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Everything posted by StaceyinLA

  1. I’ve had chickens for most of the last 20 years (we’ve gone through a few years here and there where we couldn’t because of certain dogs living here that thought they, well, tasted like chicken). I JUST got a new batch of chicks about 2 weeks ago because my daughter with some of the evil chicken-chasers is moving in a month, and these will be in the brooder a good bit past that time. I LOVE having chickens. We have a really nice AKC dog run my husband modified for our chickens. He put a roof on it, put some mesh screen on one section to filter the sun, built nest boxes in it, and put it on giant skids so he can pull it with his big mower. We move it every few days to a clean spot. Our chickens free range from morning til dusk, and then get locked in the pen for the night. We actually enjoy keeping a rooster, as they tend to herd the flock and keep them together. Yes they can be mean for sure, but if they have plenty of hens to keep them busy, they’re usually okay. I just don’t ever turn my back on them. ? Right now I have 18 chicks, but only because my brooder isn’t really big enough for more as they grow. I plan to buy another 18 or so in the spring. We have 5 acres, and there’s a nice wooded area that runs around our pasture where our chickens tend to hang out and forage. We do lose them here and there to flying predators, but I’m willing to take that risk for them to be able to be free ranging. I have considered having dh build some type of covered, movable run that we could attach to their pen and just move that with them every couple days, but I really enjoy watching them scurrying all over the place. Right now I have Black Australorps and Dominiques. My original plan was to get Australorps, White Orpingtons and silver-laced Wyandottes because I LOVE when they all color-coordinate. (I’m weird like that) Our feed store didn’t have exactly what I wanted, and I really had waited too late to order any, so I bought what I could. Australorps are my favorite overall if I could only pick a single breed for laying. Buff orpingtons are probably my favorite overall for disposition (I’m hoping the whites will be similar because buffs just won’t fit my color scheme). ? So I’ll quit rambling I guess, and just add that I think they are easy to keep fun to own, and occasionally you’ll have to deal with some heartbreak, but that’s the case with any living being.
  2. Send me pics of this feeder you speak of! I need to get my chicks on something that’ll keep them from scratching feed all over the place and making it fall through the bottom of the brooder.
  3. I talked with dd more yesterday. She says she doesn’t see issues with the place, and that the people who work there are nice people. My issue is more the clientele, and how something could transpire from one of the regulars or something along those lines. She said they have a buddy system in place for after the bar closes (I guess for getting to their cars). It’s not in a great place, and it doesn’t have potential for great clientele. She SAYS she is still looking for something else, but this is a job she knew she could get quickly. The thing is, yes they are in a bind financially because of the separation, and some issues with SIL’s job (just some major changes that actually promoted him, but lowered his pay to some degree because he was making a lot of extra money traveling). I know she feels desperate to make money and get caught up, but it’s just SO frustrating because we have helped them so much over the years (including a $3600 transmission repair in the last couple months), and I feel like she shouldn’t need to do THIS. At any rate, I’m just praying it’s VERY temporary. ? P.S. The separation is a whole ‘nuther ballgame, and that part has been EXTREMELY disappointing and frustrating as well.
  4. Thank you all! I’m honestly not worried about my grandkids per se. My daughter and her husband are separated, but he’s actually stepped up his parenting game for the better, and she’s always been a wonderful parent. Currently it’s just other decisions that don’t really affect the kids personally, but they don’t seem like wise decisions for a parent (such as working in a more unsavory environment than need be). The kids certainly have no clue, and my daughter only works about 10 hours/week (their dad is with them), but it’s a bar and not a classier one. Her thing is she can make more money in less time. Mine is - some things just aren’t worth it. So my only issue with the grandkids is that if I try to step back some, so I’m not always in the middle of crap that happens, then they suffer (because I’ve been a pretty big constant in their lives), and I suffer (because they’ve been a big constant in MY life). Just struggling with drawing a line I can live with. ?
  5. I think that’s my problem. I just can’t NOT say something. The thing is, they never have issues asking for my help or advice, until it’s not what they want to hear. At that point, I’m the controlling mom who always has to “judge” them. Of course that’s only until they need me for something again. I guess I just find it hard to step back because I have such a close relationship with my grandbabies (and really always have with my children). I just need help finding a balance because my heart just can’t take it.
