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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. Dc don't have but 5 more weeks in History, 6wks in English, and 8wks left in math. We followed everything to a T and history we started late on!! We don't school year around, so the only thing I know to do is make flash cards for them to cover.
  2. 1st Q: Can I do both in a year or only 1 2nd Q: What else do I need? I have..Uncle Josh's Outline Maps Student Worksheets and Teacher guides
  3. I would NOT do any more cleaning to the shirt, it could cause the ink to bleed and then you will have a bigger mess!! If the mother was smart she wouldn't have sent the boy to class with a $50 shirt on!
  4. Started homeschooling oldest in 4th grade, he is graduating this year. Younger two have been homeschooled from the start, they will be in 5th and 7th grade next year.
  5. Just curious about juicing. when you started how much did your grocery bill go up? If you are still juicing has your grocery bill went down or up? How often do you juice? Has it helped you in maintaining your weight or lose weight that you wanted to lose? Are there any juicers on the market for less than $100 that are worth getting?
  6. It is not guaranteed that we will finish homeschooling our younger two children...our plan is to, though! We have 8yrs left and if we can hold out that long would be wonderful!! I do wonder sometimes if my kids are behind..hopefully ahead of the PS kids. I do feel that they are behind a bit in history and science..math and grammar(not writing, though) I think they are average or above average. How do you make sure your kids are where they should be? I know that it is hard especially in history and science, since we don't use the same curriculum, but do you go by states standards for that grade level and make sure you cover it or at least touch base on it?
  7. eyes are pretty bad. I might pull out his prescription and see how much they would run, there.
  8. with the talk below, I was wondering how much they run. Ds has been wanting them for 2yrs now and I didn't let him because I didn't think he was ready. He will be 12 next month. He will be 12 1/2 when he has his next eye exam. I think he would do fine with them. My db told me they pay around $36 a month for his dd's. $432 is WAY to much, ds's glasses aren't that much!
  9. 18,11 and 9. They have been cooking for a few years(oldest a bit longer) ..mostly breakfast and fixing their own lunch. I have them cook at least one dinner meal a week. Oldest plans on going to culinary school next year. He cooks and comes up with all sorts of things..the neighbors love him--he is always taking food over for them to try:D:D
  10. if our oldest is home, then we might go out to eat. If not, we just go get what we like and cook here at home and watch a movie..which is what we rather do.
  11. I asked this a while back on the old boards, but to search them is such a headache(for me!). where do you come up with your list? Do they flow with what you are learning or just something extra?
  12. Just curious as to what others do. I know that PS's put on a lot of social events..my kids just had a friend tell them about a Valentines Dance that they are going to. So my kids were asking about it. We don't have many outside events that we do, the ones we do co-op has a good number of kids, bowling not many. Homeschooling families are hard to find! My two younger kids are social bugs, so they would love things like a party or other things to do, but to do things like this and NOT know anyone makes things hard.
  13. type your kids name at the end ..that way you won't get writer's crap!:D Oh, and you could get a kiss or tootsie roll and tape to the heart.
  14. What are your thoughts on Abeka or BJU literature for 7th grade? I am in need of a literature program for my 7th grader and I am not sure of Lightning Lit. Would you suggest these or something else??
  15. I am wanting to e-mail a paintball company. My kids are interested in doing this and I know a few others would like to join in. How do you go about asking them for a homeschool day and for a discounted rate(normally places are willing to do this, but this company is new and I am sure this would bring in a lot of business for them.) Thanks!
  16. We can not and will not pay for a car..he has to pay for it himself and the insurance and until he does, he isn't able to get his license! NO KIDDING!! Insurance on him will run us $2500 a year and I would be left car-less..NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
  17. Ds has had his learners for a few years now. Even though ds has been driving with me for a while, he doesn't seem to be ready to be on his own. He still makes dumb(couldn't think of a better word!) driving mistakes. He doesn't use common sense!!!! I would assume he would know most of the things he is making mistakes at, but he still does them. I don't have to correct him much, but it seems the things that I am correcting him on, he should know better and they are very dangerous mistakes! Dh thinks he is ready even though, dh has only ridden with ds 2 or 3 times since he has gotten his learners!! I have ds drive us everywhere we go, so he will have the experience behind the wheel. We have not let him drive down town(we just don't go)...I don't even like driving down town, but I think it would be a good experience for ds. Dh says we had to learn when we moved here, but I think we were more mature than ds is now. Even though ds has more driving experience in the city than we ever did. How in the world do you let your kids drive on their own??? I am going to be a nervous wreck, when ds does it, which will be in the next few months!!
  18. When I would look at those writing courses in the beginning. I'd say "ok, this looks simple, I can do this!" Once my kids hit a wall, I'd crumble and give up. I don't know why, but I do. I can not explain to them why it is suppose to be done the way it says in the book. When using H2T, they would tell my kids.."Oh, you can't use this in this sentence, because this is a transitive verb and it can't be used with this,because.." Right now, I know I could not tell my kids that. I am learning SLOWLY with R&S grammer, but to use the grammar that we have learned everytime I read one of their sentences I can't, I get confused... BUT, I am learning! In my mind to be able to teach my dc how to write, I am suppose to be able to grade dc's work the way that the teachers on H2T were doing it and be able to explain why. I will try what you told me..starting tomorrow. I appreciate the advice and help.
  19. I say this because, I had a situation a few years back. Dh was working nights, around 11:30pm the door bell rang, I ran to the door thinking my dh had forgot the house key, only to realize that he NEVER uses the front door,he always uses the garage. If I had not thought that by the time I got to the door, then I would have opened it. My dog scared off the person that was there. You say your ds got up to check on something he was doing on the computer, he could have forgotten what day it was and thought it was his dad. You said the woman pushed her way in, once he opened the door. I would assume he probably tried to shut the door, once he saw it wasn't his dad. I don't know why he would have let the dog outside, but for him to be smart enough to go for a knife for protection...Good for him!!! I think this is a wake up call for him and he will be more on guard!!
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