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Raising Little Shoots

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Posts posted by Raising Little Shoots

  1. The words I like are the ones a few people have used in responses - engaging and interesting. "Fun" makes it sound like you have to be on on ON all the time and lessons have to end with a cupcake or a slip n slide or an explosion or something. Sure, a few science lessons with explosions are nice :D but it's hardly necessary often. But sitting and talking about things, telling stories, experimenting, asking questions and generally enjoying learning should be the norm in my opinion. That doesn't mean there won't be boring days, or things the kids slog through out of necessity as well - and there's nothing wrong with some of that in my opinion. But I do think it's our job as educators to make learning - as I said before - engaging and interesting.




    It is great to have fun, but I try to work out ways to keep my girls engaged & interested in our studies.

    I keep a journal in which i make quick notes about my girls & their schooling - things they say, questions they have etc etc. I try to read through this each week as I do my planning for the next week. Helps to keep my focused & keep them as engaged as I possibly can (it is a learning process for me as much as them!)

  2. Hello all.

    I have come to the forum as I have just ordered a copy of WTM & I am researching this method for our homeschool. We currently use mainly CM methods, which appear to mesh with WTM (I need to read the book!)

    kind regards

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