  6. where it says parenting adult children would be HARDER than parenting 2 year-olds??? I think I missed that chapter. Seriously though - how is it that adult children with children of their own can cause us so much more pain and heartbreak than toddlers or teens? Is it because we know that every stupid decision they make isn’t affecting only them, but our precious grandchildren? All I can say is, “Jesus take the wheel,” because I’m at a complete loss. Tell me how to be that person who steps back and lets their kids make idiotic decisions without ever saying a word? I am NOT that person, and perhaps that’s the person I need to be.
  7. Oh my gosh - both of these sets are adorable! Her house has 4 rooms - 2 are pretty decent size. We bought the dollhouse from Ikea and spruced it up with some milk paints and “wallpaper.” (I bought really cute scrapbook card stock then cut and mod podged it to the walls)
  8. I suggest checking eBay for a family. I got a new in box bunny family of 4 for $12 shipped, and the seller had other options. I figure it must’ve been a small shop owner going out of business or closing them out or something.
  9. Cost really isn’t a huge factor; I just wanted to get a bunch of it at once. I’m not sure about collector items or anything like that - I just want some of the basic furniture.
  10. If so, would you be willing to sell/part with them? I’m looking for some of the furnishings to furnish a little dollhouse me and my granddaughter decorated over the weekend. I thought I’d start collecting actual miniature furniture for her, but she really just wants Calico Critters for it, and I think that might be better (she’s almost 6). I’m gonna look on eBay, but figured if someone here had some lying around they might like it to have a good home. Thanks!
  11. I recommend chalk paint. It’s a little pricier to use, but it’ll paint over just about anything.
  12. My mom and son collected all the state quarters for years when he was younger. My mom passed away a couple years ago, and I happened to be going through stuff yesterday and I looked through the quarter collection (they’re in the collectible book). Well, it appears there are two Maine quarters and there is NO Missouri quarter. Is there anyone on here who would be able to send me a Missouri quarter? I’ll reimburse for shipping, trouble, etc. I would REALLY appreciate it!
  13. Yes I’m brunette, and I agree - I generally use a light or medium golden brown to basically just color the greasy, but it really gives a reddish tint to the rest of my hair. I’m just leaving it for now and am gonna see how it goes.
  14. My gray is definitely not new - I've had some gray for at least 10 years. My mom was almost completely white-headed by 50. I guess I'm just already burnt out on the coloring. I definitely don't like the chemical aspect, dislike doing it myself, and refuse to pay a professional. I'm just not into that expensive self-care girly stuff like manis/pedis, expensive hairdos, etc. I have a good stylist and I'm happy to pay for a good haircut, but I just can't commit to $75 or so every 4-5 weeks (based on how quickly my hair grows). I can get the professional dye from Sally's and do it, but I find the gray really difficult to color, even with the dyes that are supposed to do stubborn gray. I'm also not really worried about aging per se; just don't want to look a lot older than I am due to lots of early gray.
  15. I’m wondering if you ever colored it, and, if so, how old you were when you stopped and just let it go gray? If you still color it, how old are you and why do you not want to let it go gray? I’m struggling. I have a fair amount of gray. I have months old color growing out (not terribly different from my actual color; just a little more red). I had a pretty good haircut yesterday, taking off at least 4 inches and layering heavily, so it really won’t be too long before all the old color will be gone. I’m 50, but in most respects I don’t think I LOOK 50, and I definitely don’t act it most of the time. ? I’m just wondering if it’s too soon to just let the gray loose. I dislike coloring my hair for several reasons, and just don’t really want to have to keep up with it. Curious what others have done.
  16. I’m definitely gonna see if my doctor will follow up with some more detailed bloodwork. I HAVE wondered if estrogen would help, but I honestly hate the thought of taking it. I never have though, and I know it can help with some other issues like bone density, so it’s possible I could do it for a period of time. On another note, I did get my hair cut yesterday and it looks a LOT better on top. She layered it heavily all over so it at least there isn’t so much weight to pull it downward and make it look like I have big nearly-bald spots. My stylist recommended Biotin, which I forgot I have, so I think I’ll be more diligent about taking that, along with all my supplements I should take and don’t. Also, I’ve researched a few different essential oils and am going to just make a spritzer to spray on, and maybe put a drop or two in my shampoo.
