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Posts posted by mommyoffive

  1. 3 hours ago, TheReader said:

    Okay, whew! The lawn company called, they're sending a team in the  morning to repair the fence. I have the name/number of the owner of the company (he called me himself) so this should be settled/taken care of then. Thank goodness!


    Yay.  I am glad it worked out so fast for you!

  2. 3 minutes ago, TheReader said:

    We were home; by the time we saw it, the guy on the mower was quite a ways off - I suggested talking to him &/or going out to whoever is in the trucks (there are usually many of these guys around at a time on the day they service the neighborhood), but DH didn't think that would do anything -- the guys on the mowers aren't in any position to do anything, ya know? 

    Since the management company hires them, that's who we thought to start with, and hopefully they'll do the right thing, but we'll see. 

    By this point, yes, the mower is gone, but we did manage to get a photo of him, showing which type of  mower he was using (tractor with a pull-Bubehind thing, which is probably the part that bumped the fence & broke it), and that he was still in the vicinity, etc,, when the damage occured. Hopefully that helps. 

    Not that I have handled it correctly but I always went to talk to the mowers.  We have had other issues like that happen.  However we don't live in a place that has an association.  Just was empty lots and whoever the owner of the lots hired to mow them.  But it happens in winter with snowplows hitting mailboxes, trees, and tearing up landscape.   In my case making sure the mower knew about it was the issue.  They were able to call their boss on the spot and give me all the information.  Also it just gave them a chance to admit to it.  In my case I doubt that they knew that rocks they mowed over kicked up and went through our siding.  You would think in your case they would know that they caused the damage.  Maybe not though.  But yeah you don't ever know how that interaction is going to go.

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  3. Oh man I am so sorry.  That really sucks that if that is what happened they didn't even stop and fess up to it.  I am not sure about next steps.  I am assuming you guys were not home at the time.  Do any neighbors have cameras?

    That sort of thing happened one time while I was home and the mower of empty lots by us shot rocks through our siding of our house that left holes.  I was home and heard it and went out and looked seeing the holes.  I was able to stop the person mowing and talk to them about it and we were able to get the company to fix it.

    Is the mower already gone?

  4. Great information @wathe, as always.  Thanks for the great reminders about the recirculated air.   I was aware of airplanes, but I guess I thought on coach bus that the air would be filtered like it is during the flight on an airplane. 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, teachermom2834 said:

    I thought about applying to be a teacher’s aide in the local elementary school in my neighborhood. However it seems like a very rigid schedule for so very little pay. Like if I’m going to work for that little would I rather work somewhere that I could be part-time/get off work when any of my family needs me? 

    I admit I’m like the teen in the other thread that has reasons why no job seems right for me! 

    Substitute teaching?

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  6. Sending some hugs for the roller coaster year.   I think you already decided and I 100% think you are making the right choice.  You all deserve to slow down.  Have family meals together.  And whatever else a slow down life looks like.  I 100% would choose spending time with your girls over saving for something else down the road, now that your dh has a bigger salary.  Your girls are going to grow so fast and you can't get this time back.   


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  7. 37 minutes ago, mmasc said:

    Aldi! Rice, bagels, bread, nuts (we love their nuts!), all condiments (mustard, bbq sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, pesto, etc), olives, cheese—all of those things are way cheaper than any regular grocery store in my HCOL area. It’s the one place I can shop and fill bags and when I’m done, look at it and think “Wow. I got all that for $_?!” 

    As a couple of examples, Thomas plain bagels are about $3.50-$4.00 at a regular store; they’re $1.50 at Aldi. That’s a crazy difference! Nobody can tell the difference in taste. And their bread selection is really good, too. You can get super cheap white bread stuff (buns, sandwich bread), but even if you want their keto bread or Dave’s knockoff or protein wraps or whatever, it’s still cheaper. 

    Yes.  We buy store brand for almost everything.  I can't think of a time that we pay for the name brand over the store brand.  Either Aldi or Walmart generic kind.  We have done it forever and only one time was it bad.  People in my house are cereal eaters to my dismay.  Ok fine.  But we are getting store brand unless I get some name brand at Dollar Tree.  I feel like making work arounds like that help keep the bill down. 

    • Like 2
  8. 52 minutes ago, sassenach said:

    You all are as torn as I am! I talked it through with my best friend and she felt strongly that I would tank my health if I tried to pull this all off.  As soon as she said it, I felt relieved. I think I felt like I needed to push through but the truth is that I'm exhausted. Her prescription is for me to go to a spa later this week and get some actual down time. So that's what I'm doing. DD and I will get time in July and Spain will be there down the road. 

    I am glad you made a decision and you made peace with it.  It sounds like it was the best thing for you.  I am sorry your trip got cancelled.  Maybe your dd can sell your Taylor ticket, so you are not out that money?  

    If it was me I would have chosen to stay home.  I have no clue how tired you are, but doing all that travel and jet lag for 2 days there is nuts to me.   I could not do that. 

    I hope your son's recovery goes well.

    • Like 1
  9. For us

    There are certain things at Costco that are good buys vs other places.  But for the whole we don't shop there for food unless we are treating ourselves to different food than what other stores have.

    We try to shop at Aldi a lot.

    We also shop at Walmart.

    Some good deals at Dollar Tree

    Buy what is on sale especially for fruits and veggies. 

    We eat at home 99.9% of the time.    

    Also making meals that provide lots of leftovers.  I have a few crockpot meals that I can make huge and then will feed my family of 7 for 4 days via leftovers.    Chili, chicken noodle soup, veggie lasagna, taco chicken.    I haven't really priced it out, but  I bet I am making the meal for maybe $15 and then we have it for 4 days for the 7 of us.  



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  10. Just now, Farrar said:

    Trainee. Their trainees are part of 2nd company. He's excited. It's a "dream company" for him. We'll see how it goes!

    Congrats to him.  That is what my guess was.  Awesome. I think some of my kids had friends who went to the intensive and are year round students there.  Awesome that he got a position at a dream company for him!!!   That is so awesome!!

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  11. 11 minutes ago, Farrar said:

    I've got a young adult moving to Kansas City. We've been, but for a few days in a totally different context. Any KC folks have general KC living advice? Things to know? Stuff my kid should do during his year there? He may end up there longer term, but we have no idea. He's going to dance at KC Ballet and will probably be living walking distance from downtown. He has no car, so being in a car city without one will be an interesting adjustment. He's really a public transit guy, but has only lived in a city with stellar public transit. We are aware of the streetcar (and have ridden it and it seems great) and the bus system, but further tips appreciated!

    No advice on living there, but congrats to him!  What program is he going to go into there?  

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