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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. as stated on Stanford results History...covering this Geography...covering this Political Science Economics App. of Knowledge/CompOrg. Summ. & Interp. of Info Determination of Cause/Effect Thinking Skills My kids scored Average and Below Average in this area. I want to find something to help being them up to par. I have the history and geography taken care of. They will be in 5th and 7th grade this year Thanks!!
  2. My kids scored horrible in this area on their Stanford test. What would to use? THey will be in 5th and 7th grade I would love something that could do together and not take that long to do...if this is possible!
  3. My kids are going to be in 5th and 7th grade this year and I want to purchase the Editor in Chief cd-rom. Since this will be the first time using the program should I purchase A or B?
  4. I am starting on the upcoming years schedule and would love to see how you schedule everything.
  5. They are having hamburgers and hotdogs. We are bring mac and cheese, broccoli salad and brownies Neighbors are bring baked beans.
  6. Have you seen some of the ladies that wear bikini's and bathing suits TOO small for them!! I wasn't going to even bother getting in our neighborhood pool this year, because I don't like how I look in my bathing suit. I saw some ladies come to the pool and I thought...I would not be caught dead in a bikini or that bathing suit...they hung out(not vulgar) in places that were..EWW, they had stretch marks and their bellies hung over the bottoms.. I am sorry, when I was a teen, yes I would have worn a bikini's--because I had the figure. I DON"T have it now and I have stretch marks that I don't like. But I started thinking, if these people don't care, why should I care what I wear and I am covered, with nothing hanging out...I wear the shortinis
  7. I have ants in my CLEAN dishwasher!! I don't have them anywhere else..I sprayed around the cabinets and door with Home Defense Max a month ago and I have not seen any ants until now and they are IN my dishwasher...there are no dirty dishes in it!!! What can I do to get rid of them?!?!?!?
  8. I am trying to cut our food budget with coupons. I know it can be done, but I don't use but a few out of the Sunday paper. Where else do you get your coupons?
  9. I was 16(3 wks before my 17th b-day) and dh was 17. We just celebrated our 19th anniversary a month ago.
  10. Holiday Lake House You've Got Mail Sleepless in Seattle Enchanted
  11. $400-$500 a month for a family of 5-6(3 dc--18, 12, 10 and half the time a gf 17) Do cut out frozen meals..this is a BIG expense, even though it makes life easier! Chips and sweets are a special treat....when my parents visit they bring the kids a bag or two of chips. Fruit is expensive and I have to limit mine, apples are eaten here like chips..yes it is a good thing but when they cost almost $7 for 3lbs we don't get them..bananas are a favorite(other than oldest) and affordable, so we do get those a good bit. We do not let our kids just go and get out of the pantry. Make a menu and stick with it..this does help! I do my main grocery shopping monthly and pick up sale items and milk every week or so. Now that oldest is driving, I will send him to the store and he will pick up ONLY what I want....when I go I see things, so this helps a great deal!!
  12. So far I have come up with a school calendar, attendance record, book log, lesson plan, grades(something my dc want this year)...what else would you have? I would like one for both dc(5th and 7th grade)
  13. Ds(12) is in that stage of teasing people. I do not like it(I remember my brothers doing it to me) and have talked with him about it. I told him he will have consequences the next time he does it. I know it is going to be a hard thing to break..I was hoping he would have already grown out of this stage, but he hasn't! It needs to stop!!!
  14. Lial's Trig/Cal Math Geography Speech Spanish 1 and 2 Health Marine Biology English IV New Testament Old Testament Music Art
  15. clean her GB. She passed over 200 the first time, around 100 the second and around 60 the third.
  16. they looked strange. She has a knot on the inside of her feet...which is a bone. I pulled some pictures up on the internet and it showed what a flat foot looks like that. http://www.zfootdoc.com/flat_feet.htm You can see the bone near the heel of the foot..this is what dd's feet look like. I will definitely go get her some insoles..but she HATES wearing shoes and the ones she wants to wear are high heels...LOVES THEM! Also, her feet sweat horribly! Should I get her a special type of shoe or a certain brand that is better for her feet? ...any suggestions???
  17. Do you use the insoles? Do they work?...if so what kind do you use? Have they helped your child's feet/arches?
  18. area about 2 inches below my right armpit..near my "bOOk", it started about 2 days ago. It starts throbbing(painful) and when I touch this area it is a little tender. I do not feel a lump or anything and I can not think of anything I have done to pull a muscle. Anything thoughts? would you go to see the Dr..I saw her in December.
  19. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Office Max will offer free lamination again this year. As of right now I only have a couple of things to be done. Q: Do you cut out your flash cards first or have the laminated and then cut?
  20. BREAKFAST Muffins Eggs/Toast Grits/cream of wheat Waffles/sausage Toast Cereal...weekend only LUNCH: Sandwiches Ramon Noodles Hot dogs/fries Potatoes Soup/Ravioli Leftovers SUPPER: BLT's with chips Taco Salad Chili Spaghetti w/garlic bread Vegetable Soup Roast w/potatoes and carrots Chicken and Rice Fried chicken, veggies and rice Hamburgers/fries Chicken and broccoli Alfredo Dh's lunch menu Lasagna Veggie Soup Roast Chicken Rice Chicken veggies and rice Stir Fry SNACK: Brownies Cake Popcorn Cookies This is for the month and I just go through and put it on a calendar and post it on my frig.
  21. My oldest ds had to write an essay, so he wrote his essay and then asked for help to making it sound better. My neighbor is really good at this, so he went over to her. OMG, I wish that I could come up with the stuff that she comes up with!!! I don't know how people take something and turn it into exactly what you wanted to say/write in the first place!?!?! Is it possible for me to learn to write somewhat like she does?? IMO..I am a below average writer compared to hear. Any advice?
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