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Everything posted by Rubix

  1. Our 2 year old (and 5 year old as well) have regular pillows, but they actually usually use their pillow pets. They start out fluffy but after a lot of use get pretty flat. They also have the small size pillow pets that are more travel sized that they can use as well. We've never had issues, and my kids have asthma and have had frequent infections with coughing, wheezing, etc. No pillow problems here, even for DS who is a tummy sleeper also. Really though, if it will make you uncomfortable don't do it. Mommy needs a good night of sleep!
  2. I have not started Apologia yet, so there is my disclaimer. We're starting in a month and I did purchase the flying creatures lab kit. I think it is a good value, since everything is organized by lesson number, so all you need to do is pull out the correct baggie and start. I am a person who would not do the experiments if everything wasn't on hand. Searching for the right supplies, trips to the store would keep me from actually doing the experiment. If you will take the initiative to gather the things that you need, then great :) I'd rather spend the money. (Plus, since I paid for it, I am more likely to actually do them rather than waste the $). Hope that helps!
  3. That sounds right, he said they were around $30 and he was saving up. I think he'd found them cheaper online somewhere, I'll have to do some digging once I find out the brand. I just can't remember, but I can pull it out of the safe tomorrow. Thanks to you & your dh!
  4. Oh, and I saw the clips and they are single stacked. He said they also make them to hold more but the gun is bigger, that's not the one he has.
  5. Well, he has a 9mm, a 22 and a 45. He wants new clips for the 45. He said the 45 is a 1911, but I'm not sure the manufacturer. That's about how useful I am :) That would be a great surprise if I can figure it out!
  6. The pastor is trained in counseling, yes. Licensed, not sure, didn't ask. We do love each other very much, we just forgot that for awhile. I think things will be okay too, thanks, just a road that may be long getting out of the bad habits we've gotten into. I found something for him - a favorite treat that isn't available in stores around us anymore, and is even hard to find on the internet. I found a store with a small quantity left online and ordered them :) He will be surprised, as this was a special thing that he was disappointed he couldn't get anymore. I'm also planning on investing more time into his hobby - he wants to teach me to shoot. So, I'm going to try to work up an interest :D Maybe I'll like it!
  7. Wow, what a cool story! That must have meant a lot to him. I think it will be important to remember that just because it says to do something on day x, that the perfect opportunity might take a little more patience. ETA: Also, because of our family schedule there are days I won't see him for enough time to really feel like I've completed what I need to. I don't want to check something off when I didn't really have the time to work on my heart. So I will likely take a few days for some of the challenges as well
  8. Thanks everyone :) I have seen Fireproof, but it has been awhile. I'm working through a few ideas, I won't actually see him until Tuesday so I have a little time to pick something out. I know he'd love ammo or a new clip but I have NO idea what is the right kind to get, but it would mean alot to him if I showed an interest in his new hobby...shooting.
  9. My 5 yo failed her hearing test this spring. We took her for an evaluation at the local children's hospital, and everything was fine. They felt either it was fluid in the ears from allergies / rhinitis or a poor test (such as not quiet enough, or not occluding the opposite ear to mask sounds). I hope it is something simple like that!
  10. Lol, that one I'll have to put off for a few days. Kids in the house all day and I work night shift...which makes this all so much harder! I have a whole list in that department I can work in when we're actually able to be in bed at the same time :glare:
  11. Hi everyone, this is my first thread, but I am here reading alot :) I homeschool my kindergartener and have gleaned alot of wisdom from the ladies and gentlemen here. As we are working through some issues in our marriage, I was challenged by the pastor that is providing counseling to try and complete the love dare book. I already had the book, and had given it a half-hearted try once before. I'm trying really hard to complete it this time. However, I am struggling with some of the challenges. It's not that I don't know how to be kind to my husband, but for some reason I can't come up with a darn way to "show" kindness to him, etc. Tomorrow I'm supposed to buy him something that lets me know I was thinking of him...and I haven't a clue. This wasn't always so hard! I'm wondering if anyone has done the book, and has some success stories? I'd especially love any thoughts related to the specific dares in the book, but really any ideas are appreciated and welcome! Thanks!
  12. Centipedes terrify me to the point of panic attacks. I can't even describe how much I dislike them! As far as the fingers on the chalkboard feeling - it would be when people clink their forks against their teeth, actually biting their fork (I have a friend who does this). Also metal on metal sounds - so scraping a pan with a knife, etc. Those scrrechy metal sounds bother me!
