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Everything posted by Mandylubug

  1. The boys do TT on the computer. The girls play around on Starfall. and The boys are allowed on Spelling City. but only during school hours... I want them to learn how to use the computer but I get tired of four of them fighting over it so i really can't handle much computer time over required school activities.
  2. http://rfwp.loge.co.uk/pages/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/LA-ELEM.pdf This is a slide show teaching you how it is intended to be used. eta: it takes a few seconds to download
  3. We use it and will continue until my girls are ready for TT3 but: 1. you don't want to have to pay a print shop to print up your workbooks (cheapest route for me and was fifty bucks for four workbooks) 2. you don't want to have to buy your own manipulatives and add your own fun activities. 3. You don't want a workbook style math program. 4. You don't want to have to worry about your husband reformatting your computer without you backing up your curriculum.
  4. Ha Ha, I just noticed that Phonics Pathways has a booster book with double sided flash cards, games and such that I figure would make it hands on similar to AAS (not saying they are the same) that can be purchased separately.... nevermind, carry on LOL:smash:
  5. I have to say I am going to be a junkie as well :lol: but I have learned the lesson that cheaper isn't necessarily better and costs more in the long run if I choose to avoid a better curriculum because of the cost of it. SO, my focus is finding the perfect curriculum and for the most part working around the money on the tag...however, I do have my limits ha ha:willy_nilly:
  6. ha ha, I wish.. although, I am just now finishing our first full year of homeschooling under my belt and still tweaking our curriculum seeing that our first choice (The Weaver) was a huge flop for us. Hoping to be finished soon and just following through with plans!
  7. So, from the sample lessons I read of AAS, the letters/words are presented to the student in tile form. You have them swap letters around to read all available combinations and review flashcards of accomplished words plus a few worksheets to solidify the understanding of the words... any reason why this wouldn't be doable with any phonics curriculum? I was considering Phonics Pathway and making my own tiles and flash cards and using ETC workbooks along with it.
  8. oooh, great list. We are a bit slower on the implementation of ETC but we just found the series and started it in January. My six year olds are working on ETC with no hesitation and can do a full lesson in one day. I appreciate the breakdown!
  9. Yes, we are HUGE Starfall fans. Although, if I walk away, they let the program read it for them. I couldn't find where to print the actual books but I did see where I could print the worksheets that went along with the books. I may end up doing that. I also saw where I could purchase the readers for 20. Not a horrible price; but being that they are free online we will save that money I suppose. I had also found Progressive Phonics for free online. Nothing wrong with the program; just didn't grab their attention. So, since you used Phonics Pathways with ETC, can you tell me how you coordinated them together? Or did you do each separately? Right now, I just choose a time for them to do ETC or their manuscript workbooks, etc.. nothing is coordinated together.. just "assigned"
  10. some things just make sense all at once, ha ha. I just have to share this. I have been researching everyone's suggestions and I ran across a book I remember reading in a first grade "special" class. I remember being pulled out of class to go with this one teacher and I remembered accomplishing this one book and being SO proud when I did. So, I decided to call my mom and speak to her about my personal road to reading in PS. She then continues to inform me that I was "slow" at learning to read compared to my class mates but when it did finally click; I soared and went above and beyond my grade level. Some of this information would have been helpful to have known. All of my nephews that just happen to be my girls ages are reading chapter books and in PS. I honestly some days just felt defeated that we are still on CVC words. I do remember my oldest son being slower in PS before it clicked and he is above his "grade level" now. Anyway, thank you ladies for all of your suggestions. I am researching all of them!
  11. I have to mention that I got SO frustrated at Barnes and Noble the other day with so many of the "readers" being chock full of sightwords. Apparently most people teach sight words now and that isn't an issue for most? Bob books and one other supplier was the only phonetically decodable readers I could find :/
  12. I have not purchased the BOB books yet due to the cost per set and actually wondering if I should skip the first set since they are reading CVC words already..... Does BOB books go past CVC words? They are starting to learn easy blends such as ch/tr/sm, etc. on their own. I am thankful they want to read EVERYTHING they come to and really just want to continue to feed their "thirst" for reading independently.
  13. what do you seasoned mom's recommend for spelling/reading? I know many recommend AAS and it does look interesting but I am seeking other options as well. Anyone just use ETC and supplement with another? They like their independence and feel growny filling out their workbooks without my assistance typically. I do read out of the 100ez lessons to them periodically but they would rather flip to the back and attempt to read the longer stories and are protesting the scripted sessions of repeating sounds after me. They bring me books all day long and we sit and read and they are really trying. Will the ETC help them push past the CVC words? I don't want to eliminate ETC but find something to add to it.
  14. I just ordered the basic homeschool set for level 1...so I am no help to you until next week. We are excited to get it in and start using it. My son read the entire sample and wanted to read more so that is promising, ha ha!
