car?

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