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  1. HWOT has been amazing for us. Havent used any of the others.
  2. sorry to derail, but what is WWS? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for all the help guys! So this was intriguing, where does one find these online courses? Ive used Khan but it's not very complete. my son needs stronger instruction than just mini-videos. He's got questions now i just can't answer. I'll be sure to hit up my state homeschool association too. Thanks! Thanks!
  4. Hi everyone, How does one go about finding a co-op in my area? I'm entering math that my son would be better off learning from a tutor or maybe a co-op group gathering. Any thoughts on how I should proceed? Thanks!
  5. My son was born in October, 2000 and is in the 6th grade, but he is on the "younger side" in his grade.
  6. My kids love HWT, and I see no reason not to let your kid explore it if he wants to jump in. Why not?
  7. Hey guys, Anyone know how to get a list of all the answers for the exercises under the videos? I copied problems from these exercises to use in a test. Thanks.
  8. From a purely handwriting perspective, my kid had poor handwriting too. We started HWT and his writing has dramatically improved in just under a month. Just an idea if you haven't tried it yet.
  9. Hey 2cents, where did you find this? Do you know if they have these lessons for The Hobbit? Thanks!
  10. 1. How long have you been homeschooling? This is our first year, started 3 weeks ago. 2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use? Classical/Secular with my own personal twist. 3. Why do you homeschool? I have a job that allows me to provide the education my kids deserve. The public school system is crap, at least in our area it is. 4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling? Atelier Art. Just sold it on eBay. 5. What was the best money you have ever spent? I love all the English curriculum I've purchased so far (list in sig). 6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you? Atelier. SOTW is OK, but I find it lacking in the areas I believe kids could really benefit. It's as if each topic skirts around the more important facts of whatever period we're studying and focuses on arbitrary or non-critical subjects within the time period. 7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't? I was skeptical of WWE, AAS and FLL at first. But now I'm fully supportive and love each one. Even though AAS requires a lot of hands-on, it's worth it. The jury is still out on Killgallon. We're still "chunking" in week 3 and it's becoming boring for my kid. Hoping it picks up speed soon. 8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out? Relax. I created my schedule and added a pre-season week to the school year. This allows you to make mistakes the first week and make changes. Keep reminding yourself the first week, "this is pre-season and doesn't count". Allow yourself to make mistakes the first week and make needed adjustments. 9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles? I haven't ran into this problem. 10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! Have fun!
  11. I run a soccer academy with over 80 families and a staff of coaches. I'm also a screenwriter, make meetings and get my writing done as needed. I HS 7 hours a day. MY answer is, I have NO idea how I do it. I just get it done.
  12. We just started lfc too. I have an 8 and 10 year old. We're enjoying it. The key is to SLOW DOWN. We work it three days a week and do one chapter every 6 days (two weeks). We also use the CD in the car for chants wherever we go and also watch the DVD during lunch. Also, I've found writing out your own flashcards helps. Took us 6 one-hour lessons to get through chapter 1. It's not easy, but it's doable. I keep a keen eye on their happiness. I want them to enjoy the process. The moment the frustration sets in, we slow down.
  13. The whole time I'm reading your post I'm wondering, why don't you tell him no, go sit with your friends. You can always sit with your parents, but rarely is there time to sit with your friends. This is not about his preference, it's about being in charge and helping him discover that it's not always going to be perfect when you are around your peers, but it's essential to development. I personally think you're letting him run the show. He can sit with you all day during HS, but when friends are around, you (the parent) should be off limits. This is his time to discover the potential of his wings.
  14. The Ricardez Institute of Higher Learning (My kids like X-Men)
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