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Cornerstone Classical

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Everything posted by Cornerstone Classical

  1. I forgot to add, you could also do this... if your dc is reading a chapter book you might be able to find a free lapbook or unit study from Homeschool Share . For example, we are reading "Farmer Boy" and we are going to add a free lapbook that will help us dig deeper and have fun. I found lapbook templates for the book at Homeschool Share. We are starting it today! We are so excited!:hurray:
  2. My ds who is in 1st this year, took an online reading test last year and placed at 6th grade. With that being said, I have learned this year that even though he is advanced that he is still a 1st grader emotionally and physically. This summer at my hs convention I attended a workshop for gifted children. I learned you want to "enrich" his reading and dig deeper instead of let him read more mature books. This is what I did, this year we are studying American History so I picked out two books (one for each semester) that went along with our history. I chose "The Sign of the Beaver" and "Ben and Me'. I bought these lesson plans from Moving Beyond the Page (curriculum for gifted children). This helps him dig deeper, challenging him, but yet not advancing him to something that is not comfortable for the "whole" child. Here are some links. Moving Beyond the Page Literature Curriculum description HTH:001_smile:
  3. I voted MFW K because it is a well rounded, biblical based program. The TM is open and go, it tells you exactly how to implement it, and everything you need (maniulatives) for the program is included in the package. So you don't have to spend extra time/money on making it 100%. Even though your child would be at a higher reading level, you could use the program as a whole and add in extra reading and/or instruction at her level. Don't forget Math: Here is a description for the math "math is taught using an informal, integrated approach. Many skills are woven into the lessons, as students cut an apple in half, measure and compare the lengths of dinosaurs and whales, and order leaves by size. All typical kindergarten goals are taught, including counting objects, writing numerals, preparing and understanding charts and graphs, comparing, classifying, sequencing, and understanding ordinal numbers, fractions (whole/half), clocks, money, and an introduction to addition and subtraction." Then you have the other subjects of the program: "Science, Bible, Creative Thinking, Character Development, and Art are also integrated into the 26 easy-to-teach thematic units. Each six-day unit focuses on one alphabet letter and one corresponding science topic. For example, in Lesson 1, "S-s-sun," students learn letter "s" and number 1, study about the sun, construct and use a sundial, observe and chart grapes as they become raisins, paint a sun, listen to a funny book about shadows, and learn that, like the sun, Jesus is the light of the world. A special feature is the focus on character development integrated into each lesson. The turtle lesson teaches, "I don't quit -- I persevere!" The horse lesson teaches, "I obey right away." The zebra lesson teaches, "I can't hide anything from God." Daily Lessons are 60-90 minutes long, with a total of 166 lessons."
  4. My dd who just turned 6 3 wks ago, is doing: *We're implementing a LCC curriculum* Bible-Leading Little Ones to God Penmanship-A Reason For Handwriting K Math-We are on around lesson 45 in Saxon 1, but will suppl. w/Singapore Early Bird Reading/Phonics-OPGTR (just finished CVC words, but not going ahead until fluency gets better) ETC will begin book 2 tomorrow, Bob Books Literature-LCC line up- Volland Series Mother Goose Nursery Stories Volland Series Aesop For Children History-First half of CHOW Science-Nature Study/ Abeka Science Reader 1 Health-Abeka Health Saftey and Manners 1
  5. My ds will be doing My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures. Here is a link to the website... http://www.mfwbooks.com/ecc.htm HTH:001_smile:
  6. This is what I use....try this link... http://www.worldbook.com/wb/Students?curriculum
  7. You would have to by the TM used. You could look on the WTM Resale Board, EBay, or I think Cadam said that there is a MFW yahoo swap group.
  8. I'm right there with you DawnE. I learned my lesson the hard way this year. Sad to say, at the expense of my dd. I've been trying to combine her with ds(advanced) in non content areas. This year her academic self esteem has suffered. She says that ds always knows the anwers to everything and she is "stupid." :crying: She is a grade level ahead in reading, but K on everything else. I think doing MFW 1st with her "on her own" where she can be "engaged" on her on level and pace will be the thing she needs. Before Christmas DS(technically 1st grade) finished FLL 2, Saxon 2, and SWO C. If this keeps up I see him doing Saxon 5/4 as a young 8 year old, and I know he is not going to be ready physically or emotionally for that. I could already notice problems with him after Thanksgiving. I know without a doubt he can do the work, I just don't want to rob him of his childhood, and being free to be a little boy. I'm planning on doing enrichment with him for the rest of the year. We'll start 3rd grade in the fall.
  9. yeah, I'm guity of that too. My dh gets excited when he sees all my forms and list made out, but he knows as well as I do, that 2 or 3 weeks into it, I get side tracked. hehe!

