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Status Updates posted by PinkyandtheBrains.

  1. Early Holiday's here, my big bro gave my boys Lego Mindstorms sets. Happy Boys!

  2. Hooray it's "NOT back to school time!"

  3. Renaissance Faire this weekend!

  4. Kid's did great at the 4H fair! Blue Ribbons and reserve Best in Class! Good first year!

    1. mrs.m




  5. Dropping of our 4H fair projects today, this is our first year I hope we remember everything!

  6. Crop duster is dusting across the road. While it is fun to watch them, I am cringing at all the chemical spray.

  7. Calories consumed during a (rare) kid free meal with a friend do not count.

  8. Three boys, one bedroom. Wow! Flung open the windows and turned the ceiling fan on high. Whew stinky boys!

  9. Our exchange student arrives today!

    1. PinkyandtheBrains.


      Japan! He is 12, will be here for one month.


  10. I'm glad I picked up a new digital camera, I can't find the old one for the boy's to use.

    1. PinkyandtheBrains.


      I will at least have a camera now for photos.


  11. Whole house cleaning before exchange student comes on Friday. This is one time I wish I was an amazing housekeeper so it was less work today!

  12. 16th wedding anniversary, dh is working.

    1. Dana


      Happy anniversary!

      My father was often deployed on his anniversary, so my folks would also celebrate at a later date...may be something o consider...

    2. Tress


      Congratulations! I'm sorry to hear you can't spend the day together.

  13. Kiddo's procedures at the Childrens Hospital went well and we are all home and well.

    1. Dana


      So glad for you!

  14. Kiddo has an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the Childrens Hospital tomorrow, hoping it all goes smoothly.

    1. Dana


      Hope it goes well! And wishing you peace during the waiting!

    2. gingersmom


      I have had one and its not that bad. Hope you get good news.

    3. ladydusk


      Best wishes for kiddo and mom.

  15. Off to GI specialist for ds10, no idea what to expect.

    1. Dana


      (hugs) Hope you get information that's helpful.

  16. Blueberry freezer jam turned out delicious!

    1. Chelle in MO
    2. Berley


      Care to share your recipe? :)


    3. PinkyandtheBrains.


      I used the recipe inside the box for Ball brand instant pectin. It used blueberries, sugar and pectin.

  17. Kid's are totally rocking Monday. Big brother drumming to queen while little brother sing's it out. "We will, we will, ROCK YOU!" (and mom has coffee).

  18. Long, but fun, day at an Olde English Faire.

  19. First day of summer, broke down and turned on the A/C after the house cooled down last night. Expected to be HOT today!

  20. Apples, purple cabbage, kohlrabi, green garlic, carrots, sweet peppers, snow peas...and bacon stir fry

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PinkyandtheBrains.


      It turned out delicious and the kids actually ate tons of veggies with minimal fuss!


    3. SarahW


      I'm pretty sure that's on the menu in heaven.

    4. PinkyandtheBrains.
  21. About 3 times a year I wish I had a pick up truck, today is one of them. I need a whole lotta mulch. My compact car just isn't designed for hauling it.

  22. Some kind of help is the kind of help that helping is all about, and some kind of help is the kind of help we can all do without.

  23. Restless and melancholy

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