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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. Vocabulary, Comprehension, Spelling, Listening, Social Studies, Math, Language, Science, Study Skills And does spectrum flow with the Stanford 10 test? I know there are a few test out there like the IOWA(think that's it) and the CAT.
  2. I just signed my dc up to take the Stanford test in May. I was wondering if I should prep them before taking it. If so what do you use?
  3. you say absolutely NOT to? Ds is looking for a car and everything in his price range has miles of 115k to over 200k. Right now he does not want to finance, he knows that he would pay more for insurance if he does.
  4. My Black and Decker has started leaking. I am having to set it in the sink to make coffee, so the water doesn't going all over the counter...don't ask me why it is leaking. I am the only one that drinks coffee, so I don't need an expensive one. If it matters, I want it to be black or the stainless steel look.
  5. been scared of pressure cookers, my mother use to tell me that the lids could blow off and my grandmother used it ALL the time, so I stayed clear of her kitchen! I have never made them, but remember that they were very good and funny looking with the rice standing up on them.
  6. If a box was open I would throw it out. Come to find out, they were in the brown rice, dog treats, and cereal. Once we got everything out, we brushed off the larva eggs and sprayed the adults with an organic insect spray that Dh bought for his orchids. I read on the internet to keep your rice in the frig for about 2 to 3 days to kill any bugs that are in there...sounds gross. I started putting all my flour, grits, and rice in the frig. I have not seen a moth since!They made me feel like my house was nasty!! I look every time I walk into our pantry!!:eek:
  7. We visited Miami about 4 yrs ago. We vacationed 2 days in Key Largo and 2 days in Miami and will NEVER, EVER go back to Miami...loved Key Largo though! Miami in our opinion it was dirty and even though we didn't have any trouble, it looked like trouble..if you know what I mean. I would never want to live there.
  8. them. What is the point of memorizing the front of the card with out the dates? She does them with the Classical Conversations co-op. I was thinking about getting them before I saw them, but now I don't know.
  9. 1 set of the Student Writing dvd's or do I need to purchase all levels dvd's and books or do I need to purchase the TWSS and all the SWI dvd's, to teach this successfully?
  10. Meaning toilet paper....get those nasty thoughts out of your mind!!!:w00t::rofl: Just wondering how you place your toilet paper on the holder! I like the tissue to come out on the bottom, not over the top. How about you?
  11. water, gas and/ or electricity? While cleaning the kitchen the other day dh says that we should start using the dishwasher instead of handwashing the dishes, that it would save $$. I do not think it is pointless, when I am using the water to rinse the dishes to put in the dishwasher to wash them and I do not put my pots and pans in the dishwasher because certain ones will end up rusting..I don't know why. What's your thoughts on this??
  12. Dd(10) has been very disrespectful to me for a few months now. Which she does know that there are consequences. Today she answered me disrespectfully and I said "excuse me"..she knows what I mean by this. She raised her voice and answered loudly "NO"..which should have been, "no ma'am" I am at my wits end:confused1: with this dc. She is very sweet, giving and helpful 98% of the time, but that 2% is a killer! What do you do in this situation???????
  13. The seller scanned and e-mailed me the receipt and DC# showing that she did definitely mail the books off. When I put the DC# in it says that it was scanned at the Atlanta P.O. on the 11th of March, so it should have been here by the 13th.:confused:
  14. I have purchased the yellow #2 pencils and the Warrior pencils. They break while sharpening, I have an electric and handheld sharpeners. I have now went to mechanical pencils they wear down very easily or the kids take the lead pack and misplace it. What's your favorite pencil??
  15. hear from her in the next day or so, I will post it under her ad.
  16. I just went to another homeschool board(not the board I purchased the missing curriculum from) and noticed someone by the same name was selling what I purchased! I clicked on their name and it is definitely the same person, same e-mail!!! I just checked the board where I found her ad and noticed that she does not have it posted there!! She posted it today!! What are the chances of this??????? Is this not odd!!???!?!?!
  17. No, I do not feel that it is 100% my job. Dh gets 2 days off a week and 4 wks paid vacation. I do not get 2 days OFF or 4wks vacation. I still have to cook, clean and take care of everything and I do mean everything. I know he makes the $$, but still I think it's only fair to help around the house. Even if I was bring home a little $$, I would still have to do the same things with no help.
  18. it sometimes means that the seller did not ship it in a secure package or reinforce it with tape? I have posted about not receiving a package that was shipped back in February and still have not received it, as of today. I have called my P.O. to check on it. I have only had 1 package delivered to me damaged which took a LONG time to receive, just like this one. The seller did not package it very well, the package was torn which caused half of the books to fall out and was never found. If I ship a package using a grocery bag for wrapping or something that I feel that could possible get torn during shipping, then I secure it with packing tape. That way I know nothing is getting threw, unless someone cuts it with scissors or a sharp knife. I even tape a box very well and make sure it is secure. What do you think??
  19. I do not trust anyone with my dc except "My" family. I do not even trust dh's family, because they are to carefree with their dc. I have let my 2 boys spend a week at my parents house, dd has not yet had the opportunity. We will never let our dc go to a camp. I do not trust them and neither does my dh...he and his sister was force to go as a children even though they told their parents they didn't like it. And I do not like the thought that my dc aren't allowed to call me whenever they want or I can not call them when I want. Absolutely NOT for us
  20. The teacher wanted to speak to me personally. He said he wanted to talk to me about ds speech yesterday. He started laughing and telling me that he wanted to let my ds know that he failed and needed to do an encore presentation..:rofl: I finally got the joke and went with it. I looked at my son horrified and told him that I was speaking with the teacher and that he said he failed. I asked the teacher to tell him over speaker phone and he did. My ds was turning green until the teacher said "I want some more of your good cooking!" Then my ds caught on. He said ds did an awesome job on the report/speech and the food was excellent! He shared it with a student that was waiting and his wife. They all said it was excellent. I told him my ds was worried because he saw that he was writing things down and there was no place on the paper for that..just check marks. He told me that he was writing down what ds wanted to do, and a few different things, but it was all good things. I have been calling everyone and telling them...We are SO proud of him!!! :hurray::hurray:
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