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Everything posted by StaceyinLA

  1. My attachment list is growing y’all... Mine is due to arrive today, so I’m super excited! I have never, in all my married life, owned a stand mixer. Well, that’s not really true. I had a Bosch for years because of making bread, but once I got out of all the daily bread making, I never used it, so I sold it and my grain mill. I’d like to do some bread here and there, but I can use my Blendtec to grind the grains and make the dough in the KA. I won’t be doing more than a loaf here and there, so I think it’ll be okay for that. Mainly I do more actual baking now. I’m always the designated cake-maker for the grandkids’ parties (even though I have zero talent when it comes to decorating), or making cookies when they spend the night. I also like the idea of whipping up fresh cream to put on berries in larger amounts than my immersion blender can handle, plus having all the attachments for doing other things. At least I hope I use it as much as I think I will, and it doesn’t just turn into a counter decoration. ? But I was wondering about the attachments - I asked above, but I don’t think anyone answered - do all the attachments fit ALL the different KAs, or does each have its own size attachments?
  2. The hair on top of my head just keeps getting thinner and thinner. I’ve had a hysterectomy and never taken hormone supplements, so I’m not sure if that has something to do with it. Either way, it is frustrating! Any suggestions for things that can help with thickening/hair growth? Also, any recommendations for a hairstyle that might make it look better? I’m going to my stylist tomorrow.
  3. Yeah I’ve been reading that about the newer machines unfortunately. I wish they had the type of warranty and service Blendtec and Vitamix offer. They surely should for the price of their machines!
  4. Oh my gosh - those decals are awesome!!
  5. I’m considering getting the glass bowl as a second bowl - I think it would be nice for certain things. I was just looking at covers! As much as I think I’d love to look at it, at least for a while, I think it would be smart to keep the dust off.
  6. Mine is gonna sit on my counter because I don’t have any cabinets that would put it anywhere near counter height if I had a pullout for it. I also don’t keep a lot out on my counters. I have one fairly small coffee maker on one counter area, and I’ll have my Kitchen Aid in my big corner. About attachments though - do all attachments fit all Kitchen Aids, or do they have specific sizes for each size/series of mixer?
  7. Mainly going up in wattage meant going up in size. I want to keep mine out, so I really just didn’t want one that was much bigger. They sell the Artisan mini now that’s only 250. The size is great but I didn’t think it would be powerful enough. I realize 325 really isn’t that much more wattage, but the worker at sur la table said they use it for everything in store without issue. I figure if I wind up wanting more power I can pass it down to a daughter and go bigger. ?
  8. IDK why this posted again, but it’s a duplicate.
  9. I got silver metallic. Not my “dream” color lol. I really wanted persimmon, but a refurbished persimmon would’ve run me closer to $300 with shipping, and this one brand new was $229 with no tax and prime shipping from Amazon. I figured since I have stainless appliances and matte black granite counters, the silver would look good. They say it’s metallic, but I watched a You Tube video about the colors, and it’s NOT the shinier silver. I’m anxious to see it in person. If I don’t love it, I could return it and get the matte white or a different silver for another $30 or so, but I can’t imagine it won’t look good. ETA - I remembered that it also has a little bit of a texture on it. I think that’s gonna be nice to ward off fingerprints. ?
  10. I’ll admit this is one of the two attachments I want most (I think I’ll likely get the slicer/shredder). I’m DYING to make some homemade pasta!
  11. I did it. I ordered a Kitchen Aid yesterday. When we did our remodel, we put in all Kitchen Aid appliances and I told my husband I was gonna HAVE to get a Kitchen Aid when we were done. I came across a great price on Amazon for a discontinued color, so I snapped it up! I got the Artisan series 5 qt. As much as I love the professional series, I just didn’t want that size out on my counter all the time. With what I will use it for, I think the Artisan will work well. I had a Bosch back when I was grinding wheat and baking bread from scratch every day, but now I just tend to need something more for homemade cakes, homemade pancake batters, the occasional batch of cookies, stuff like that. I use my Blendtec for some, but sometimes there is just too much for my blender jar. Is the Artisan a good choice? If you have that one, have you been pleased with it? The lady at Sur La Table told me that’s the size they use in the store for everything they do, and it’s great. I AM interested in getting some attachments as time goes on because I don’t like keeping a bunch of small appliances, but I think I’d enjoy having some attachments that could simplify my life every now and then. What attachments are your favorites?
  12. I’m a Disney travel agent, and I generally discourage people from going around Christmas, but if you’re there the full week before you’ll probably be able to have some good days where you can’t get a lot done if you have a good plan! my services are completely free so feel free to message me if you’d like someone to book and help you make all your reservations and plans.
  13. Considering signing up just because I’m so bad at picking out complete outfits for myself. I dress pretty basic/classic most of the time, but would love to at least accessorize and kick it up a notch. Has anyone tried Stitch Fix? Worth it?
  14. I think this is certainly true, but it seems like the diaper market got flooded with a bunch of WAHM diapers that were very desireable; people paying LOTS of money for a single diaper! Now people just want something for nothing most of the time.
  15. Well, I haven’t personally used any on my own children recently, but my daughters have/are all using cloth with their babies and I’ve bought the bulk of their stashes as gifts. I have also done some buying/selling on the cloth diaper swap page on Facebook. Feel free to message me if you’d like.
