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Woodland Mist Academy

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Everything posted by Woodland Mist Academy

  1. Week 2: Here we go again! Hope the weekend included study, rest, and a little (or a lot ;) ) of fun for everyone. One week down, one to go! ( :grouphug: to those dealing with illness or disappointments.)
  2. :svengo: So glad everything was OK! I hope she was able to keep calm and carry on!
  3. Good luck to both of you!! Hope everything goes smoothly!
  4. :laugh: and :crying: Suddenly I feel grateful that we still have a couple more cycles of AP exams! So bittersweet... This too shall pass...
  5. Yes to the bolded!!! I am already daydreaming about our post AP Exam browsing at the bookstore!
  6. Besides, it's always good to be prepared in case the fairies drop in for tea...
  7. Absolutely! There's no way anyone can prepare precisely for the details of each and every stressful event. It sounds like she is doing the right things -- planning, eating well, exercising, taking time for fun. The final push of the year can be so tough... It sounds like she's pulling through, though. Sometimes surviving, learning, and becoming stronger are what we need to keep our focus on -- especially if everything else falls from our line of sight... Just keep swimming. It may sound trite, but sometimes in times of deep stress it's all we can do. One stroke, one breath at a time.
  8. Oh happy day! :hurray: ETA: Not today, obviously... at least not the beginning of it... I meant the second part and more importantly THE MAKEUP DAY!! What a relief!
  9. https://annetaintor.com/products/magnets/sku01211/
  10. :iagree: We have friends that don't understand why my teen does AP classes and exams when the classes at the local CC and the local 4-year-uni (highly-ranked and well-regarded) are both easier and a much surer bet for college credit. (To be honest, the last two weeks in April and the first two weeks in May, I always wonder myself! ;) ) CLEP would also be a much easier route for credit. In the end, it's not all about the credit for everyone.
  11. We would. College credit is just a bonus for us, not the main incentive. ETA: Even now we know some people who take AP classes, but decide not to sit for the exam.
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope you find some light in the darkness... Please keep us posted!! :grouphug:
  13. Just a thought... Depending on your lifestyle/decorating style, these could be enjoyed every day by having them sitting out somewhere -- tarnish and all. Definitely depends on the overall vibe of your kitchen/dining room, though. You could then polish them when you plan to use them, but enjoy them "as is" the rest of the time.
  14. Oh no! :grouphug: to you both! Wishing her a speedy recovery!
  15. They're also great for ice cream floats.
  16. Stainless would probably be what I'd choose. The ones you posted are pretty, but given the tarnish and unknown composition, I might keep looking. Unless, of course, you don't mind a bit of extra upkeep.
  17. I agree with your thoughts that they are possibly a bit too bright for your dishes. I also wonder if they would compete with the dishes. I would probably go with one of the other options you mention. I have a mix of patterns (including some portmeirion botanic garden) and my butter knives are stainless, but white or acrylic mother-of-pearl would also work well. The ones you posted might be better suited for Fiestaware or something similar. I agree with the others, though, get what makes you happy. The colors are fun and it looks like a nice set.
  18. Trying to explain anything to someone in the throes of studying for AP Exams should be undertaken only after giving due consideration to the risks involved. No one on this thread accepts any responsibility for the resultant tantrums, eye-rolls, slamming of books (or doors) which may come as a result of such explanations. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.
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