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Julie in GA

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Everything posted by Julie in GA

  1. ROCK Solid's price is even cheaper. You may want to check them out.
  2. Do you mean a copybook? I have a free HWT Anicnet one at Lulu.com. I did also see a post about creating your own free pages, but not one about actual pages you could just download.
  3. Is anyone using this without the workbook? I've been looking through it and it looks very doable without one. Am I wrong? Thanks for your advice,
  4. Yes -- the Famous Men Series are simpler. For grammar stage up to 6th grade we use "Famous Men." I've looked through Guerber, and it's definitely for logic stage & up.
  5. the 7th and 8th grade courses cover some topics that you may not want to miss (earth science, history of science & inventions, etc.) Why don't you check the website for the tables of contents for General Science (7th) and Physical Science (8th) and see if these things are important for you. Apologia Science My ds is in 8th grade. He finished Gen Science mid-way through the year. I was going to take it easy and just start him in Biology next year, but he wouldn't have it, so he's doing Physical Science now, at a faster pace. He'll be doing science into the summer, but he really enjoys it, so I'm glad we didn't skip anything. HTH,
  6. I was happy with the dress shoes we found at Sears for a wedding last year. (Super dressy.) For regular dress shoes (not black shiny ones) I either go to amazon.com when I have a gift certificate and check out the shoes, or go to Payless, Target or some place like that.
  7. Am I pregnant or what? The Prince Caspian trailer makes me cry!! Or does anyone else have this reaction? My 9yo ds, who is reading Caspian right now, just kept talking about all the things that weren't the "way they were in the book" while I was almost overcome emotionally. All in just 2 minutes. Needless to say we're all looking forward to the movie here. Even the 9yo.
  8. You're all quite welcome! If the lines aren't the right size for comfortable writing, please let me know.
  9. Yes -- I figured "graphe" was an error. "Gignosko" makes sense. That initial hard "g" must be pretty faint. I'll go listen again. Thanks!
  10. That explains that one. I thought Ian was making a blunder there. To be consistent, he still should have said "grapho" though, IMHO.
  11. Does this make sense? Courses: Omnibus III (Modern) Primary Readings - through Scholars Online program Secondary Readings - with me America: The Last Best Hope (to round out U.S. History) Classical Writing Diogenes (will also begin next level) Apologia Biology Latin 3 (Latin in the Christian Trivium, Vol. 3) French 1 Material Logic (1 semester) Algebra II (Foerster's) Transcript Omnibus Lit. studies + Classical Writing stuff = 1 English unit Omnibus History readings + America = 1 Soc Studies/History unit Could this be called "U.S. History/Government"? Biology = 1 science unit Algebra 2 = 1 math unit Latin and French = 2 foreign lang. units Logic = 1/2 unit, elective Total for 9th grade = 6.5 units Thanks for your comments/suggestions,
  12. At the 5th grade level we also add spelling, copywork, dictation & a bit of R&S grammar. Most of these items are only done once or twice per week.
  13. The Greek verb "I know" begins with gamma-iota, but on the Elem. Greek CD is pronouned "ignosko" instead of "ginosko." Is this correct? It does mention that an English derivative of this word is "agnostic," which has a closer pronunciation to what I heard on the CD. Did I miss a rule somewhere that gamma-iota is pronounced "ig" instead of "gi"? Thanks for your help,
  14. Use the link below to download a free copy. Ancient History Copybook, HWT Cursive
  15. has some grammar instruction. No snags here with a later start.
  16. For me, there were too many options. I kept thinking that maybe we were'nt reading the "best" one for a certain event, and should get another book. I also did not like the style of the author's narrative, but wasn't sure if we could have cohesion if I skipped the narrative and just did the readings. Like others have said, it depends on what you're looking for. If you have the money to spend, and want the list of resources, as well as some essay topic ideas at your fingertips, then it's worth buying.
  17. and just couldn't get enough of them. I also really like the Brambly Hedge series, but it might be more for a girl. There's also a fun picutre-book series about Anatole, a French mouse who becomes a secret cheese-taster in France, by Eve Titus. As a child, I read Anatole and Anatole and the Cat. Loved them!
  18. has this subscription you can get for the curriculum that is cheaper than buying the packaged curriculum. It includes all three levels. If you're not sure how to place them, you could get this subscription (it's still over $100, but not $200+ like the sets are) and let your dc find their places. Check out their website, rosettastone.com. I have not used this curriculum, so I'm not recommending it per se; just thought you'd want to know about the 3-level combo deal you can get. I hope you get some more help!
  19. So, are you moving in June? If you're doing the packing I would say yes, quit at least 2 weeks before the move and focus on packing. After you move, you may find you need the structure of school sooner than you think, but unpacking is different -- you don't have a deadline, just boxes to look at! We've been in limbo for 10 months now, with our house on the market. As soon as it sells we move (just to the other side of the city, but it's still a move).
  20. and I don't think we covered it in level 7, because for the first time all of those crazy sentences make sense now! You can also find diagrammed examples of objective complements and other forms at the following website: Diagramming Sentences
  21. Well, humor is a gift, and you had me laughing out loud with your post, so keep spreading posting! :)
  22. Some of you have asked about the HWT Cursive Ancients Copybook. I need to apologize, because I thought I had already published it. I just check yesterday, and saw that I've only published the manuscript version. I'll get this out within the week and will announce it on the board, with a link to a free downloadable copy. Thanks for asking, folks!
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