  16. I used Pedigree when we had multiple dogs because, frankly, I couldn’t really afford a better food (and most of our animals have been strays we’ve taken in from our area; not animals I have purchased then couldn’t afford to feed properly). I have one dog now, am currently using Pro Plan and I am pleased with it. I was thinking when I get a new dog I’d go to a more “designer” food, but honestly, I will likely stick with Pro Plan and just supplement with some healthy toppings (yogurt, eggs, raw bones, etc.).
  17. Thanks for the input. I have been around a few mini schnauzers and I’ve liked them all. I haven’t looked at any litters and haven’t tried looking up breeders since I’m not really sure what I want at this point. Like do I even really WANT a dog? I feel like I’m ready, but I’m not 100% positive. And mainly I’m just looking for something that doesn’t shed; not particularly something hypo-allergenic. It just so happens standard poodles and mini schnauzers are the breeds I prefer (and yeah, I know they are vastly different in so many ways). Who knows though - I may wind up with a parrot.
  18. So I posted about standard poodles, but the other breed of dog I’m interested in is a miniature schnauzer (yes, very different, but I have reasons for liking both). Looking for some owners to share pros and cons to this breed. I have a few family members who own and have owned mini schnauzers and an aunt who had a standard schnauzer, so I’m familiar with the breed in general, but I’d love some input from owners.
  19. I can tell you in our area, pit bill owners are generally not responsible owners. There is a lot of underground fighting going on, owners are promoting the “bully” aspect of the breed, and they are NOT altering their dogs. It’s very evident in the shelters and rescue groups as most of the dogs are either lab mix (also irresponsible owners in our area), or pit mix. I can tell you, it’s truly a different mentality with some owners and male dogs too, especially the big, bully types - they want the males intact because they see it as “taking away their manhood” to neuter. And no, I’m not generalizing or making this up; I’ve heard it come out of people’s mouths on many occasions. I feel like people in rural areas have a different mentality about animals altogether though, and coming from the city, it’s a tough thing to see. I can’t tell you how many people I have talked to about spaying and neutering, because honestly, when they have animals reproduce and they can’t find homes or they start having too many, they just shoot them or dump them off somewhere. It’s disgusting.
  20. I don’t go a lot of places where there are a lot of dogs together (we have property so we rarely, if ever, go to a dog park or anything), but one reason I won’t adopt from our shelter is because everything is either a high-strung lab mix due to horrible overbreeding practices in our area, OR a pit bull mix, and I just don’t trust that not knowing the breeding (they are also terribly overbred here, and not by reputable breeders I might add). Small/toy breeds for sale in our area - chihuahuas, Yorkies and Pomeranians seem to be prevalent. Large breeds for sale - always labs, labs and more labs, pit bulls, golden retrievers and doodle-types.
  21. Though my husband would be content for this to be our “forever” home, and we did just do an entire remodel which certainly makes me like it a lot better (well, love it actually), I really hope I’m not in my forever state (although I’ve lived in Louisiana my entire life), much less my forever home. I just REALLY want to live somewhere with a more pleasant climate at some point in my life. I highly doubt that will be the case, but we have talked about buying a condo on the beach, or possibly a place in the mountains at some point. I guess I’d be happy to keep this place if we had another one to enjoy as well. We do have a great setup here with our property, shop, barn, and nice little guest house; I’d just like it all to be in the mountains somewhere (with Disneyworld and the beach within a short day’s drive). ?
  22. Thank you all! We actually had a mini poodle mix when I was growing up. I’m familiar with the coat, and of the non-shedding dogs, I pretty much have it narrowed down to a standard poodle or a mini or standard schnauzer. I just think the poodle will be a more trainable dog, and they have a better reputation with kids (but I just think the schnauzers are cute). Of the pups I looked at yesterday, the male was really fabulous. Within 3-4 minutes of getting out of the x-pen, he was no longer excitable. While the female was still running around jumping, he was standing still near anyone who was willing to pet him. The breeder sells a lot of his poodles for hunting, so he exposes them to a lot while they’re young. These pups weren’t skittish, afraid of loud banging noises, being handled, etc. I know the male would likely make a good dog, but he is gonna be big; bigger than I really want in my house (in the 60-70 pound range). There’s a breeder with a litter that’ll be ready in November. She seems to have very calm, well-behaved adults, and my sister and niece each just got one of her puppies and they’re really great. I have just been torn on starting with one that was gonna need training from scratch because of the time commitment in the beginning. However, I do think her adults likely have better temperaments (although his may be okay after being out - he keeps his adults confined more to a big kennel; hers all live in her house). Anyway I’m rambling. Bottom line - still undecided, but I appreciate all the input.
  23. Tell me the reasons why I should, or should not, own a standard poodle. Here are the reasons why I am interested in one: Smart and easily trainable Non-shedding (I do know the coat maintenance will require work and money) Kid-friendly I’ve wanted one for years, and have the opportunity now to get a puppy that is a few (I think 4ish) months old, crate-trained, and mostly housebroken. There are 3 pups left in a litter from a local breeder (who was recommended by several people). I’ve been feeling like maybe this would be great just because some of the rough work is done, and an older puppy won’t require the time a younger one would, but it is still young enough to be easily adaptable. Anyway, I’m supposed to go meet them this evening or tomorrow, and I’m trying to decide if I should go for it or not.
  24. How tragic! I hope yall find answers that will at least bring some peace. Praying for your family.
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