  17. I feel like my eyebrows are still relatively thick. I know I have to get them waxed if I don’t keep up with plucking.
  18. I don’t think I have this issue since recent blood work didn’t show any type of anemia, but this IS something I want to be careful of, so I’m glad you mentioned it. My mom’s oncologist told us that everyone reaches a point where they stop absorbing B12 and have to do shots, and that once you lose brain function from being deficient, you will not get it back. I have always wanted to be sure I stay on top of that B12, because I can scarcely afford to lose what brain function I DO have.
  19. I left my order as is. I’ve never owned a stand mixer, so honestly, even though it’s not much more investment to go with the bigger one, I think I’m gonna start with the Artisan and see how much I really use it. I don’t have a big kitchen with a lot of counter space, so I’m really nervous about having one that is as big as the pro. If I wind up needing that down the road, I can always gift this one to one of my daughters and go bigger. At that point, I’ll at least be used to having one sitting on my counter, so maybe going bigger won’t seem as crazy. Now I AM super pumped about it getting here so I can make something in it!
  20. Well I don’t really bake bread often, and I know I can still use the Artisan to do small batches of bread (like a couple loaves’ worth). I just watched a good comparison of the two, and although I really think the Artisan would do for us, it’s just not that much more to do the pro, so I wonder if I should cancel the Artisan and get the darn pro. I guess the biggest issue is size. I just don’t know if I want one that big out on my counter all the time.
  21. I think that’s one of the pro models. Dangit! I’m gonna second guess myself about whether I should’ve just gotten that one!
  22. My older children always “held” their siblings, but as a rule, no other young children held my babies. My two older daughters have let their own kids and possibly the oldest cousin (he’s 7) hold their babies, but no other children, and my youngest daughter has let some of my other grandkids (so her baby’s cousins- the older ones; 5 and 7) hold her first baby. But we are not a family of “pass the baby” people. In group situations, my girls put their babies in carriers so others wouldn’t ask to hold them and wind up passing them around. My 2nd daughter rarely let anyone outside of our immediate family hold her babies. All of them are fine and love people just fine, but my dd liked holding her babies herself, and tended to wear them a lot.
  23. Well, mine arrived, but sadly, it had several scratches on the top part (I think the flour lid or whatever that piece is - pour lid maybe - I didn’t unwrap it) was in the box in such a way that it rubbed the finish off in a few places. I might’ve kept it if I could’ve gotten a free attachment or something, but Amazon refunded me for it, is sending UPS to pick it up, and I reordered one in Tangerine. Honestly, I really wanted a color, and the Tangerine will match my little orange island in my kitchen perfectly, so since I had to order another, I figured I’d just spend $50 more (because this one had tax and the other didn’t for some weird reason), and get what I want. Now I have to wait until Monday to play, but I can’t wait to get it!
  24. Which size do you have? Just wondering how it does with bread, since some have said the Artisan struggles a bit in that department.
  25. Sorry I’m just getting back to this. I was gone all day yesterday and then had a crew over for dinner. I believe my thyroid is normal, but I’m not 100% positive. Is it something that would be checked during yearly blood work? My GYN does mine (since he’s the only doc I see that regularly). I don’t believe I’ve ever had any issues with my thyroid. I don’t wash my hair daily - never have. My hair isn’t really oily at all, so I usually do every other day; occasionally every third day if it’s not looking bad or if I’m wearing it up. I have a lot of essential oils and was thinking of trying something along those lines - just wondering if anyone had ever gone that route. I have my haircut appointment today so I’m gonna see if maybe just getting it cut and getting more layers will lighten the top enough to keep it from being so obvious, at least until I can try to do something about it. On another note - part of my problem is I really would like to do some testosterone shots for a few months (mainly to help my husband iykwim), and I know that is only gonna make it worse, so I’m just really in a pickle. The post-hysterectomy life hasn’t been good for him and his sex life. It makes zero difference to me because without the testosterone, I couldn’t care less if I ever had sex again, but he just doesn’t love that. ?
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