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Raising Little Shoots

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Posts posted by Raising Little Shoots

  1. Hello there!

    I am wondering if anyone has daughters of a similar age to my own who would like to be penfriends?


    My girls are aged 5 (almost 6) & 8 yrs respectively. They enjoy being outdoors & nature study, drawing, painting, creating (they both spin & knit)

    They love their pets (a dog & a cat)

    We have followed a CM style homeschool thus far & I am planning to introduce more WTM ideas - I think it would be super for them to be able to write to someone who enjoys a similar education as they do.

    We are a Christian family, but we do not regularly attend church (though we do have a lovely church who make us very welcome when we visit!)


    We are English & live in the NW of England.


    Thank you for reading!

  2. My PTSD is a major factor in my lack of faith, but despite not having faith, I have CHOSEN to structure my education around Christian materials and to follow the Christian holiday structure. The rhythm and structure are dependable and comfortable to me. I tried goddess based paganism for a bit, but after reading the Bible studies at abigails.org I was able to make peace with a patriarchal religion again.



    I really am inspired by your personal study & this part really surprised me! I had read your signature & assumed you were a Christian.

    I am a Christian, but I do not think i am your 'regular' Christian! I have a lot more questions than i have answers & I do not particularly share my faith, unless people ask. (Then I can talk & talk! lol!)

    One of the things I would like to study one day is the religion / faith of the early Britons (I am English) I find it so interesting - how people would relate to a Higher Power when they lived in the forests, reliant on the seasons, sun & stars etc. Nowadays we are so far removed from these things with electricity at our fingertips & a supermarket full of groceries in our towns.

  3. Hello there


    I am setting out on a journey of formal self education. (I have always self educated, just did not plan & give it a formal title) :)


    I am wondering if there are any online groups out there dedicated to this topic?

    Any groups here on WTM? (I am new here, so not yet familiar)

    A place to discuss ideas, book, curriculum, motivation etc?


    thank you for reading!

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