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Raising Little Shoots

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Posts posted by Raising Little Shoots

  1. I have not read all the posts in this thread, so forgive me if this has already been discussed.


    My daughters & I enjoy spinning & knitting & we dabble in natural dyeing. Have you considered using a natural dyeing resource?


    Pinks & greens can be quite elusive colours to obtain. Green are just hard to get from plants & the pinks, whilst available from berries tend not to be lightfast & can fade in as little as a day.

    I am planting madder seeds this year, but it will take a few years before I can dig them up & use the roots to get red (therefore pink) I would recommend cochineal bugs for pink, if you are comfortable with that. (easy to source online)

    Green was historically derived from woad overdyed with (off the top of my head) with weld (in the UK) google 'Lincoln Green'


    of course, I am speaking here about wool dyeing & not paints, but it may give you some starting places with colour.

  2. After reading threads on the forums, I am rethinking how we 'do' science here.


    Please keep in mind I am completely ignorant of even the most basic things when it comes to science.....


    I would like to really focus on the scientific method this year, via earth & space science...I have two daughters aged 7 & 10


    I have just purchased this book:


    Teaching Science With Interactive Notebooks



    And the idea of these notebooks is delicious! Exploration, interest led, projects based.


    -I would not be able to 'teach' science this way - as I am no scientist, so would need to reply on a text as my spine - so how could I combine these two ideas? Does anyone have thoughts to offer on this?


    (I have already purchased REAL science earth & space)


    Thanks for reading!

  3. Following threads by lewelma has proved really interesting to me. I have *zero* science knowledge & would like to spend time learning about the scientific method. Has anyone resources they would recommend for me / the kiddo's?


    I have ordered:


    How to Think Like a Scientist: Answering Questions by the Scientific Method





    Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method



  4. Hello Lisa


    I live in England. The law here is very 'pro' HS, however different LA's (local authorities) interpret the law in different ways.

    You would not actually need to have contact with the LA, as you are not withdrawing a child from our school system.

    You can see more info here

    There is a strong HS community in the UK (and of course lots of wonderful places to visit!) Of course there are many different types of HS's here as there are families, but the unschooling community seems to be particularly strong (I am not unschooling)


    Please let me know if I can answer any more questions.

  5. My dd turned 7 in September. I only began to teach her reading /writing / maths when she turned 6. She now writes in cursive. But, then, I would not have had her in a co-op like the one you describe. (though she would have been at home with the scissors & glue!)


    Did the parents realise their young children needed to be able to write when they signed up? Could the activities be adapted?


    I feel very strongly that it is wrong to question whether these little children would be better off in school because they are not yet reading or writing.

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