  13. This made my 12 hour night shift so much better. But, I need to stop laughing so hard before I wake up my patient! :D
  14. Our family experienced a stomach bug like this recently (although some people were vomiting), everyone else had horrible stomach cramping (especially if they ate or drank anything), lethargy, gassiness/bloating, and diarrhea. Miserable kids and DH for awhile :( For appendicitis, look for things like vomiting, fever, pain not only when you push on your stomach, but also when you remove your hand and let your stomach "rebound" back to its normal position (rebound tenderness). You can also see more pain if you lay on your back and flex your right hip, or if you cough. Hope that helps you narrow down what's up with your gut!
  15. Nice resource, thanks. I'll have to look at it more :)
  16. We've had prescriptions denied by our insurance. Not for fibromyalgia, actually for reflux. My DH has severe reflux (to the point of pre-cancerous changes in his esophagus). The med that was prescribed by his GI doc was denied by our insurance since there are OTC products available for his condition (even though they are much less effective). They basically told us that we should follow our doctors advice, and do what they say...but they won't pay for it. However, that was just our experience, and may have been different if there are not over the counter options for what you take. Good luck!
  17. We use the Explorer's bible study series and really like it. Each week is broken into 5 lessons, and has a page of review questions. We're doing the Beginnings I level now, God's promises. It covers the Old Testament. There are a variety of levels and topics, and it is an inexpensive program. To make the book useable for more children, we don't write the answers in the book. We write them on notebook paper instead.
  18. For kids - Sequence Jr Operation (Buzz Lightyear) The Farming Game - Kids They like chuttes & ladders, candyland, and the hungry caterpillar game but those all drive me nuts. Connect 4 For adults - Skippity (a colorful version of a game kind of like checkers) The Farming Game Redneck Life Dicecapades Gold Mine Trivial Pursuit - Bet you know it (the betting aspect makes it fun for people who don't know the trivia answers) Portrayal (describe wacky pictures for other people to draw) Rack-O
  19. My 4 year old has to take pills twice a day, and this med isn't available in another form. We actually use a "pill-shooter" type thing that is meant for...umm...cats. It's about 6 inches long, holds the pill on the end, and you push the handle to shoot the pill out of the end. We have her tip her head back, open her mouth, say ahh, and I put the pill thing towards the back of her mouth. Then push the button, it ejects the pill basically right down her throat. She will gag slightly sometimes, but the pill almost always goes right down before she even takes a drink. So, you could talk to a vet if nothing else works to get a cat pill contraption :)
  20. DD 4 (almost 5) : A mom, and a crane operator (while the dad watches the kids, because otherwise they will get in trouble:tongue_smilie:). I couldn't get an answer out of DS2, Other than to say his name. So, he wants to be DS :)
  21. Mine are still little, so the last thing we did was making a volcano erupt. We used the kid kit from Usborne books. The kids loved it, and i like that it is reusable!
  22. My K'er loves: Amelia Bedelia books Charlie and the cholocate factory The wind in the willows
  23. My little guy will trip / fall / stumble about 5 times a day, with some being better and some worse. Yesterday it had to be at least 7. He is all boy and very physical, with no fear. Generally he just trips over his own feet more than actually falling over something. As far as stairs, he will walk up holding a hand, a railing, or the wall. He "bumps" down on his bottom, one step at a time while sitting, or will walk down if you hold his hand to support his balanceday.. He occasionally will be brave and stand up on one of the last 3 steps and try to walk down alone - almost always resulting in one of his falls for the day.
  24. I don't like football at all, but this would not bother me because the volunteers have lives too. Their life does not revolve around my kids, or even their volunteering. Our Awana misses 3 weeks for holidays, I can't imagine my child having a fit because Awana is cancelled for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is no reason to put a victim mentality into her head that someone wronged her out of a night of Awana and cause a fit. If my child was dissapointed, I would do what our family does on off nights - practice our verse, play a game, and have a snack. We would enjoy the family time, regardless of why is was cancelled. I would never criticize her cubbie leader in front of her (or at all in this matter). She is supposed to respect that leader and I would not chose to undermine her view of her teacher.
  25. We keep ours in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and our "to go" one in our diaper bag. Glad your son is ok!
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