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Raising Little Shoots

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Posts posted by Raising Little Shoots

  1. I am looking into beginning Latin with my children & the whole Classical / Ecclesiastical thing is really throwing me!


    From what I can gather -

    no one uses 'Classical' anymore - except when you get to high school??


    The main differences are in the vowels. It is pretty easy (?) to learn the classical vowels once the child is older and knows latin well. - But why would you want to? Why would you want to study a language, knowing that you will need to switch a lot of your learning once the child (& parent!) has got to grips with it???



    what am i missing? :001_huh:

  2. thank you for your reply.

    I have looked briefly at Write and Read & was utterly confused by what I would need to purchase!

    I need to spend some free time reading about this program.


    Thank you again Kalmia

  3. What would you recommend as the most thorough spelling curric?

    I have always been a terrible speller, having been taught in the most strange way in Britain in the '70's :confused:


    I am looking for a thorough, logical curric.

    We have begun with Spelling Workout & I have no problems with it & will finish the book, but i am looking around at other options. Apples & pears seems to be a good option.


    I would really like to get some opinions.

    Thank you!

  4. I have two girls & we are new to WTM.

    We have our curric. up & running & is going well. I was thinking of introducing Latin for my 8 yo, using GSWL.

    We have only just begun to study grammar (1st language lessons book 1) so would it be a better idea to wait until she has a better grasp on English grammar? I am wondering if that is the reason Latin is introduced in G3, or if it is another reason?

  5. What a wise momma you are. You're on exactly the right track. Consistency and routine are your friends.


    Give your 8 y.o. lots of patience and time for her reading skills to catch up. Keep meeting her at her level and moving her along.




    Oh, thank you Cat - thank you for your encouragment - I struggle massively with guilt (endless story, down to the relationship with my own mother. Sigh)

    Anyhow, 5 yo is watching me type & she is wanting to add lots of smilies, so over to her! lol!

    :iagree: :auto: :lurk5: :lol: :grouphug: :D

  6. Please take this well. I say it because I genuinely care about you and your children....

    Inconsistent is probably the worst thing you can be. You will need to toughen yourself up a bit. You have to think beyond loving them so much that you want to give in... all the way deep down to loving them so much you don't give in.



    thank you Angela, I agree 100%


    My 5 yo has actually built up her workload gradually over the last couple of months. I really dont think either of them are doing too much - in fact, going by WTM, they could be doing more

    It is my mind I need to change. You have been really helpful, thank you!

  7. <I think the "grammar-stage" years are intensive for the teacher>


    As for the inconsistency - when I first started using TWTM as a guide, my son was in grade 1. I had the unschooling mentality before that, and I wanted to do all sorts of different things with him. So, it was a months-long adjustment for me to filter some things out of my mind and make academic skills more of a priority. After I got that settled in my mind and translated into daily routine, then I could somewhat go "inconsistent" again - meaning, still do the daily academic stuff, but not mind getting side-tracked into an interesting conversation with my child, or into a fun project.



    thank you Colleen, this is spot on. In the back of my mind I am thinking, oh, this is so dry they must be hating it :confused:

    But, I have to keep my eye on the goal - because without these skills, they are not going to have a classical education.

    Thank you again

  8. My 5th grade English teacher had us memorize a list of what he called "the very words". I really wish I could get a hold of that list because it was fantastic. They were things like "massive = very big", "lethargic = very tired", and so on. He told us that he didn't want to ever see the word "very" in our writing, and any time we wanted to use it, we should consult the "very words" list to come up with a stronger adjective.


    oh, I would love a list like this too!


    I use Peter & Jane books with my own DC. These were the books I used at school as a little girl.

  9. Ha! Let me explain myself further...

    when it comes to reading, my 8 yo is 'behind'. I know she will 'catch up', but following TWTM is more intensive for me, as I have to be with her for pretty much everything.


    As for soft, perhaps that was the wrong word to use. Inconsistent, may be a better choice. My heart strings can easily be pulled, leading to inconsistency.


    My aim is to follow a classical path & to do so I will need to develop a tougher skin & increase my consistency.


    thank you myfunnybunch & Ester Marie for your thoughts & reassurance!

  10. I have two daughters with whom I have just begun to follow WTM.

    They are aged 5 & 8. Whilst I have always had 'structured' homeschool, it has been nothing like WTM & I after reading WTM, I now feel they are 'behind'. I don't feel too bothered by this (except for when i break out in a cold sweat in the middle of the night!!!)

    We have begun to follow my version of WTM & I am really pleased with how things are going. But I have learned a lot about myself so far - I am quite 'soft' - I want them to have fun - & this isnt always fun. No one has protested yet - but it is only time.

    Please may I ask for thoughts on this from other classical homeschoolers. I can see that my children will get a much better education if I am following a method of this sort. (Than what I was doing previously)

    How do I toughen up? How do you keep focused?

    Advice & thoughts welcomed.

  11. this is a really interesting thread!


    our 5th day is much more relaxed - spelling test, reading from each childs reader, then we do an art project & our nature study in the morning & after lunch meet up with homeschool friends for knitting & play :)

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