  10. This post, and the whole thread is really helping me as well. Thank you for reminding me of this. It reminds me of the books I've read about Charlotte Mason and "For the Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School" by Susan Shaeffer Macaulay.
  11. Thanks for the friends invite! Love your blog, SuperMama! You are so organized!

  12. Have you read this thread? Might help further. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70630&page=2
  13. I love MFW, I would take other's advice and call MFW, just to be on the safe side. I think MFW 1st be a great consideration for you for next year, after K.
  14. Sorry about the subject line typo! Should read "another thought" although it is a mother's thought too! :lol: If it were me, I would do K level material and "enrich" in reading if that is her strong point. What about FIAR or Before FRIAR? Here is a quote describing FIAR: "You'll teach a different subject each day beginning with social studies on Monday. You'll find history lessons, geography lessons, discussions on foreign culture taken directly from the story you've just read. On Tuesday you'll examine the author's use of language, learning about punctuation, vocabulary, literary devices, creative writing and more. Wednesday you'll discover a comprehensive art curriculum as you explore the illustrator's techniques, style and use of materials with lots of hands-on art lessons for early learners. Thursday your children will explore applied mathematics as they learn about counting, grouping, measurements, simple geometric shapes, etc. Finally, on Friday you'll explore science together with activities to learn more about weather, astronomy, biology, physics, chemistry and more." Bible-Read "Leading Little Ones to God" Penmanship- A Reason For Writing K (the hands-on aspect of FIAR would help further development with motor skills that lead to development of writing well) Continue with 100 Easy Lessons, with ETC, independant reading with library books from "first reader series" and continue with upper levels of Bob Books, also, you might find some used A Beka or BJU readers to buy. And I'd supplement FIAR math with Singapore Early Bird series for K. IMO, this should perpare her well for all subject matter for 1st.
  15. I don't know anything about MFW K, but I have done extensive research on whether to do MFW 1st for my dd for next year. She is already reading CVC words and is starting to work on blended words. MFW 1st has character lessons, bible, bible memory verses, math, science, composition, and for the phonics the child should have learned letter sounds and CVC words in K. In MFW 1st, it starts with a couple of weeks of reviewing material from K, the it begins from there with new instuction. By the end of MFW 1st, your child will be brought up to 1st grade level in the 3 R's. Even though a child is above grade level in one area , say in reading, this program will get your child to the end of first grade in ALL areas. This program has the book basket componant, so this is where you would bring in books on her reading level. I know you were asking about MFW K too. But I hope the above information will help you in your decision. Your dd is still young. It sounds like MFW 1st would be a good fit for next year. Good Luck on finding a great program for this year!:) My child was advanced in reading (and other areas), just like your child. But I've learned the hard way to not top him out in subject areas, but to reign him in and keep him at a level that meets his needs as a total person. Academically, emotionally, and physically. I've learned to keep him on a level that meets his physical and emotional needs, and challenge him academically with enrichment. HTH
  16. MFW Creation to Greeks does not use SOTW 1 as a spine. It uses the Bible. Here is a link to the author explaination as to why she used the bible instead of SOTW 1 http://board.mfwbooks.com/viewtopic.php?t=365
  17. I dumped Saxon Math for a couple of weeks and tried Horizons. I went back to Saxon because of the scripted lessons. It gave me the ability to acutally "teach" math in a way that was thorough and concise. My dc really know math, not just filling out worksheets. FWIW, in the next few weeks, I'm going to be supplementing with Singapore's Challenging Word Problems, just so they will be used to math from another angle.
  18. Here is the link of a post I did about our schoolroom. http://cornerstoneclassicalschool.blogspot.com/2008/02/where-do-we-school.html
  19. I have always found most of the books at my local library. There are even DVD's recommended some week and I've found those too. I always try to find atleast one DVD/VHS on the subject each week. We are doing Saxon too. In MFW you choose your Math, grammar, spelling,writing on your own, or you can choose what MFW recommends and make it a whole boxed curriculum. We are doing our own thing, Saxon Math, FLL, WWE, and SWO.
  20. I remember someone on this board making the "disjointed" comment too!
  21. I've never used SL although I have researched them. I would think that you would have to invest a lot of time reading aloud, especially considering the size of your family. But, I'm sure someone that has used SL will be able to pin down your ? more specifically.
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