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  • Biography
    Christian, Wife, Mom.
  • Location
    Eastern WA.
  • Interests
    Sewing. Reading.
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  1. If they will eat eggs, do it! They are super healthy and filling. And cheap for protein, even if you're getting free range.
  2. We have three little girls and spend $800+ a month on food. We buy organics and real food so it does add up. I fear the day they start bringing all their friends home to eat.
  3. If you have downloaded and used the free curriculum from civilwar.org, I need some help! There is a powerpoint with each lesson that is supposed to have notes with it. I have looked through the whole thing and I can't find any notes. The whole thing is useless with this piece missing. Do you know where to find these notes? Thanks!
  4. My 5th grader also prefers that I read certain things aloud. I think it's more about interaction than comprehension for her though. Everything else can be done independently so she likes when I read to her.
  5. I just tried and it's trying to open it in Quicktime and it's not working. :(
  6. Whole foods diet has worked wonderfully in 'curing' my DD7 of constant unexplained intestinal issues, and serious behavioral problems. When people complain to be about their child's behavior or tummy troubles, I mention what has worked for us and they can take it or leave it. :grouphug: I'm so sorry that you all feel so attacked and hurt by people. I don't know the pain of having a child with a debilitating illness so I can't imagine how you feel. I can hear the pain and longing to be able to heal them in your 'voice' though. Much love to you.
  7. We have to vote by mail here. I really miss going down to the local public school and voting. It doesn't feel as 'real'. :(
  8. It makes me so happy to see that people are starting to care about where their food comes from and what's in it! :001_smile: Making everything from scratch and starting with organic ingredients is the only sure fire way to make sure you aren't getting any GMOs. Ordering in bulk from places like Azure Standard, or your local grocery store can keep the costs down. Try not to stress about it too much this winter, but next spring look into planting a garden or learning to preserve fresh foods if you can't garden. Make it a slow process or you're going to freak out and end up eating everything and just feeling guilty.
  9. I wouldn't. This thread was also a good reminder for me to check the local SO map. Thank God there are none anywhere close by. ( that are registered.)
  10. I use Immortelle from doTERRA. It is amazing. It's really expensive but it works really well. It has faded old acne scars, reduced wrinkles and makes my face look overall smoothers and fresher.
  11. I saw these at the homeschool store and though they would be perfect for my little girls. Then I saw the price tag... I'd love to hear if they are worth the money.
  12. I don't know what testing to ask for as I never got it done. I had three MCs and my midwife suggested that I get tested if we were going to keep trying. We decided that we were done having children before I got any testing. I have been researching how diet can affect overall health and there is some serious evidence pointing towards GMO foods and other non-natural foods messing up the reproductive system ( your whole body, really. ) Before you try again, I would suggest a few months of eating completely clean and incredibly nutritious foods. Even if that isn't a problem, you would start your next pregnancy with a well nourished body and that would make it much easier to just be pregnant. :grouphug:
  13. The people I talked to today said they only meet twice a month, and do fundraisers to cover almost all the costs of everything. THey seemed like normal people, not really a secret society kind of thing.
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