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Everything posted by Gentlemommy

  1. Wow. I am speechless. Everything I've wanted HS to look like...it's this. And yet, I've completely missed the mark. 100% off. I've fallen into the trap of many subjects, putting aside 'extra' literature in favor of fitting in more 'lessons'. I don't know what happened??? This has been wonderful to read, I've bookmarked it so that I can readit again and absorb all the wisdom here. I can't wait to listen to all of the great lectures posted. Thank you all, once again, this board has absolutely revolutionalized our schooling.:grouphug:
  2. :DEllie, I do love the method, it's the manual that I need help with. :001_huh:I *understand* it now (finally!!!) but I am seriously boring. I lack big time in the creative department, and I'm making the lessons insanely dull. I need some fun ideas, that are all laid out and simple, for me to use. Does that make sense? For example, I know that the Spalding way is to learn the phonograms and memorize the 'rules' I just have no idea how to do it in a way that 'sticks'. And engages her. I learn completely differently than she does, and I'm realizing she needs a lot more creative outlet/input in her lesson than what I have planned.
  3. Thank you, that does help. :) Would love to hear from anyone else who has it!:)
  4. The same thing as WRTR but with more scripting and hand holding? Basically the phonograms and their rules? I love the idea of WRTR but have trouble implementing it, mostly because I'm boring lol. So all I see is quizzing dd in a bunch of rules-I'm not creative enough to think of games/interesting ways to present the material. If LOE has a scripted plan for this, that would be awesome.
  5. As a bible/character study, we love Our 24 Family Ways by Clay and Sally Clarkson. They also have some amazing parenting books, and Sally has a beautiful blog and some homeschooling books. She is just wonderful. They promote gentle parenting, and have some truly wonderful ways of discipling their children. Other authors I really love are Scott Tuansky and Joanne Miller. They have a book titled Parenting is Heart Work, and also one called Good and Angry! Which is really good. I saw them speak at our HS conference and it was SO good. Again, they really emphasize a loving *relatioship* first, and then move on to building character. Hope those help some. :001_smile:
  6. I agree that good relationships are important. However, good relationships have healthy boundaries, and maintain a certain level of respect and kindness. It sounds as though her MIL has neither. :001_huh: I think I would simply not offer her anything anymore. :grouphug:Sorry she was mean.
  7. OhElizabeth-I feel the exact same way. I will NOT let this book beat me lol. Ok, I think I am understanding more. So I tell her all the information on the back of the flashcards as I show her the phonograms. I thought that was there for the teacher, not for the student to memorize.:001_huh: Thank God I'm only just beginning, it's not too late to research the few that we've memorized already. I do not remember doing ANYthing like this in school, so I'm just going along blindly and learning all the rules myself. I think that because I'm a voracious reader, spelling comes somewhat naturally-in that I can tell when a word is misspelled. I usually can not tell WHY, or what rule, but I do see that something is off. I do not think my dd will be as avid a reader, (hopefully she will surprise me!!) so I think she will benefit from knowing the rules.
  8. Yes, I agree, I really *do* think it is a great program!! Ok, so when I call out a sound, for example A (long A, I can't figure out how to do the line over the A on my iPad) how would she know which one to write? AI, AY, or just A? Or would she write them all? Or would I specify I was looking for the same sound as in 'paint'? So she would need to memorize the specific words alongside the sounds? Again, sorry for the seemingly silly questions, I just want to make sure I'm getting this!
  9. Sigh. I really love the idea of this, but it sure does make me feel pretty dumb at times!!!:001_huh: So far, we've been working on proper letter formation with dd (6.5) because she needed that remedial instruction. She is having some VT issues, so we are basically starting all over. Next we should be working on memorizing the phonograms. Right? The first 42 or so, and then we move onto the word list, while also continuing instruction on the remaining phonograms. My question is HOW exact do you teach the phonograms??? I'm sure it is right.there. in the book, but I am missing it. Is it showing her the phonogram, saying all the ways to sound it out, and having her repeat the sounds while writing the phonogram? In looking at the word list in the back of the book, there are times when I am supposed to say, "This word is spelled with the same 'er' sound as in 'nurse'. Or something similar. There is no way she will get that. She can not memorize that sentence AND be able to spell the words. So, is the premise of WRTR basically the memorization of the phonograms and their sounds? I have no good ideas on how to help her memorize them.
  10. Thank you for responding. My dd is also in VT and I know BIT will fit in nicely. So far, I've just looked up some exercises on YouTube and we started today. As soon as funds become available, I'll get the books.
