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Raising Little Shoots

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Posts posted by Raising Little Shoots

  1. i have decided to buy MM for my two girls this year & I am waiting for it to go on sale on the Kagi store.


    Please could someone give me an idea of how it works out?

    Is it clearly laid out into lessons? If so, how many pages are usually done per day? Is there a set pattern to the week?



  2. hello fellow knitter ;)


    we didn't complete GSWL - we only began it a couple of months ago & whilst my dd was compliant in completing the work, it was a real chore. I was researching where to go when we finished GSWL & decided to just stop & go straight on to LL. She loves history, so i am hoping she will find more joy in her latin studies with LL


    thanks for your reply!

  3. I have just bought LLB1 for my daughter who will be 10 in December.

    Previously we were using Getting started with Latin & a separate grammar curriculum.

    For those who use LL do you have a separate grammar curriculum, or do you find LL enough. I am thinking it would be super to combine the two.



  4. hello there


    I have a wee girl who is 6 in two weeks time.I also have an older daughter. in spring I began to do more 'formal' work with my 5 yo & she was very much like you are describing your own daughter. I just explained to her that she had her work to do & her time was not her own until she had done it. I just work on the principle that if she was in school, she would be required to do a lot more seat work etc.


    Now she sails through her work. Oh, sometimes she will say she doesnt like something, but she knows she has to do it & then her time is free.

    I suppose it depends upon your own educational philosophy - for example, some dont start more academics until 7. I have just switched us over to classical, & this is the way forward for us as a family.


    I try to get as much movement into her learning as possible - she marches, claps, jumps through memory work. We have a jar with little paper strips that she choses from after she has done some table time (one example of the strips - walk like a bear - that sort of thing) She also gets breaks from her work, as I work one on one with her older sister.


    I tend to keep our 'timetable' the same each day so she knows what is required (except fridays - we have school 'lite' on fridays!)



  5. I have *just* begun WRTR this week with my 2 girls - an almost 6 yo & an 8 1/2 yr old.


    My 8.5 yo is what I would call a struggling reader.


    Both girls are currently working through The Reading Lesson We have been taking approx one week for each 'lesson'

    5 yo is just over 1/2 way through the book, 8.5 yo is up to the last lesson.


    This is my question...having just begun WRTR, do I continue with the reading lesson for the 5 yo?

    I feel i have badly let down 8 yo - she cannot read fluently, so I am very nervous about letting my 5 yo down. Teaching her to read is a very different experience to teaching 8 yo to read. She picks things up much quicker.


    DD 8 is getting stronger, but, for example here is a sentence she tripped up over yesterday -


    "I like looking up at the night sky."


    the word that tripped her up? - 'at'


    how can that be?????


    Anyhow, looking forward to thoughts on WRTR. I think also my concern is that will i be able to get it all from the book - & not miss out key parts. My confidence is really shook.


    Thanks for reading.

  6. oh, golly, I used so much ink on this one! I am in the UK so I bought the workbooks for my two girls & printed out the teacher pages. I also printed out the first lot of copymasters, but I didnt do that again, as i havent used most of them so far, so in the future will just print those as I need them..

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