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Raising Little Shoots

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Posts posted by Raising Little Shoots

  1. Do any of you do this?

    I kept a school journal last year,which is great to look back on. Over summer I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the education I am giving to my children and how that could improve. Going forward I think reflective journaling would be a great practice for me as a tool to help improve my teaching (and parenting!)

  2. I have just finished reading 'Deconstructing Penguins' and I found it to be a very interesting read.

    I found the recommendation to read 'Animal Farm' with younger children surprising! Has anyone read & discussed this book with their 4th/5th graders? I would have thought the themes discussed were too adult, but perhaps I am wrong...


    I also wondered about the discussions with children. From what I understood of DP, the discussion was after the book had been read. When reading with your own children, would it be easier to discuss as you read along, or with these type of 'detective' questions, best left until the end.


    I hope this isn't too vague....I have not yet fully processed this book in my own brain!

  3. Nor were we.


    I taught the children in my little one-room school to draw one line through a mistake, then write the correct word. And I only allowed them to make three mistakes on a piece of paper; after that they had to rewrite the whole page. I'm such a meany, lol, but it required them to think carefully about what they were writing.


    I like this very much

  4. Just updating the thread with the purchase of a fountain pen (with violet ink - her favourite colour :) )

    I have purchased a disposable at the recommendation of Strawberrymama. That way she can get a feel for nib width & such before I invest in a lovely pen as part of her birthday gift (December)

    I am going to focus on *less* required writing - but it must be her *best* effort. (Anything else can be done on the computer until this issue is resolved.)


    Coincidentally I have also just bought a lovely journal for her to use as a commonplace book - to record quotes from books she is reading. Would it be best if she copies a print model, or should I make a model in the required 'hand' for her to copy from, until her writing improves?


    Thank you again :)

  5. I spent a year in Germany in 11th grade. Our teachers would not allow us to turn in anything that wasn't written in fountain pen. I wrote a lot of letters home in a cursive hand, and everyone talked about how beautiful my handwriting had become! I asked for a fountain pen as a going away gift because I loved using them so much.


    I think I'll switch over my kids as a reward when they finish their current cursive learning books. Maybe I'll switch me back over!



    What a lovely testimony to the fountain pen. I am now utterly convinced (Thank you Ellie!) that it will help to improve the writing of my dd :)

  6. Hands down best diagramming resource IMO:  Drawing Sentences by Montoux.  I will say the book does not include much in the way of grammar explanations, the reader is supposed to come in with basic grammar knowledge.  


    Another option is The First Whole Book of Diagrams, but this book does not go very far in terms of complexity.  It is good for younger children though.  They sell it at RR and probably on amazon too.


    Here is Montoux's website, which has lots of examples on the basics of sentence diagramming. 


    Thank you Monica. I will look at those. I did not learn any diagramming as part of my own education, so I really need hand holding!

  7. I bought and just worked through R&S Sentence Practice. Diagramming sentences wasn't part of my education. So I needed a crash course and this worked. I also read Sister Bernadette's Dog. It's a cute and nostalgic history of sentence diagramming. Believe it or not, originally they used balloons.


    That is encouraging that someone else has done this!

    Off to look at those resources..

  8. I was on the GWG website the other day and I noticed they had something calling Digging into Diagramming I think. You might want to check it out. :)


    This is the one I *really* want, but it costs $40 to ship to England :(

  9. Well I use Mary Daly First Book of Diagramming I find that it works great as a reference along side our grammar work. The back of the book teaches the concepts and then gives the pages to the front where the diagrams are shown. I think there is a workbook to this but I'm not sure.



    That is the one SWB recommends, but it is difficult to get hold of in the UK. But I will research ;) Thank you

  10. Check out English Grammar Revolution. She might have something that works for you and I think her things can be purchased as downloads. I have used her website, but not purchased her products.



    That looks good too! Thank you for the recommendation.

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