  11. Yllek-yes, I'm hoping to add it in alongside of AAS. :001_smile: Hoping we get some more replies! Shelley-thanks for chiming in on both of my threads! I appreciate your input.
  12. My kids are younger, but we've had to take weeks 'off' from schooling heavy or going fun places to work on attitudes/chores. It means that for that week, after talking to them about expectations, I follow them around and do.not.let.them.get.away.with.anything. It's rough. On me. I don't use punishments or anything, so it's not a negative thing, it's just exhausting. So for example- We get up, and I do not allow them to leave their bedroom until 1. Beds are made 2. Jammie's are folded under pillow 3. 'Day clothes' are on. When they go to breakfast 1. They get their own plates, cups, and utensils. 2. If they are able the serve themselves breakfast. 3. When they are done, they clear their plate and put it into the sink. 4. They wipe their table spot and pick up any food that fell on the floor, wipe the floor down under their chair. They do not leave the kitchen until these things are done. And so on. I know my children have been taught the HOW part, they just need help remembering to stay in the habit. Usually a week of "boot camp" does the trick. I do not nag, punish, or lecture. I just point and say one or two 'cue' words-for example, "dish!" or "jammies!". They know what I'm talking about. For me, the biggest thing is to remember that it IS childish immaturity on their part, and not intentional. They just have a ton going on in their heads, and chores are not important to them like they are to me, kwim? They do not do it on purpose to aggravate me, though it can be easy to think that.:glare: I have to force myself to keep a calm, cool, and almost detached mentality about it. We do have chore charts, because the girls wanted some pocket money. However, the chores they get paid for are 'extra' and not required. They do them if they want spending money, which they always do. ;) They daily, picking up after themselves chores are required as members of our family. I think, if my kids were a bit older and I was being met with resistance, I might offer up a 'trade' system of sorts. If I do one of your expected chores, you get to do one of mine...which may be scrubbing toilets.;) Or, if I do one of your chores, I expect payment. They can decide to pay me or a sibling to do their chores, or save their money and do them. Of course this only works if you would be ok being paid to do their chores lol.
  13. Yes, I am trying to decide between Brain Gym and Dianne Crafts Brain Integration Therapy...Dianne's book is about twice as much though, so I was wondering if any others could comment on whether it was better/had more exercises/was about the same... Never thought about using YouTube! Off to search now... Thank you!:001_smile:
  14. Anyone have experience with it? I'm looking into getting a book on it, but I'm not sure which one...or if there is a website that shows the exercises I'd love to try some. Thanks!
  15. I know Dianne Craft has a book, and I've found this one as well http://www.child-1st.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CPL&Product_Code=STSP&Category_Code=EFM Has anyone ever used either one of these? Have they helped?
  16. Yay! Thank you all! I'm excited to look into some of the books recommended!
  17. THank you both! Yes, we have read a TON of Dahl books, she loves them as well. I always thought they were kind of...I don't know, dark? But she really enjoys them, so we've read I think 9-10 of them so far. I'm pretty sure I have the Tale of Desperaux (sp?) so I'll have to find it and try that one next! Rroberts707-Thanks for asking your daughter, those are great recommendations!
  18. What should we read next? Seriously, we started this today, and dd hasn't let me stop!!! I think I read half the book already! :001_smile: I'm enjoying it too, which is nice for a change lol. She also started listening to Black Beauty this morning on Librivox, and she loves that as well. She listened to nine chapters of that. ;) I would really love some recommendations for favorites you think she'd like!! Thanks!:D
  19. I'm trying to understand how exactly one does use a planner/lesson plans...so if you use them, what do you write? Is it something like, Monday - Lesson 3 in math? Or is it more detailed? I understand some people keep a record of what gets done for reporting purposes, but if you do it for your own reasons, why do you do it? I'm fascinated with planners, even though I can never seem to stick to them lol.
  20. I haven't done either so far. Mst of our curriculum is just 'do the next thing', so that's what we do. For example, we use Miquon...I counted out the number of pages in the two books we will use this year, and I know about how many we should get done weekly. Since we school year round, there is plenty of time to get everything done, and we are ahead in every subject minus reading (which has been out on hold due to VT). I'm ok with moving on to the next grade level one subject at a time, they dont all have to switch at the same time, kwim? I tried to make plans, but it was too hard to stick to them, :001_huh: so I just gave up and we do the next page/lesson in each book.
  21. This. I don't punish, but school/chores/and now vision therapy comes before play/tv/entertainment.
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