  15. My girls dragged their heels when it came to phonics until we purchased Explode the Code workbooks. Sorry, wish I had any words of wisdom. My girls are six and still just beginning readers if not just emergent.
  16. I only have one full year under my belt so I am still tweaking as I go. I did start looking more readily when our tax return was in. We typically use part of our tax refund for curriculum. Or atleast that is what happened the past two returns :) The stuff I have purchased now should last us until December/January unless I tweak something else. ETC and handwriting/cursive books I purchase as we go. I also keep a "wish" sticky note on my desktop computer and I have a book wish list on amazon.com that I keep updated with materials I am pondering on.
  17. we use MM up till TT3; then switch to that. Although, I think the MM1 when the girls finish may make it where they are ready for TT3. I haven't fully researched it all yet but I know tt3 does a TON of review in the beginning.
  18. I hestitate to claim my oldest is in 4th as well. We will have to administer a standardized test this year and naturally, I am going to make him test on the 3rd grade instead of 4th grade level being that the school system would consider him third in regards to his records with them..I have no issue with him graduating later either.
  19. Oh no, don't misunderstand me. I am enjoying everyone's responses! I should give a little background of why I spin my tires on this subject. My kids all started out in PS. My son seemed "normal and fine" to me until PS and I was told he had issues, ADHD, etc. I was in denial of the ADHD and he does have it that is for sure. But those first two years were rough on us as a family. I had to FIGHT tooth and nail to have him held back in kindergarten. His teacher wanted to promote him into first because she thought he would be a behavior problem if he remained in kindergarten a second year (even though he couldn't do most of the bench marks in reading and math) So, he ended up, finally by my fighting, being held back and in the same grade as his younger brother. Then my husband joined the military and we moved three times in three years and school gaps became evident. He has now overcome SO much and is advanced in some areas, behind in others. Therefore, by his age he would be considered 4th grade. To the state, he is considered 3rd. To him, he WANTS to be considered 4th, even though in math he is just now in 3rd grade math but he is in fifth grade levels of other subjects. My other kids are following the same path. None of my kids seem to reach the same academic benchmarks of a specific grade level as one cohesive movement but are on different grade levels for individual subjects, etc. With us starting PS, holding one back, then pulling him out and HS and moving him up in some subjects because the lower subject was way too easy is what I was referring to as confusing. I was honestly just wanting to hear others opinions of declaring grade levels. At church, he was so excited when he was "allowed" to attend 4th grade service.
  20. My sons are in gymnastics here in GA. We seem to have a ton of gymnastic programs around us. I know our gym has competitive groups. My son's are too young and are in the progressive classes at the moment. I do know the community in GA for gymnastics is strong and they pull together. There was an injured 13 year old gymnast just this month that all of the GA association gymnastic groups came together to raise 200,000 to help supplement medical bills, etc. I am sure there are other states with just as strong a community!
  21. Am I the only one that isn't truly claiming grade levels for my kids? ;) I enjoy reading all the x grade threads but honestly we don't try to cram anything in within a year but seek to find curriculum that fits them where they are and then we progress forward. If we aren't finished by the end of the official "sent to the school board" date of the school year; we continue on next year. I suppose I just prefer to continue on and progress forward until we are ready for the next level of curriculum whether its mid school year this year or halfway into the next school year. We also don't take a summer vacation. We take a more relaxed schedule because all of their cousins are PSed and they love the ability to go on playdates, etc. but we just keep on trucking. Perhaps, I started out this way since we began homeschooling mid "school year" last year and had just purchased curriculum to finish off their "current" years. I use a mixture of grade level works matched to the needs of the individual child. For instance, my oldest is on the fifth grade level of reading but math on 3rd grade level, 4th grade science, 3rd grade spelling... I mean what grade to you "put him in" when you define as such? When asked what grades they are in by strangers I always reply they are homeschooled and name their ages.
  22. My daugther will be 7 in July and she does all of these things still.
  23. Thank you SO much for your detailed explanation of why it didn't work for your learners! It really does help to see where others struggle, imo. I did end up purchasing it after I let my oldest sit and read it. With him being ADHD he likes the whole picture but he also likes flashy things to grab his eye. I also had him look at several other grammar lessons from other publishers and spoke about a no "fluff" style of English vs this style. I really think this may work for him. This is the reason why we homeschool isn't it? To tweak and customize their curriculum to meet their unique needs. TT really works for him and I am hoping this will, too.
  24. Well, I gave in. I have literally poured myself over the internet today looking for another solution to LA that would grab my son's attention as this one but in the long run decided to give in and purchase it! I just went ahead and purchased the basic package since it came with the student book and the teacher manual and I will have two boys doing the lessons together. I figured if need be one can borrow my book while I assist the other and vice versa. I will also have the girls moving on up to using it shortly. I have got to get them reading fluently; they are stressing me out a bit to the point of picking back up 100ez and that is saying something because I hate that book; ha ha!
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